I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1159: Battle black and white impermanence

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Ma Mian spit out blood on the spot, Ma Mian looked a little pale and looked towards Yu Sheng, his eyes were filled with a thick shock and inconceivability.

"How can it be?"

Ma Mian looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. You must know that he belongs to the top soldier king. Although he is not as powerful as the black and white impermanence, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

I never expected that I would have no strength to fight back in front of the rest of my life. Is this unreasonable? Moreover, he vaguely felt that he had become stronger for the rest of his life.


Prior to this, the rest of his life had been injured by the black and white impermanence. Logically speaking, these injuries will also inevitably affect the rest of his life and cause a slight delay in the rest of his life.


For the rest of my life at this moment, it was as if nothing had happened. For a while, this made Ma's face extremely ugly...

For the rest of his life, he looked at the black and white impermanence indifferently, and he smiled coldly. If he changed to the previous one, it would not have been so easy to win the horse face, but his attribute value increased by 1 point. The difference of 1 point is not one and a half. The further this goes, even the slightest difference here is vastly different.

Yu Sheng looked cold, he stared faintly at the horse face, the next moment, Yu Sheng shot again, he did not let the horse face plan, he killed the bull head, the horse face always wanted to kill himself, Yu Sheng had already noticed it, so, I have to kill this guy anyway.

After all, this was being kept secretly stared at by a top soldier king. This was not a good thing, and maybe this guy would give himself a fatal blow, so he had to kill it anyway.

Yu Sheng's dagger pierced the horse face's neck fiercely. When the horse face saw this, he was shocked. He couldn't avoid this sting. He was a master. The moment Yu Sheng locked him, he could detect the rest of his life. intention.

However, the more so, the more he felt terrible for the rest of his life.

I can detect it, but I still can't escape this blow. What is this concept? At least the rest of his life is stronger than himself in this combat power, I don't know how many times.

For a while, the back of the horse's face was wet, and the horse's face looked at Yu Sheng with fear. At this moment, he was finally scared.

In this world, there is no one who is not afraid of death. Although some people are not afraid of death on the surface, if they can not die, how can they die?

"Do not……"

The horse roared.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed a whistling sound. The sudden whistling sound changed Yu Sheng's expression. The dagger that originally pierced the horse's face also changed its direction at this moment. Yu Sheng's body was rolling in the air. After a while, it landed steadily on the ground.

At this time, Ma Mian was slightly taken aback, because he didn't understand why he would stop suddenly for the rest of his life and did not continue to attack himself.

But then, this made the horse's face a happy expression.

Yu Sheng looked behind him dignifiedly. There were two figures standing together, and their eyes revealed a little sharpness.

This black and white figure looks so weird.

"Black and white impermanence..."

Yu Sheng murmured.

At this time, Bai Wuchang glanced at the horse's face on the ground and snorted, "Trash."

Bai Wuchang once again set his gaze on Yu Sheng, and Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng with a grim expression, and said with a cold expression: "Yu Sheng, this approach of yours has disappointed me."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he laughed blankly, and said faintly: "Is it disappointed? No, for me, I am not disappointed, on the contrary, I am very happy."

Bai Wuchang said coldly: "Can you tell me why?"

Yu Sheng said lightly: "There is no why."

"Because I am from Huaxia, Huaxia people would rather die on your knees than succumb, let alone I am a special soldier of China, how could I really take refuge in you."

"What's more... Your yin is a kid in the dark, and you can never get on the stage. If you can really come out and act in an open manner, I will admire you too, but do you dare?"

"To put it bluntly, you are nothing more than a bunch of stinky mice."

Yu Sheng shook his head and stared at Bai Wuchang lightly.

When Bai Wuchang heard this, his complexion became a little unpleasant. Bai Wuchang thought he could bring Yu Sheng here and make Yu Sheng succumb. Of course, he would never believe in Yu Sheng so easily. Unexpectedly, the thing he didn't want to see the last thing happened.

The laboratory was destroyed, this time he would have to bear a great responsibility, or he would be punished in the eyes of his eyes. For a time, Bai Wuchang's murderous intent became even stronger.

Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng firmly. He took a deep breath and said faintly: "Isn't it good to join the Yinsi? Although we can't see the light, it doesn't mean that nobody is afraid of us. You can ask about this world." Is there anyone here who doesn’t fear us."

Yu Sheng glanced at Bai Wuchang and shook his head slightly. As Bai Wuchang said, there are indeed many people who are afraid of them, but...because of this, many people want to get rid of Yinsi. .

For the rest of my life, I don't want to get on the thief ship of Yinsi.

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "You are right, but...I still don't want to join you, because in my opinion, you are all criminals."

"The world always needs someone like me."

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng, his eyes surged with killing intent, Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng ruthlessly, with killing intent surge.

"very good."

Bai Wuchang chuckled and said: "If this is the case, then I can only take your head and go with it, and ruin the Yinsi experimental base. Even if you return to China, you will definitely die, my Yinsi~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will never let you go so easily."

"Success to death."

Bai Wuchang yelled violently, and immediately afterwards, he slammed towards Yu Sheng with a punch.

Bai Wuchang didn't have so many tricks, so he slammed it through with one punch. This punch was quick and accurate, very overbearing, and didn't give the rest of his life a chance at all.

Facing Bai Wuchang's punch, Yu Sheng did not hesitate at all, but directly greeted him with the most positive attitude. Obviously, facing Bai Wuchang, Yu Sheng also had the confidence to fight.

Bai Wuchang noticed this scene, and Bai Wuchang was also slightly taken aback. He was a little surprised. For the rest of his life, it seemed that he had become more courageous, and he even dared to face himself in this most positive posture.

It's really interesting, you know, for so many years, few people dare to face him head-on.

Most of the people who confronted him head-on have already died in his hands.

Thinking of this, there was a sneer between the corners of Bai Wuchang's mouth.

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