I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1157: Destruction sequel

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"Stop me..."

Seeing that Yu Sheng ignored him, but ran towards the outside frantically, the horse's face was also furious, and he immediately yelled, and his body moved towards Yu Sheng as fast as lightning.

The speed of the rest of his life is extremely fast, especially after each attribute value has been increased by 1 point, the speed of the rest of his life has been accelerated again, and now the combat effectiveness of the rest of his life has also been greatly improved.

Don't look at only a small 1 point improvement, but this 1 point improvement is also very different.

The rest of his life ran wildly, the horse face chasing behind, but the distance between the rest of his life and the horse face was still gradually pulling apart, and his face was full of anger.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the rumbling sound resounded in the cave. For a time, the entire cave shook. This somewhat swaying cave shocked everyone in the laboratory.

"What's the matter? Why did the cave shake suddenly? Could it be an earthquake?"

"Impossible, this is not an earthquake zone, how could there be an earthquake suddenly?" someone hurriedly asked.

"No, it's not an earthquake, it's a destruction device, shift, who is it, where is the bastard, who actually pressed the destruction device, let's run and get out of here quickly, it will collapse soon."

For a while, the man couldn't help but screamed, and immediately rushed to the outside. Everyone present also put down their things in their hands and ran outside in a panic.

Destroy the device.

How could they not know.

Once the destruction device is pressed, all the data here will be deleted. More than that, this cave will be destroyed. This destruction device is also to deal with foreign enemies. When it is not a last resort, no one will use it. No I thought that the destruction device was actually used here today.

"What about Dr. James? Where is Dr. James?"

At this time, someone couldn’t help shouting. Obviously they all know that only Dr. James has this authority, and only he can open the door of the mechanical heart, and only he can operate this destruction device. Since the destruction device is destroyed, yes Eight or nine times, it is possible that Dr. James did it.

"Damn, what happened, why did you suddenly press the destruction device? And there is no sign of it yet."

"Is it because an enemy cannot invade?"

All kinds of yelling and scolding echoed each other, but their speed was not slow, and they rushed to the outside world quickly. Their cave is very large, and it is not easy to get out for a while, plus there are so many people. .

At this time, Yu Sheng also came to this crowd. Yu Sheng followed the crowd and squeezed out quickly. The speed of Yu Sheng was also very fast. In addition, he was very powerful, and few people could squeeze him.

For the rest of his life, he ran quickly.

In a short while, all these people were thrown out. At this time, these doors were all opened one after another. Obviously these were masterpieces of people outside, and they obviously opened these doors to escape their lives. of.

Soon, Yu Sheng arrived in front of the cave. Yu Sheng looked at the front, and there was a door in front of him, which blocked his way.

And in front of this gate, there were several figures, all of them panicked.

"Broken, broken. Only Dr. James has the key to this door. We can't open it at all."

"Damn, how could this be like this..." Someone couldn't help but yelled and yelled, "What the **** did Dr. James do? Why did he press the destruction device? Doesn't he know that once the destruction device is pressed, we will be buried alive. Is it here?"

"Damn, damn..."

The people present all yelled, their eyes were filled with endless anger, but panic gradually climbed into their eyeballs.

They are all scientists who are studying great inventions with Dr. James. They are also a bunch of lunatics, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

Now, the cave is about to bury them here, how can they not be afraid, how can they not panic?



"Who can open this **** door, this **** door..."

Yu Sheng quickly came to the gate. Yu Sheng saw the gate and even steel made of steel, and it was so thick that it could even withstand a missile attack.

What Yu Sheng didn't expect was that he was stuck here, and Yu Sheng's complexion became a little unpleasant. If the cave collapsed, even he couldn't guarantee whether he could get out of here alive.

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, and he was looking for a way to get out of here.

"By the way, what does this key look like?"

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked the people around him quickly.

"It's a humanoid key." Someone quickly explained.

"Humanoid key?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, he frowned, and he looked at the gate carefully. At this time, the cave was shaking more and more severely, and even rocks had begun to roll down. I'm afraid that if you can't hold on for two minutes, the cave will be complete. The collapse, then all of them will be buried here alive.

This caused the people present to become more and more panicked and nervous.

Yu Sheng looked at this door carefully, he saw a keyhole, Yu Sheng glanced at the keyhole deeply, his complexion became serious.

At that time, he killed Dr. James and did not search for Dr. James’s body, but according to his thoughts, even if he searched for Dr. James’s body, he was unlikely to find the case, because if it looks too small, it is extremely inconvenient to put it on the body. .

Therefore, in order to study things, Dr. James will never put things on his body easily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But how to get out now?

"Found it, I found the key."

At this moment, a figure quickly ran towards this side, and as this figure ran to everyone's side, all the people present looked happy and hurriedly said: "Quick, open the door. "

"By the way, how did you find the key? What about Dr. James?"

"Dr. James was killed." The man hurriedly said.


This remark caused an uproar. Many of the people present changed their faces. No one thought that Dr. James would be killed. How could this be possible?

Could it be that an enemy entered their base and failed? But how is this possible? Their bases have all gone through strict secrecy. Everyone who enters here will have to go through layers of screening, but it never expected that someone would even get into the base and kill Dr. James.

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