I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1163: Defeated

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Heiwuchang also hurriedly shot to block Yusheng’s attacks. At this time, Heiwuchang also had a solemn expression, because he noticed that Yusheng’s shots and became more sharp. What made him most afraid was that when Yusheng was head-to-head with him, Yusheng’s The strength has obviously increased several times.

Such a terrible attack also made Hei Wuchang a little daunted.

Because his strength is still a bit worse than Yu Sheng, and this has caused him to be somewhat disadvantaged.

"Boom boom boom..."

The deafening voice kept resounding, three people come and go, and no one can do anything for a while, but...this Bai Wuchang was sweating, and was hit hard by Yu Sheng’s punch. Obviously, Bai Wuchang is also at this moment. He was holding on, because Bai Wuchang knew that if he didn’t hold on, he would not be able to wait for the support to come.

In the beginning, the black and white impermanence gradually suppressed the rest of his life, but at this moment, the rest of his life was firmly suppressing the black and white impermanence. This sudden change also made the black and white impermanence somewhat unable to adapt.

The more they fought, the more frightened they became, because they were shocked to discover that this kid in front of them had improved in the battle, yes... it was progress in the battle.

It’s not impossible to break through in battle. In the moment of experiencing life and death, people may suddenly break through, but in this case, not everyone can break through. First of all, you must have enough. Accumulation, secondly, we must pay attention to the right time and place.

In short, only a variety of factors can make you break through.


Just when Yu Sheng and the black and white impermanence you came and I were constantly attacking each other, suddenly Yu Sheng roared to the sky. This sudden sound also shocked the black and white impermanence.

This kind of sound was like a fierce beast, which made both of them look at Yu Sheng with a little dread, and their eyes were full of shock and surprise.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Shenlong, the third-level form, the Shenlong Jin..."

The sudden loud shout also made the look of black and white impermanence shocked. At this moment, the two people seemed to notice that the rest of their lives at this time seemed to have changed and became a little different from before. For the rest of this moment, their fighting power seemed to be even more terrifying. , Especially for the rest of his life, he directly blasted towards Heiwuchang with a punch. This punch looked light and light, without the slightest strength, but they were all masters.

They could tell at a glance that Yu Sheng's punch was the result of the full strength of the punch, so it became what it is now.


Bai Wuchang's pupils suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly shouted.

Hei Wuchang has always been paying attention to Yu Sheng. Although Yu Sheng's fighting power is getting stronger and stronger, Hei Wuchang's face is still calm, as if it has never happened.

Hei Wuchang also knew the power of Yu Sheng's punch. He immediately evaded Yu Sheng's punch. But at this time, Hei Wuchang discovered that Yu Sheng's punch was not something he could dodge if he wanted to. Yes, because Yu Sheng's punch is very weird.

When he clearly felt evasive, Yu Sheng's punch suddenly changed direction, as if the punch that Yu Sheng just made was a false move.

"not good……"

Hei Wuchang saw this huge fist blast towards his chest, and Hei Wuchang hurriedly stretched out his arms to block his chest.


The dull sound reverberated, and for a while, Hei Wuchang's face also changed drastically, thinking that he felt that when Yu Sheng's fist touched his arms, Hei Wuchang felt an extremely terrible Power, that kind of power, like a dragon, overwhelming.

Those terrible powers caused Heiwuchang to turn pale for a while.


But at this moment, a crisp voice came into everyone's ears, and when Bai Wuchang noticed this scene, his face changed drastically...

As for Heiwuchang, he even snorted, his face pale as paper, and then, Heiwuchang's body flew upside down fiercely.

Hei Wuchang's body slammed to the ground with a bang, smashing the ground into a big hole, Hei Wuchang spouted a mouthful of blood, Hei Wuchang groaned in pain.

The black impermanence at this time was obviously hit hard.

Looking at Hei Wuchang's arms again, they are drooping. Obviously, Hei Wuchang's arms were directly broken by Yu Sheng's punch...

One can imagine how terrible Yu Sheng's punch was.

With such a terrifying power, Heiwuchang was a little suffocated. Only at this moment did he know how terrifying this punch was. For a while, Heiwuchang couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.


Heiwuchang coughed again, and even in the blood, there was still a bit of fleshy flesh. It is conceivable that Yusheng's punch had obviously injured Heiwuchang's internal organs.

This is Shenlong Jin.

It is also the third form of the blood of the Tyrannical Dragon that Yu Sheng has felt, Shenlong Jin.

Shenlong Jin is extremely powerful, especially that strength, which can directly penetrate into a person's body and cause huge damage to the inside of the person's body.

Generally speaking, people attack and injured people from the outside to the inside, usually first with skin injuries, then internal injuries, but for the rest of your life, this punch is different, directly from the inside out, first with internal injuries, and then with skin injuries.

Because the black and impermanent arms acted as a medium, this caused the black and impermanent arms to be directly abolished.

The black impermanence at this time can be said to have lost all combat effectiveness.


Bai Wuchang's face turned pale and looked at Heiwuchang, and he glanced at Yu Sheng with a somewhat ugly expression. This made Bai Wuchang very angry, and even a little regret came from deep in his heart.

If I knew this earlier, I should kill the rest of my life ahead of time and not give the rest of my life a chance. I never thought ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was only a blink of an eye, and the terrible combat effectiveness of the rest of my life had been raised to this level. In the end, even the two of them joined forces. They are not opponents for the rest of their lives, and for a while it makes their faces a little difficult to look.

Heiwuchang was hit hard, and he was hit hard too. At this time, the two of them were no longer opponents for the rest of their lives, and it was easy to kill them for the rest of their lives.

For a while, Bai Wuchang was also anxious. He wanted to kill the rest of his life, but he knew that this kind of thing was just thinking about it, and it was almost impossible to kill the rest of his life.

It's almost the same for the rest of his life to kill them, and now the most important thing is to save his life.

But soon they discovered that even if they wanted to save their lives, it was difficult, because for the rest of their lives, they would never let them go so easily...

Thinking of this, everyone's complexion sank, and their complexions were extremely ugly.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng raised his fist and wanted to attack.


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