I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1160: Shock the audience

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Under Bai Wuchang's playful gaze, the fists of the two collided fiercely, but...in this moment...

Bai Wuchang suddenly noticed a very terrifying force. This force, powerful and domineering, followed his arm and was driven into his body.

The face that was originally jokes stopped abruptly at this moment, and then turned into a shocking color.


For a moment, Bai Wuchang took a few steps back, and Bai Wuchang looked at Yu Sheng with a horrified expression, with a deep sense of disbelief and inconceivability.


Bai Wuchang was a little surprised.

He never expected that the fighting power for the rest of his life would be so strong? How can it be? When he played against Yu Sheng before, he could feel that Yu Sheng was not as strong as he imagined. At most, he was a top-notch soldier, similar to Ma Mian, but...

The collision of this punch made him feel that he was very strong for the rest of his life. It seemed that this guy had hidden his true strength? But is this possible?

If this guy hid his true strength and deliberately let them bring him here, then it would be a little scary.

Bai Wuchang's thoughts were fleeting, Bai Wuchang took a breath, and he looked at the rest of his life before him in shock, no longer the previous contempt.

The rest of his life now is enough to attract his attention.

"You really surprised me."

Bai Wuchang said in a deep voice.

Yu Sheng shook his fist when he heard the words, and chuckled: "A half-infantry emperor-level master is indeed worthy of a half-infantry emperor-level master. It is really amazing. Seeing it today, Sansheng was fortunate."


Seeing Yu Sheng said this, Bai Wuchang snorted coldly.

"But...today, you still have to stay here." Bai Wuchang said coldly.

After all, this is their branch. If they can't kill the rest of their lives, then these people should not live, even if they return to the headquarters, the people in the headquarters will probably kill them directly.

So many people are inferior to one person, that is waste, and the Yin Division never raises waste.


Hearing this, Yu Sheng laughed blankly, looked at Bai Wuchang lightly, and calmly said: "It depends on whether you are so capable..."


Bai Wuchang was furious, and once again killed him towards Yu Sheng. This time, Bai Wuchang made a fierce move, without the slightest remaining hands. This attack, the horse face on the side was frightened.

Hei Wuchang stared coldly at the scene in front of him, as if the battle between Bai Wuchang and Yu Sheng had nothing to do with him.

Following the battle, at this time, the two violently retreated a few steps again. Obviously, the two punched each other one after another. This punch was not small.

Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng with a green face. He didn't expect Yu Sheng's strength to be so strong. You must know that he is a super master at the half-infantry emperor level. This combat power is definitely not to be underestimated, but what about the rest of his life? This guy actually has the same combat power as him, and even this combat power is even stronger than him.

How can this be?

Such a young boy, even if he trains in the womb, can't be so tough, right?

"You don't seem to be able to kill me." Yu Sheng stared at Bai Wuchang faintly, smiling plainly, and said.


Bai Wuchang gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Sheng. At this time, Bai Wuchang laughed, and Bai Wuchang faintly said, "Then try it."

After the words fell, Bai Wuchang looked at Heiwuchang on the side, and immediately said: "Heiwuchang, let's take action together to kill this kid, otherwise, this time the laboratory is destroyed, we can't escape the blame, if we can catch this kid , More or less can pay off some crimes."


Impermanence and impermanence are like gold, never nonsense.

Hei Wuchang slowly came to Bai Wuchang's side, and for a while, Hei Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng directly, which made Yu Sheng also frowned.

He could perceive that the black impermanence is also very powerful, which is probably comparable to the white impermanence, but...

Two people shot together, I'm afraid it is not as simple as one plus one.

These two people have a tacit understanding cultivated over the years, and the cooperation between them will become very close. Therefore, when fighting, the combat power that this exerts is also unimaginable, compared to their one plus one. Even more powerful, maybe even such a combat power can even a master of the Binghuang level.

At this time, Yu Sheng did not dare to despise it.

Although he improved a little, his combat effectiveness soared.


In the face of these two people joining forces, he dared not take care of it. Those who were careless in the battle these years have basically died in the battle.

Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng, grinned, and said with a chuckle: "We two join hands, even if you have the strength of the emperor, you may not be able to leave."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he said flatly: "Then let the horse come over."


When Bai Wuchang heard the words, his face turned dark, he snorted coldly, and rushed towards Yu Sheng.

At the same time, the same is true for Heiwuchang. After Baiwuchang rushed over, Heiwuchang also rushed over, and the speed of the two was extremely fast.

Facing the double-teaming of two people, Yu Sheng was not afraid, he stared at them firmly.

When Bai Wuchang approached Yu Sheng, Bai Wuchang shot like lightning, and Bai Wuchang shot, tricky and weird, making Yu Sheng hard to guard against.

But the rest of his life is not a simple person.

"The blood of a century-old golden winged roc, the second form, the sun and the moon are like shuttles."

For a while, Bai Wuchang's movements became a little slow in Yu Sheng's eyes, and Yu Sheng could even see the movement of Bai Wuchang.

Perceiving this scene, Yu Sheng smiled coldly, knowing that his eyes can catch even bullets, not to mention the opponent's fists.

No matter how fast the opponent's fist is, it can be caught by him.

Yu Sheng made a dodge in advance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but...

Just then.

Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that there was a strong wind behind him. This strong wind changed Yu Sheng's expression greatly, because he noticed that someone was sneaking on his back.


For an instant, Yu Sheng thought of Heiwuchang. At this time, there is only one person who can attack him, and that is Heiwuchang. Unexpectedly, the joint attack of the two guys would be so sharp.

This is a bit powerful.

Such a joint attack will definitely suffer a big loss if it is an unsuspecting person.

Perceiving Heiwuchang for the rest of his life, he gave a cold snort, and his body moved again, which was able to escape the attack of Heiwuchang, but...

At this time, the rest of his life looked a little embarrassed.

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