I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1202: discover

"The road in front of us is blocked." At this time someone opened his mouth.

"This road should be our only way." Someone said with a solemn expression: "It seems we have to find ways to open up this routine."

"I see there are other fork roads nearby. Should we go over there?"

"I don't feel very good." Someone said, "Who knows where the fork road leads to, but...this road in front of you should be the main road, but have you found out? Above, there seems to be a gate, look at these gaps..."

As this sentence was uttered, it attracted the attention of many people. Even Professor Liu and Professor Sun were studying the things on the wall.

Professor Liu said, "This should be an anti-theft stone wall. As long as the stone wall is opened, we can pass here."

"That's good." Professor Sun nodded and said: "There should be some mechanism here, as long as you touch it, this door should be opened."

"Look for it and see if there are any organs around. Generally speaking, this organ is either protruding or recessed. Everyone looks for it carefully."

As Professor Liu's voice fell, everyone present was looking for it. At this moment, Zhang Haiyang suddenly said, "Professor Liu, there is a situation on my side, and there is a prominent place here."

As Zhang Haiyang’s voice fell, this attracted many eyes. Many people glanced at Zhang Haiyang, and then they saw a rock protruding in front of Zhang Haiyang. At this time, the rest of his life also looked around with solemn eyes.

Yu Sheng did not look at the raised stone, but at the surrounding stone walls.

"Earth induction shooting..."

"The blood of a century-old golden winged roc, insight into the autumn leaves, is like a shadow."

Yu Sheng turned on his skills and quickly observed the surrounding situation. At this moment, Yu Sheng could see clearly every place on the rock wall, even a tiny crack on the top. It was very clear, but what surprised Yu Sheng was that he didn't see anything wrong here. For a while, Yu Sheng was a little confused in his heart.

"Don't those people get some organs or things here back then?"

For the rest of his life, his mind was active, but soon, for the rest of his life, he wanted to understand the key.

After all, this place is a thing left over from the wars of the past, and this thing is not an ancient tomb. The main reason why the ancient tomb has some institutions is because the owner of these tombs is I am afraid that the tomb will be stolen by a tomb thief.

After a person's death, what he fears most is not being at peace. No one wants someone to disturb him. What's more, he dug his tomb and snatched the valuables from it. This is even more unwilling to many people.

Therefore, some powerful people, after they die, they will get some organs and other things in the tomb, especially the ancient emperors. After they die, they will be buried in the imperial tomb. Inside, there will be countless traps, even...

Some emperors, after some workers are finished, they will directly kill all these workers to keep the secrets inside.

It can be seen that these people are also cruel masters.

However, Yu Sheng didn’t find any organs or the like here. Yu Sheng guessed that 80% of them were that there were no organs here, or the organs were set up too deeply. According to the situation at the time, it was impossible to get some more complicated organs, and they Can't do it either.

Therefore, there is probably no agency in this place. What's more, if there is any agency in this place, it would be very inconvenient for these people to get in and out.

"Press once, it should be able to open." At this time, Professor Liu's voice sounded again, and as Professor Liu's voice fell, Zhang Haiyang's palm was pressed down.


As Zhang Haiyang pressed it down, the raised stone was easily pressed down. Such a scene also made Zhang Haiyang happy, and then Zhang Haiyang took two steps back.


As a rumbling sound resounded, all the people present stepped aside for a while, and they looked in one direction, which was the direction of the stone wall.

At this time, they saw that a door was slowly opened on the stone wall, and as the door opened, a light beam came in from the inside.


When everyone saw the scene before them, they all looked happy, they stared straight inside, and for the rest of their lives at this time, they were also carefully observing the situation in front of them. His eyes were sharp, even though it suddenly wore a white light. , But he still sees the situation clearly.

Because this is still a way.

"Let's go in..."

At this moment, Professor Liu shouted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then a group of people walked in...

For the rest of his life, his brows were frowned.

at the same time.

In it!

The eagle-eyed man seemed to have noticed something. He frowned and immediately said, "Someone is coming."

At the same time, the other people around the eagle-eyed man also looked solemn, because even they heard a rumbling sound, which resounded so loudly, which made the other few people's faces a little gloomy.

"Unexpectedly, these people came really fast."

One of them said with a hoarse voice.

"Our data hasn't been sorted out yet. Continue to sort it out. No. 3 and No. 4, you can go over there and watch. If there are enemies coming in, try to kill them. It only needs to delay for half an hour."

As the voice of No. 1 fell, No. 3 and the slightest nodded their heads. They took their steps and walked quickly toward a place, which was the place where Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others came.

At this time, No. 4 looked at No. 3, and said faintly: "Inoue-kun, I heard that your gene fusion has also been fused to the intermediate stage?"

Obviously, No. 3 should have the last name Inoue, so No. 4 would say that. However, in the past, they used the simplest code for their tasks, that is, the number code.

The purpose of this is to prevent the enemy from knowing their names, and then to find their source based on their names. In this world, intelligence capabilities are very powerful. You just know a name and you can be human. There is no more left.

Hearing the words, the number three glanced at the words, and said faintly: "What about this? Now everyone is moving towards advanced development. Only when the genes are integrated to the advanced level will the combat effectiveness be strong."

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