, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!


As the people in front responded, Yu Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief. It was really too dangerous just now. If it was replaced by someone else, it might not be possible to catch Wang Xiaohan.

After all, the cliff is too narrow, and if one is not careful, people will fall off, that is, he has great strength, otherwise, he may not be able to catch Wang Xiaohan in an instant.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Everyone quickly passed through this dangerous reality. After everyone passed, Wang Xiaohan came over. At this moment, Wang Xiaohan's nervous heart also calmed down. Wang Xiaohan said: "Thank you, if it wasn't you just now. , I am afraid I will fall."

For Yu Sheng, Wang Xiaohan was indescribably nervous. For a while, the more Wang Xiaohan looked at Yu Sheng, the more pleasing he felt, and he also felt that Yu Sheng was very handsome.

"It's okay." Yu Sheng said indifferently: "This is what we should do. Our task this time is to protect you."

Yu Sheng didn't care about this. He felt that it was just a gesture of raising his hand, and it was nothing.

"Anyway, I have to thank you." Wang Xiaohan said: "You saved my life."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

At this time, Liu Yue was a little excited and said, "Brother, are you too handsome? Especially when you just saved Xiaohan, you are just too handsome."

When Yu Sheng heard this, Wei Wei was a little speechless. Liu Yue and Wang Xiaohan were two personalities. One character was really open, not open, at best, it was lively.

Wang Xiaohan has two personalities with Liu Yue, and Yu Sheng is wondering how can people of these two personalities go together...

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly.

"Let's go, the cave is coming soon."

As Yu Sheng's voice fell, the group of people continued to walk forward. After walking about a kilometer or so, they came to a place.

At this moment, there are a lot of people here. These people circled this place. They all have guns in their hands. At this moment, the rest of their lives have their eyes on these people, but the eyes of the rest of their lives flicker. After a moment, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

"Are these people?"

For the rest of my life, I thought that there were only two teams of them and the Wolf Warriors. I didn't expect that there would be another team here. After all, they probably had more than 20 people, right?

"We're here." At this time, Long Xiaoyun walked forward slowly. As Long Xiaoyun walked forward, Yu Sheng saw two figures approaching Long Xiaoyun, and they all turned towards Long Xiaoyun. A military salute.

"Who are these two people?" Song Kaifei asked in a little astonishment at this time: "I thought at first that there are only two teams from the Wolf Warrior Squadron. Why are there more people here?"

"It should be the unicorn and the Falcon." He Chenguang said with a condensed expression.

"Kirin and Falcon?" After everyone heard this sentence, everyone present was slightly astonished, especially Song Kaifei, who couldn't help but speak.

"This unicorn and falcon, what the **** are they?"

"Kirin and Falcon are also from special forces, but they do not belong to Spike, but belong to other military regions. However, they are both very experienced special forces and their combat effectiveness is very powerful." He Chenguang said.

"There are several soldiers in it." Yu Sheng said lightly.

"Several soldiers?" When Song Kaifei heard these words, Song Kaifei was slightly surprised. Song Kaifei glanced at these people in a little astonishment, and his eyes revealed a little dignity.

"Really, there are several soldiers here?"

"Yu Sheng is right. There are indeed several soldiers in it, and these soldiers should be very strong, and their combat effectiveness is very strong." He Chenguang also said in a deep voice.

"It seems that the mission this time is not easy. Four teams were sent here to protect these people. There are even about ten of these soldiers..." Xu Tianlong took a deep breath, a little heavy. Opened the mouth.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng also nodded slightly, and said casually: "I just observed this place. There are many mountains and many rocks here. The enemy is easy to ambush. We have to be careful. If we encounter any problems, Solve it in time."


He Chenguang and others nodded slightly when Yu Sheng said this.

At this time, Long Xiaoyun was still talking to the captain of Qilin and Falcon.

Captain Qilin Zhang Xia said: "Captain Dragon, we have all cleaned up, there should be no people around."

"Okay." Long Xiaoyun nodded slightly, and solemnly said: "As much as possible, watch the surrounding area as much as possible. If there is any special situation, you can shoot it on the spot."

When talking about this, Zhang Xia and Zhang Tianxiang both had their expressions condensed. They didn't expect that Long Xiaoyun would pay so much attention to this mission, shooting on the spot... This order is generally not given casually.

"Yes." Zhang Xia and Zhang Tianxiang said immediately.

"This cave should be the cave left by 732 back then?" After that, Long Xiaoyun set his gaze on the cave and said casually.

"Yes." Zhang Xia said, "This cave was left behind. After the war, the things here have not been destroyed. So far, some things are still intact."

"That's easy to say."

Long Xiaoyun nodded slightly, and he opened his mouth and said: "Now I will lead people in. You are lurking outside. Always stay vigilant. If we encounter any danger inside, you come to meet us."


Following an order, both Zhang Xia and Zhang Tianxiang looked at them and said in a condensed voice.

"Several professors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Long Xiaoyun set his sights on these three professors. Long Xiaoyun quickly said his own words. After these three professors listened. , They all nodded solemnly.

When Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, the three professors, one of them opened the mouth and said: "Students and teachers, the cave here is the place we are looking for."

"Before entering this cave, there are a few points I want to talk about."

"This cave is full of dangers. After everyone enters the cave, don't move around. If you see anything abnormal, you must report it in time. If you see something strange, you must report it in time. Have you heard clearly? ?"

"Listen clearly." When Professor Liu said, everyone present said loudly.

"Okay." Professor Liu continued loudly: "Now we are going to enter the cave. We are short of time. Everyone should be careful. If you have any problems, remember to report in time."

As Professor Liu's voice fell, all those present immediately walked toward the cave.

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