I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1203: fighting

After listening to Number Four, he sighed and said, "Although that is the case, the Intermediate level is quite good."

"Haha." When the third heard the words, he smiled plainly, did not say anything, but said: "Let’s be careful, these Chinese special forces are very powerful, and their mission this time is also to **** this place. For us, the information is a big trouble."

The words of the number three made the number four nod slightly, and the number four said: "These Chinese special forces are indeed not easy to deal with, but our bodies have undergone transformation, so it is not a big problem."

"Ha ha."

No.3 sneered again, he didn't say anything more. He was still quite afraid of Huaxia, especially the existence of Huaxia's special forces. Therefore, No.3 was also a little afraid.

He had fought against the Huaxia Special Forces before, and it was precisely because of fought against him that made him what he is now.

At that time, his body was severely injured and he was shot three times. Each shot was close to the vital point. If he hadn't taken genetic drugs to improve his genes, and once again experienced a life of nine deaths, he would not show up. Here, fortunately...

He succeeded.

His physical fitness has been greatly improved, which makes his combat effectiveness soar rapidly, and it has become even more powerful than before.

At this time, the rest of my life was staring at the front carefully. The front was very dark, but after walking this road, you should almost arrive at the research room. This is what Long Xiaoyun got the news, and Long Xiaoyun said.

But the more you get to this time, the more careful Yu Sheng is, especially at this moment, Yu Sheng feels that his heartbeat suddenly accelerates, as if something is going to happen.


At this time, No. 4 suddenly flickered, and said in a deep voice.

The cave is a bit dark, but at the moment Professor Liu and all of them are holding a flashlight, so some news can be judged by these light sources.

Moreover, No. 4's eyes are a bit weird. No. 4's eyes seem to be covered by a net. His eyes look like dense small grids, which look very strange.

Generally speaking, human eyes are not like this, and from the outside with the naked eye, you can't see the dense small grid at all, but the eyes of No. 4 can be seen clearly.

Such eyes look like they are not human eyes. On the contrary, they are more like the eyes of an animal. Such a weird scene, if ordinary people see it, it is estimated that they will be shocked.

"Kill them..."

At this moment, there was a little killing intent in the eyes of No. 4, that is, at the moment when the killing intent was revealed, the look of the rest of his life at this time changed greatly, because his whole body was also trembling at this moment. , As if something bad is about to happen.

Yu Sheng knew that they were in danger...

Perceiving this scene for the rest of his life, his complexion changed drastically, and he immediately shouted: "All get down, look for shelter, there is a sniper..."

The voice of Yu Sheng shocked all the people present, and everyone hadn't even reacted to it. After all, the voice of Yu Sheng came too suddenly, which shocked everyone present.

However, at this moment, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were extremely fast, almost just after Yu Sheng’s words fell. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others quickly searched for shelter points. This is also the tacit understanding between them. For Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and the others almost unconditionally trust, because they all know that Yu Sheng is very powerful.

However, at this moment Zhang Haiyang and Professor Liu had a dumbfounded look, and they hadn't reacted for a while, so they were still standing where they were.

But for the rest of my life at this time, he moved in front of everyone. At this moment, Yusheng spoke again: "All get down, look for a hidden spot, hurry up."

However, Professor Liu and the others have not reacted yet, which made Yu Sheng also a little angry. Are these people mentally retarded? Don't you understand what you are saying?

This is also impossible. Professor Liu and the others are ordinary people. They must be scholars. They are incomparable to their special forces. After all, their special forces have undergone special training, and they have already been to some extent. Develop a natural response.

Whenever they are in danger, their bodies will drive them what to do.


But at this moment, a gunshot sounded and resounded abruptly.

With the resounding of the gun, Yu Sheng was also slightly surprised. Obviously, the other party fired...

"The blood of a century-old golden winged roc, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, like a shadow."

Although this is a cave, Yu Sheng still judges the position of the ballistic trajectory according to some things. When Yu Sheng noticed it, Yu Sheng’s pupils suddenly shrank, and then Yu Sheng did not hesitate to throw a snipe~www.wuxiaspot. com~bang..."

The same dull sound resounded, and then, a bullet broke the night and pierced toward the opponent like lightning.

This hole penetrated extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it collided with the number four bullet.

However, at the moment the bullet collided with each other, the bullet and the bullet ignited a spark. This spark was almost fleeting. Then, the two bullets were also instantly collapsed by their respective forces.

"Ding Dong..."

Two bullets hit the surrounding rocks, collided with the rocks, making a clear clanging sound, and then they landed on the ground.

"There are snipers..."

At this time, He Chenguang couldn't help but roar, and the Leng Feng on the side pointed his muzzle in the forward direction, and Leng Feng's eyes were also mixed with a little dignity and heaviness.

"Turn off the lights, hurry up, turn off the lights." At this time, He Chenguang said loudly again.

At this moment, Professor Liu and the others were a little panicked. They all looked around nervously, bent over, looking for a hidden spot.

And some timid students couldn't help screaming at this moment, how cruel war is to them...

They are carefree students. They only need to be admitted to college, find a good job after graduation, and then marry a daughter-in-law to live a stable life.

They had never encountered this kind of situation before, so all of them became a little flustered for a while...Even Zhang Haiyang looked around nervously, with a heart mentioned in his throat.

However...because of such a panic, some flashlights fell directly on the ground...


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