I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1213: Battle with Andrew

Yu Sheng and Leng Feng stared at Andrew with solemn expressions. Andrew's combat effectiveness was very strong. Even the two of them were extremely jealous. Unexpectedly, the strength of the other party was so terrifying. Such strength is compared to the emperor of soldiers. Not bad at all, right?

Even more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

"Shoot together and kill him." For the rest of my life, I didn't care about it. Even if I won by myself, it would be a miserable victory. Instead of doing this, it would be better for two people to shoot together. Now is not the time for individual heroism.


Immediately for the rest of his life and Leng Feng quickly fought.


at the same time.

In this other place.

Long Xiaoyun hurriedly said loudly: "How is it? Is anyone injured?"

Long Xiaoyun's gaze swept across each of these people quickly, and he hurriedly asked loudly.

Long Xiaoyun's words made everyone present shook their heads slightly. At this time, someone replied: "Captain Dragon, we are fine."

It was Professor Liu who was speaking.

The gunshot just now shocked them too. Fortunately, nothing happened. If one of them was injured, it would be a big trouble. Fortunately, nothing happened.

"Nothing is fine."

Long Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief. Long Xiaoyun knew that there was a danger, but he did not expect that the enemy would arrive at this place earlier than them. According to her plan, this kind of thing, even if it is dangerous, With the terrifying power of their four teams, the enemy absolutely can't help them.

But I never expected that there was a mistake in this, but...

What makes Long Xiaoyun more puzzled is how the other party did it? You know, they have already controlled this place before. There are no people in this place, so it is relatively simple to control it. Logically speaking, no one can enter it. But right here, the presence of other people happened to appear, and for a while, Long Xiaoyun's face was a bit unsightly.

"He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, what have you noticed?" Long Xiaoyun suddenly asked at this time.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were in front before, so it is most appropriate to ask He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing about this matter.

At this time, He Chenguang said with a heavy expression: "Someone just fired a gun, and it seemed to me that even if we didn’t have lights, the enemy seemed to be able to see us, and could even snipe us, if not for the rest of his life, the enemy’s bullets If we snipe it off, we might be in danger."

As soon as he said this, Long Xiaoyun's face changed slightly, but it was more of a shock. Didn't expect Yu Sheng to be able to snipe bullets in this environment?

This sniper bullet is not impossible. As long as you understand the performance of the gun, you can detect the trajectory of the enemy’s muzzle at the moment the enemy shoots, then you can do the sniper bullet, but... It is very difficult to detect and shoot at this moment, and many people cannot do it.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng could actually snipe off the enemy's bullets, which shows that this strength is not simple.

However, it is the enemy that makes Long Xiaoyun the most jealous. The enemy can see them in this environment and sniper them. The enemy is not easy.


But at this moment, a rush of voice resounded. At this time, a special soldier immediately said: "Captain, there is poison in it, and I also saw the broken iron gate."

When these words were spoken, Long Xiaoyun's expression condensed slightly. In an instant, Long Xiaoyun guessed what must be the enemy. He used the iron gate to block Yu Sheng and Leng Feng's path. Then, he released poisonous gas and wanted to bring the two people together. To be poisoned to death.

When thinking of this, Long Xiaoyun's complexion became a little dignified, and he immediately said: "Where are Yu Sheng and Leng Feng? Are they okay?"

"Report to the captain, they seem to have gone through that passage to another place, and currently we don't know where that passage leads to."

As these words were spoken, Long Xiaoyun's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said, "You lead a team and immediately support the rest of your life and Leng Feng."

"Yes, Captain."

As the voice fell, the people present left here one after another. At this time, Long Xiaoyun's expression was solemn, and his brain was running fast, looking for the feasibility of this matter.

"Who is the enemy?" Zhang Xia frowned at this time and asked immediately.

"I don't know." Long Xiaoyun said solemnly: "However, it should be the old Japanese. This is the 732 laboratory they used to stay. They must come here to get the things inside."

Long Xiaoyun's words made Zhang Xia's eyes flashed with cold light.


Let's talk about the rest of his life and the cold front at this time.

The two fought with Andrew. I have to say that Andrew’s combat effectiveness was beyond the rest of his life and Leng Feng’s expectations. Neither of them expected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Andrew’s combat effectiveness would be so strong, such a terrifying combat effectiveness. Even they are in a light breeze...

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Except for the soldier who met last time, this is the second person who can suppress himself in this way, which makes the rest of his life's brain run fast.

This Andrew is different from ordinary people. It seems that his fist hits Andrew's body. This guy seems to have no pain at all. There is no pain at all. This scene also surprised Yu Sheng.


At this moment, Andrew hit Yu Sheng's chest with a punch. Yu Sheng stepped back with a punch. Yu Sheng's feet stomped on the ground and stabilized his figure. His face solemnly looked at Andrew.

This guy is simply a humanoid machine. After this sharp dagger cuts this guy, it only takes a while, and this guy will recover. Such a terrifying ability to regenerate will be very shocking for the rest of his life. What is this? What kind of monster? You know, even he can't regenerate...

If he is injured, he will need to rest for a few days before he can fully recover, but even so, his resilience is already very abnormal. I didn't expect to encounter someone even more abnormal than himself today.

At this time, Leng Feng suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng and couldn't help but speak: "Yu Sheng, this guy is a bit terrifying with strong combat power. If we continue to fight like this, we are not his opponents at all."


Faced with such an opponent, even the cold front is somewhat helpless and extremely uncomfortable.

This fight is really too awkward...

If this continues, sooner or later both of them will finish playing.

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