I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1201: Things in the cave

As everyone entered, the rest of his life was about to enter at this time. Long Xiaoyun walked to Yu Sheng's side. Long Xiaoyun said solemnly: "Yu Sheng, wait a while for you to be alert, pay attention to your surroundings, and protect these people."

"These people are very important to our country, especially these three old professors. They are the top priority."

Hearing this, Yu Sheng nodded solemnly. Since Long Xiaoyun said so, Yu Sheng is naturally very solemn: "Okay, I will pay attention."

"That's good." Long Xiaoyun said.

"But Captain Dragon, is there really any danger here?" Yu Sheng frowned and said: "On the way, we seem to have encountered nothing..."

Long Xiaoyun slowly said: "It is very dangerous, because some people have heard the wind this time, and they will also come to **** this thing. This thing is also very important to them, and it can even make their biological and chemical weapons. Or biochemical research goes further, so they will definitely come."

When Long Xiaoyun said these words, he was taken aback for the rest of his life. Yu Sheng frowned and said solemnly: "If you say that, with so many professors and students, wouldn't they be very dangerous?"

"They have to come in danger." Long Xiaoyun calmly said: "There are also things we want in it, so in any case, try to protect them as much as possible."

"I see." Yu Sheng nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go in..."

Afterwards, the group of people walked towards the cave, and as everyone entered the cave, everyone was a little surprised at the cave.

Because this cave was specially arranged, it was obvious that it was from that period that year, and there were some cobwebs in this cave. Obviously, there has been no one here for a long time.

Everyone entered the cave cautiously. They didn't dare to touch anything. They were all people who had studied chemistry. Naturally, they knew that the things inside could not be touched casually. What's more, what was studied here was some biochemistry. Research, the biggest feature of biochemical research is that it is toxic.

Once poisoned, it might be poisoned to death, which is very dangerous.

So everyone is cautious, and they strictly abide by Professor Liu's words.

As everyone went deeper, everyone was more and more surprised. I have to say that this cave is really not that big. It seems that it was also a large-scale biochemical research base back then.

Just after Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others entered here...

In the depths of this research site...

There are several figures, looking for something here, these figures are all wearing camouflage uniforms, and their eyes reveal a little sharp and solemnity.

"Have you found everything?" A man said solemnly.

"I'm looking for it, I haven't found everything yet." One of the men said.

"Speed ​​up, these Chinese people are probably coming soon, but here is the painstaking effort of our ancestors back then, no matter what we have to take away from here," the man said condensedly.

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"The things here are too scattered, it's not so easy to collect them." Another man said, "Where are all those people now?"

"At present, the outer opening has been blocked. It is impossible for us to get out of that opening. Fortunately, the ancestors have reserved an exit. We can go out from another exit. Now we use the most Quickly, organize all the information you want."


Immediately after the order was given, the people who were in labor started to take action one after another. There were a total of five people.

"These things have been in the past for decades, what is the role of these data? You know that the research on the Yin Division is much better than here." Another man sneered and said indifferently: " You are wasting time here, it is better to cooperate with Yinsi."

"Get off." One of the men said coldly, "Yin Si is the main criminal that the world must pursue. Cooperating with them, is it impatient to live?"

"What I can tell you is that 732 research is biochemical research. The research left by our ancestors is definitely not that simple. According to the news we have received, if the 732 research can be completed, we can build a stronger fighter. Now many places are conducting biochemical research, and we must not lag behind."

"Hehe." The eagle-eyed man sneered when he heard the words, and said faintly: "This kind of research has been in the past for so many years, is there anything else that can't be done?"

"Let me see, let's leave here quickly and go to the Yinsi to cooperate."

"You are talking, I killed you." One of the men said coldly: "You have cooperation with the Yin Division, but it does not mean that we should also cooperate with the Yin Division."

"I suggest that you should talk less, otherwise, I am afraid that the gun in my hand will go off fire."

"Ha ha……"

After hearing this, the eagle-eyed man smiled coldly and didn't say anything more~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These people quickly sorted things out here.

At this time, the rest of my life and others...

They go deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

As they deepened, Yu Sheng’s eyes began to flicker. For a while, he had a bad premonition in his heart. Although he didn’t know what this bad premonition was, the rest of his life felt that this It is likely to be dangerous.

Yu Sheng's expression became a little dignified: "You will be more careful for a while, I always feel that this place is a little bit wrong..."

"Not quite right?"

When He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others heard these words, their expressions changed slightly, and they immediately said, "What's the matter? Is there an enemy?"

"I don't know." Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "There may also be enemies, so please pay more attention and don't make any mistakes."

"Well, we got it." He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and his party nodded solemnly. They looked around and became more cautious.

The more you move forward, the more uncomfortable the feeling in Yu Sheng's heart, as if something is going to happen.

As for the words of Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and the others are all in their hearts. For some time, they have completely believed in Yu Sheng's words... It can even be said that it is unconditional trust. It is also because of the judgments and judgments made by Yu Sheng in the past. Some things let them choose unconditional obedience.

This kind of trust is rare, and it's all cultivated a little bit.


They came to a place, and what stood in front of them was a rock wall. This rock wall was like a wall, but there were some gaps on the rock wall. These gaps looked more like a stone gate. generally……

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