I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1164: 1 hassle

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Bai Wuchang drank for the rest of his life.

For the rest of his life, he ignored Bai Wuchang, and when he came to Bai Wuchang, he swung his fist towards Bai Wuchang.

At this time, Bai Wuchang looked shocked, and hurriedly blocked the blow for the rest of his life.

However, Yu Sheng’s main attack was not on his fists, but on his feet. For the rest of his life, when he lifted his foot, he kicked Bai Wuchang's stomach with one kick, and Bai Wuchang was kicked away. go out.

Bai Wuchang groaned in pain and curled up. At this moment, Bai Wuchang was like a prawn curled up, looking unusually embarrassed.

There was blood oozing out of the corners of Bai Wuchang's mouth again.

Obviously, the attack power for the rest of his life is very strong, and every hit on him will cause him damage.

Bai Wuchang endured the severe pain in his stomach. Bai Wuchang gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Sheng, and said in a deep voice, "Boy...you really want to kill the two of us."

Yu Sheng laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, and said coldly: "You are going to kill me. I am just forced to fight back. If you want to kill me, then I can only kill you."

Bai Wuchang gritted his teeth. At this moment, his chest was angry. Although they are not the strongest masters, they are definitely not to be underestimated. Unexpectedly, they were beaten like this by Yu Sheng alone.

This is something he never dreamed of.

"You have been injected with toxins by us. These toxins will hide in each of your cells. If you kill both of us, you will be immortal. It won't be long before the toxins in your body will break out."

"Once the toxin occurs, then you will be dead. If you are willing to let us go, I can tell you how to find the antidote."

Yes, this is what Bai Wuchang wants to say. Once the toxin strikes, he will undoubtedly die, and it will be difficult or impossible for the rest of his life. This is also the capital of Bai Wuchang to survive.

He believed that there was absolutely no one in this world who could detoxify such toxins. These toxins were researched by scientists in their vaginas, and it was impossible to detoxify them at all.

Even if the antidote was developed, it was too late. By that time, the rest of his life was dead.

Yu Sheng chuckled softly when he heard the words.

Yu Sheng looked at Bai Wuchang a little jokingly. With a little smile in his eyes, he stared at Bai Wuchang with a grin. Yu Sheng smiled lightly: "Who told you that I was poisoned."


When these words were spoken, Bai Wuchang was stunned for a while, and Bai Wuchang looked at Yu Sheng in shock, because Bai Wuchang never dreamed that Yu Sheng would make such an answer?

"Who told you he was poisoned?"

"It means, isn't this guy poisoned?"

Bai Wuchang looked at Yu Sheng with a dazed face, but soon Bai Wuchang dispelled his thoughts. You know, Yu Sheng was injected with toxins at the time, but he watched the injections with his own eyes. Once the toxins were injected into the body , Only obediently, there is no possibility of detoxification.

But at this time, this kid actually said that he was not poisoned? is it possible? Or is this kid deliberately fooling himself, deliberately trying to be strong in front of him? In fact, he himself was poisoned, but... now he doesn't want to say that he is poisoned. He is holding it on purpose. The ultimate goal is to kill both himself?

Bai Wuchang smiled coldly, and said in a deep voice: "The toxins on your body were seen by us personally. Such toxins in the body will only make you extremely painful. You said you are not poisoned? Is that possible?"

"I can also tell you that this poisonous toxin is not in this laboratory, and no hospital in the world can solve such a toxin."

"If you let us go, I can tell you how to find the antidote."


Even Bai Wuchang himself didn't know where the antidote was, because he didn't have the antidote in his hands. If he wanted to talk about the antidote, it is estimated that only the Yinsi headquarters would have it.

After all, this kind of poison is specially used to punish people. If you want an antidote, you must get it from the headquarters. Otherwise, you won't be able to find the antidote anywhere else.

The reason why Bai Wuchang fooled the rest of his life was that he just wanted to get away, or that he could deceive the rest of his life to the headquarters. As long as the rest of his life was deceived to the headquarters, he would die at the headquarters despite his great talents. He knew , In this headquarters, there are countless masters, and there are even terrorist masters beyond the Binghuang level.

Yu Sheng laughed dumbfounded when he heard this. Yu Sheng shook his head secretly. No one knows about the toxins in his body being absorbed by the poisonous weed gene. No one knows, and he can't tell it by himself. Is he a fool?

Yu Sheng said lightly, "Are you finished?"


Feeling the killing intent on Yu Sheng's body, Bai Wuchang's complexion changed drastically again. At this time, Bai Wuchang's brain was running fast. It was about this time. This kid actually had a killing intent towards himself and others. What is this guy thinking? What?

Doesn't he want to detoxify?

Or does it mean that the toxins in his body were really eliminated? Is it just possible? He is very confident in this toxin, detoxification is absolutely impossible.


Yu Sheng took steps and walked towards Bai Wuchang step by step. At this time, Bai Wuchang looked shocked and said in horror: "You don't want to die."


Yu Sheng glanced at Bai Wuchang pityingly and chuckled. He had already said that the toxins on his body had been removed, but this guy still didn't believe it. If that's the case, he could only be killed.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that there was a figure bombarding him like lightning. Yu Sheng had already had a place, and when he noticed this figure, Yu Sheng sneered.

Because the person who made the sneak attack was surprisingly horse-faced.

"court death."

Yu Sheng gave a violent shout, and in a moment, Yu Sheng kicked the horse's face fiercely, facing the sudden kick, on the side of the horse's face and body, avoiding Yu Sheng's foot.

But at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng stretched out his hand and grabbed Ma Mian's shoulders, and when he raised his knees, he pressed Ma Mian's stomach fiercely. The Ma Mian was caught off guard and was pushed by Yu Sheng...


For a while, Ma Mian felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The sharp pain made Ma Mian almost scream out, and Ma Mian looked towards Yu Sheng with a little amazement.


The next moment, Yu Sheng slapped Ma Mian's face with a slap. The horse's face was slapped away, and the horse's face fell severely to the ground...At this time, his face quickly became red and swollen, and he looked extremely embarrassed. .


Ma's face looked sullenly at Yu Sheng, his eyes filled with endless anger.

Unexpectedly, for the rest of his life, he was so powerful as to be so terrible.

Yu Sheng once again set his gaze on Bai Wuchang, without even looking straight at the horse's face, the horse's face noticed it, and his chest was furious.

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