, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"You attack me, attack together."

White impermanence gave a violent shout, followed by white impermanence and black impermanence rushing towards Yu Sheng like lightning, almost in the blink of an eye, they came to Yu Sheng's front.

However, at this moment, Bai Wuchang suddenly attacked Yu Sheng's upper body, while Hei Wuchang attacked Yu Sheng's lower body.

Between the two, suddenly switched over.

However, for the rest of his life, he didn't panic, raising his hand to block the attack of the two people. At this time, the white impermanence and the black impermanence all looked a little surprised.

"This guy……"

The two of them were also a little frightened.

To know.

The two of them were together on weekdays, and they had long developed a tacit understanding. The words spoken by Bai Wuchang just now were just for Yu Sheng to hear. When the two of them approached Yu Sheng to attack, they would suddenly Turn it over and change it to Bai Wuchang to attack and Hei Wuchang to attack, so that you can hit the enemy by surprise.


This scene made them somewhat unexpected.

Yu Sheng actually blocked it. You must know that with this move, they even killed some enemies stronger than them. Didn't expect this kid in front of him to not buy it?

However, the two did not panic, and continued to attack Yu Sheng. The battle between the three was fierce, and the horse face on the side was frightened.

This kind of battle is no longer something he can participate in. If he goes up, there is only a dead end, and even the people around him are shocked by this scene.

Who is the impermanence of black and white, they are extremely clear in their hearts, they did not expect that in this world, there can be people who can compete with the impermanence of black and white.


At this moment, the light flashes in Yu Sheng's eyes, Yu Sheng yelled, and then, there was a terrible power gushing out of Yu Sheng's body, that kind of power seemed to come from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, countless powers. It was pouring into Yu Sheng's arms, which made Yu Sheng feel the fullness of strength in his body.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Dragon, the second-level form, the dragon roars."

The rest of his life shouted violently, like a tiger roar, deafening.

The black and white impermanence was also startled by Yu Sheng's sudden violent drink, because Yu Sheng's momentum was terrifying, it looked like a wild beast, and it was extremely bluffing.

"Tap him in the back."

Bai Wuchang yelled violently and once again killed Yu Sheng. At this time, Yu Sheng looked at Bai Wuchang who was flying, and a faint sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth.


Yu Sheng punched out in shock.

Bai Wuchang sensed that Yu Sheng's punch was hitting his heart. This made Bai Wuchang's eyes narrow. Bai Wuchang did not continue to attack, but placed his hands on his chest, trying to block Yu Sheng's way. Attack, but... the black impermanence at this time has already attacked Yu Sheng's back.


The dull voice resounded, Bai Wuchang suddenly felt a pain in his chest at this time, and immediately afterwards, Bai Wuchang's body flew upside down severely.

At this time, Bai Wuchang opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and Bai Wuchang's eyes were filled with horror and incredible.



Bai Wuchang spit out blood again, staining the ground red, and Bai Wuchang looked at Yu Sheng with horror.

At this time, Yu Sheng was also hit by the black impermanence, Yu Sheng took a few steps forward, and Yu Sheng's soles of feet were hard to stabilize.

Yu Sheng felt his back hurt for a while. Obviously, this was a masterpiece of black impermanence, but Yu Sheng turned around and glanced at the black impermanence behind him.

"Bai Wuchang." Hei Wuchang vomited blood to the point that Bai Wuchang was beaten by Yu Sheng. With a movement, he quickly came to Bai Wuchang. He supported Bai Wuchang and whispered.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Bai Wuchang coughed twice, and blood flowed down the corners of his mouth again. The punch that was just the rest of his life was like a torrent of water, especially when it hit his body, Bai Wuchang felt like he had been driven by a car. The big truck was hit by the average, the terrible impact, the impermanence of the impact, almost died.

That kind of power is too strong.


For the rest of his life, how could such a terrible power be contained in this seemingly thin body? As far as this kind of power is concerned, even a master of the emperor's level is nothing more than this, right?

How did this guy get trained? Is it impossible to be powerful in hitting the mother's womb?

For a while, Bai Wuchang stared at Yu Sheng with a gloomy expression. He never expected that Yu Sheng would be so tricky. At first, when he caught Yu Sheng, he felt that Yu Sheng was very weak, and he could not even be interested in shooting. How long is this?

For the rest of his life, it turned out to be so powerful.

not only that.

What shocked and surprised him the most was.

When did the rest of my life start to break through? You must know that he is all moving under their eyelids. If they break through for the rest of their lives, they must be aware of it. Besides, during this period of time, there is no training for the rest of their lives, except lying in bed, which is what they did here. thing.

Basically it is unlikely to have training time.

How did this guy become so strong? Does it mean pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Before Bai Wuchang also thought of this possibility, but Bai Wuchang didn't believe it.

"Hei Wuchang, this guy is a bit tricky. The two of us may not be his opponents. Now we are trying to contain them and wait until our support arrives."

Bai Wuchang coughed twice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said with a pale face.

"Okay." Hei Wuchang speaks concisely. He can say one sentence, but he will never say two sentences, so Hei Wuchang's speech has always been very brief.

"Come again."

At this moment, the blood in Yu Sheng's body began to boil, and Yu Sheng was also a little excited at this moment. Obviously, the rest of his life at this moment only wanted to fight.

The first time I met such a master, this made Yu Sheng naturally reluctant to give up so easily. You must know that such a master is hard to come by, and being able to fight against such a master is of great benefit to his strength. , Because, in the battle, can learn more knowledge.


At this moment, Yu Sheng stepped out and attacked Heiwuchang like lightning. Yu Sheng's shot was also very fierce, and he didn't give him time to react.

You know, the life and death struggle between masters, a small detail may cause huge problems for two people.

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