
Andrew yelled and blasted a punch.

Upon seeing this for the rest of his life, Andrew this guy actually blocked his retreat. For the rest of his life, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Shenlong, the third form, the Shenlong Jin."

Following Yu Sheng's violent shout, the next moment, Yu Sheng's fists, in the most positive posture, violently collided with Andrew...


The dull sound resounded suddenly.

At this moment, Yu Sheng’s body took a few steps back, and he looked at Andrew with a horrified face. At this moment, he noticed that his arm had lost consciousness. Obviously, this was caused by the collision with Andrew. Yes, the rest of his life never expected that Andrew's strength was so much stronger than him.


At this time, Andrew had no intention of letting the rest of his life go. He rushed towards Yusheng again. This time, Andrew made his attack even more fierce. This time he directly attacked the key of Yusheng. Such terrible power broke out. For the rest of his life, he can't stand it.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared here, and then, this figure rolled on the ground, and the dagger in his hand sent a cold light, and then stabbed this Andrew's body fiercely.


This knife didn't cut Andrew's vitals, but instead cut on Andrew's calf. On Andrew's calf, a scar appeared, and blood was flowing down Andrew's wound.

At this time, Yu Sheng was also slightly taken aback, and looked at this figure. After Yu Sheng saw this figure, Yu Sheng was also slightly surprised.

"Leng Feng?"

Yes, the person here was a cold front, and for the rest of his life he never expected that he would encounter a cold front here.

How did Leng Feng come over? You must know that the iron gate was closed at the time, and it was not so easy to open it. Besides, no one had such a strong strength.

"Are you okay?" Leng Feng took a look at Yu Sheng and said immediately.

"I'm fine." Yu Sheng said: "Be careful of this guy, this guy is a biochemical person, very powerful."

The words of Yu Sheng made Leng Feng nodded solemnly.

At this moment Andrew glanced at Leng Feng, with a cruel smile on his face, Andrew chuckled lightly: "Here is another one to die."

Andrew's words made Leng Feng look solemn, and Leng Feng stared at Andrew firmly. Once Andrew changed, he would choose to kill Andrew without hesitation.

Andrew touched his calf. At this moment, Leng Feng also looked in the direction of Andrew's calf...

When Leng Feng saw the calf, Leng Feng’s pupils suddenly shrank, because he was shocked to discover that the calf he had scratched was healed at this moment...


When Leng Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help taking a breath. What's this kidding? Do you think this is watching a science fiction blockbuster? This guy's calf is so good? Is this a joke?

It is just a small wound. Generally speaking, it takes several days to recover, but this guy, the wound healed in just a few seconds.

Rao was Leng Feng and was also shocked by this scene.

After Yu Sheng saw this scene, he also revealed a little dignity. Yu Sheng never expected that this Andrew would be so difficult to deal with, and he has such a terrible resilience. What kind of gene is this guy, how can he have such a strong resilience? ?

According to him, all these biochemical people have side effects. Some are not going to live for a certain number of years, some are changing their appearance, and some are changing others. In short, none of them are safe.

For example, if the person in front of you becomes a human, a ghost or a ghost, it is probably related to this so-called biochemical gene.

Andrew glanced at Yu Sheng and Leng Feng, then chuckled: "All this fuss."

"Give me what you have in your hand." The next moment, Andrew's eyes fell on Yu Sheng's body, and he spoke indifferently.

Yu Sheng heard this and sneered: "Want it? Come and get it by yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can also get cash!

Andrew snorted coldly when he heard the words.

Andrew's figure disappeared again and came to Yu Sheng. Just when Yu Sheng wanted to block, suddenly, Andrew's figure changed again, and he came to Leng Feng's side. Obviously...

Andrew is arguing.

In the beginning, his goal was not the rest of his life, but Leng Feng...

When he came to Leng Feng's side, he threw a punch without hesitation.

Leng Feng noticed that his face changed drastically, because there was a huge fist flying in front of him.

The howling wind made Leng Feng also look shocked.

In a hurry, Leng Feng folded his hands and blocked his chest.


This punch hit Leng Feng's arms, and Leng Feng blocked it, but... when Andrew's fist hit Leng Feng, Leng Feng noticed a terrifying force.

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leng Feng suddenly realized that he was not hit by a fist, but rather like being hit by a wild beast.

For a while, Leng Feng's feet lifted off the ground, and the whole person flew out.


Leng Feng's body fell severely to the ground. The ground was also full of stones, causing Leng Feng's body to be painful, and Leng Feng felt his body fell apart.

The opponent's strength, the force was heavy, and the terrible force broke out, even Leng Feng was indescribably shocked.

Leng Feng stared at Andrew in front of him in surprise. At this time, he felt his lungs tremble, and he almost fainted without breathing in a single breath.

Leng Feng gritted his teeth and swallowed the sweetness in his throat abruptly. Leng Feng stared at Andrew in front of him, with a deep look of astonishment.

"Be careful, the power of this guy is terrifying." Yu Sheng reminded hurriedly.

Unfortunately, it was too late to remind at this time.

"I already know..." Leng Feng said such a sentence while gritting his teeth.

Leng Feng didn't expect that the opponent would be so strong, and he was injured by just one punch. This guy is not a person anymore.

Leng Feng immediately said: "Who is this guy? Why is his power so strong? This guy is not a person anymore?"

Rao was Leng Feng, and he started to feel a little afraid. If he were a normal person, he would at least be able to fight one, but the guy in front of him was a living monster.

"He is a biochemical person." Yu Sheng quickly reminded: "I don't know what kind of medicine was injected."

After Yu Sheng reminded him like this, Leng Feng couldn't help but say: "I knew, this guy can't be called a human..."

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