I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1161: Half Infantry Emperor

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For the rest of his life, he rolled on the ground to stabilize his figure.

Yu Sheng looked at the two with solemn expressions, and had to say that the two people joined forces, it was indeed a bit powerful, if it weren't for his quick reaction, I'm afraid he would have been injured.

Hei Wuchang saw Yu Sheng avoiding his blow, and for a while, Hei Wuchang gave a startled voice. Hei Wuchang gave Yu Sheng a surprised look.

The rest of his life was indeed a bit interesting, and it was indeed a bit capable to dodge his blow.


Seeing Yu Sheng avoiding Hei Wuchang’s attack, Bai Wuchang narrowed his eyes, and his killing intent became even stronger. I have to say that Yu Sheng is really a genius, but unfortunately, such a genius can’t join the Yin Division if he can. If you join the Yin Division, the Yin Division's strength will increase by one point again.


The two have become enemies between them. Since they have become enemies, they can only destroy the rest of their lives, otherwise, this will become a huge trouble for their Yin Division.

The two figures once again rushed towards the rest of their lives. The shooting speed between the two was extremely fierce, and every move and every style was so open, simple and clear.

They are all people who have survived on the battlefield. They all know that any fancy has no effect. On this battlefield, the most important thing is to retain physical strength, so everyone will study how to use it. Kill the enemy with the least effort.

This is the most important thing.

So their shots are extremely sharp, without any fancy, it's just such a big deal.

For a while, Yu Sheng was entangled with black and white impermanence. The battle between the three people came and went, but because of the combination of black and white impermanence, the fighting power between them was very terrible, which caused the rest of life to be at a disadvantage, of course. It's just a disadvantage. To deal with the impermanence of black and white, the rest of my life will have more energy.


This is shocking, I am afraid it is the horse face on the side and the rest of the people.

Many people escaped from this base. After they saw the battle between Yu Sheng and black and white impermanence, they were all taken aback, especially Ma Mian, the most profound.

He knows who Heiwuchang is, but he knows best in his heart. Facing the black and white impermanence, he can only be killed. In addition, the black and white impermanence is also higher than him. Therefore, in the past, Ma Mian dare not speak.

If he offends the black and white impermanence, he won't want to mix in the yin in the future, so he can only listen and let Hebai impermanence scold him.

Only now did he know how terrifying the man who killed the bull's head was. This kid can fight against the black and white impermanence to such an extent. Is this still a person?

What does Niutou think? How could you provoke such a dangerous person? Don't you know who the other party is? Isn't this looking for death?

Ma Mian was very uncomfortable. Although he wanted to take revenge for Niutou for the rest of his life,... the terrible fighting power of the rest of his life made him unable to raise any hope.

This kind of combat power can't even hold the black and white impermanence for a while. If this is replaced by his own past, he might be killed by someone else.

How to avenge Niutou?

At the moment, I can only hope that the black and white impermanence can catch the rest of his life. If this happens, he can be regarded as indirect revenge.

As time goes by a little bit, the battle between black and white impermanence and the rest of my life is getting more and more fierce. This fierceness makes people look full of passion.

Especially when it came to the back, Yu Sheng actually used his body to forcefully shake the black and white impermanence. The main purpose was to leave his own fist marks on the black and white impermanence and others.

Obviously, for the rest of his life, this is an intention to trade injury for injury.

Yu Sheng how strong his physical fitness was, he himself knew very well, he was like a tank, a big shield, and very resistant to fights.

This is also with the improvement of system attributes, his physical fitness has also been greatly improved.

Although Black and White Impermanence seems to be extremely resistant to beatings, but for the rest of his life, it can be felt that even if the two of them are resistant to beatings, they are definitely not as resistant to beatings as him.

Therefore, Yu Sheng intends to use the method of injury for injury to reduce the combat effectiveness of black and white impermanence. As long as the two of them are injured, then the combat effectiveness of the two of them will definitely decrease. In this way, he will have a way to kill the two.

Yu Sheng also felt tremendous pressure in his heart. After all, the combination of these two men made the fighting power beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The combination of the two of them was like a big mountain, which made Yu Sheng feel a great threat, so Yu Sheng used all means to deal with the two people.


At this moment, Yu Sheng slammed into Bai Wuchang's body with a fist, and Bai Wuchang's fist also slammed into Yu Sheng's body.


In the next moment, the fists of the two hit each other fiercely, with a muffled bang, and the bodies of the two took a few steps back.

Both people’s faces were pale. As for Bai Wuchang, his physical fitness was obviously much worse than Yu Sheng. There were some blood stains between the corners of Bai Wuchang’s mouth, and there were also a lot of bruises on Bai Wuchang’s face. , Obviously, this was beaten by Yu Sheng.

As for Yu Sheng's face, he was also slapped. There was blood flowing out of the corner of his eye, and he looked a little embarrassed.

For a time, the three people confronted each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The eyes of all three people revealed fierce looks, and none of them moved first.

However, many people don't know that at this moment, in the hearts of black and white impermanence, stormy waves have already been set off. If you know that the two of them are teaming up, it may not be impossible for a master of the emperor level to fight.


They never dreamed that Yu Sheng's combat power would be so strong. Yu Sheng was alone, fighting with the two of them, but still not letting the wind fall. Is such a terrible combat power still a man?

And they can perceive that this kid is a soldier king level strength, it is impossible to be a soldier king level master at all, if it is a soldier king level master, the pressure on the two of them will also be greater.

Bai Wuchang wanted to break his head and didn't think of it. Could it be that after receiving two shots from himself for the rest of his life, this guy pretended not to be their opponent? Deliberately brought back by them, and then deliberately destroyed this laboratory? If this is the case, then the scheming for the rest of my life is too deep.

Thinking of this, Bai Wuchang took a deep breath, his eyes looking at Yu Sheng became more and more solemn.

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