I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1227: Go to the Sea King Force

"Okay, now you can go." Fan Tianlei waved his hand and said in disgust.

He now only wants to roll and roll for the rest of his life, Sing Tian Tian is here to respond to him, and Ge Ying is better than Ge Ying.

Yu Sheng saw Fan Tianlei's disgusting look on his face, which made Yu Sheng a little speechless, and he didn't do anything. As for the dislike of himself...


In desperation for the rest of his life, he could only answer the voice.

Yu Sheng gave a military salute to Fan Tianlei and left here. When Yu Sheng left here, after closing the door, Fan Tianlei stood up and looked outside through the window. At this time, Fan Tianlei saw that Yu Sheng had left. With the figure, a faint smile hung on Fan Tianlei's face.

"This is not what I deliberately got Huohuo over you, don't blame me." Fan Tianlei thought secretly.

At this time, Yu Sheng left here and came to this Langya gate. When Yu Sheng came to the Langya gate, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something.

"I'm going, don't even have a car?"

Yu Sheng thought that Fan Tianlei had already prepared it for him. He didn't take a gunship, but at least, he had to sit in a car. It wouldn't be justified if it wasn't for a car...

Unexpectedly, he didn't even give him a military vehicle, and for the rest of his life he was a little confused.

Can't you let yourself run away from Spike? It is not impossible to leave by running, after all, his patience is still very good, and it is also possible to leave by running. It's just that, it's a bit nonsense.

Yu Sheng sighed slightly, and in desperation, he could only step away from here.

After Yu Sheng left, Chen Shanming drove over in a leisurely car, and when Chen Shanming arrived here in the car, he was slightly taken aback.

"What about people?"

Chen Shanming looked dumbfounded. He didn't even see Yu Sheng's people... For a moment, this made Chen Shanming a little dumbfounded. Chen Shanming saw the staff on duty next to him, and immediately said: "What about Yu Sheng, has he left here? "

"Report to the squad leader that he has left." This person immediately said loudly.


Chen Shanming's face turned dark when he heard the words, and couldn't help saying: "Didn't you say you want to send him off? How did he leave?"

"He ran away..."

"Run away?"

When Chen Shanming heard these words, for a time, Chen Shanming was just for a moment. Chen Shanming couldn't help but said, "This kid... is this crazy? I can't run away from here, and there is a car when I arrive. At least ten kilometers away..."

Thinking of this, Chen Shanming couldn't help but admire a little, this kid is really a **** talent...

Chen Shanming took a deep breath, and he drove the car away immediately... and the direction was towards the direction Yu Sheng was.

When he reappears for the rest of his life... he has already arrived at the airport!

Obviously, Yu Sheng planned to leave here by the airport, and at this time, there was another person beside Yu Sheng. This person was not someone else but Chen Shanming.

It wasn't until this time that Yu Sheng knew that Chen Shanming was going to the Sea King's army with him. Fan Tianlei hadn't told him about this.

"Squad leader, why didn't you tell me earlier, that made me run ten kilometers in vain." Yu Sheng looked at Chen Shanming with a slightly unnatural expression, and said with a bit of resentment.

Chen Shanming was also speechless when he heard this. Chen Shanming said helplessly: "Who told you to run so fast, you usually run a little slower, you won't run ten kilometers."

Thinking of this, Chen Shanming felt a little painful. Originally, he drove the car to sixty miles. The speed of sixty miles is not too slow. If it is faster, the mountain road is rugged and not easy to drive.

He drove at a speed of sixty miles... he didn't catch up with Yu Sheng. When he caught up, Yu Sheng had already ran down here on the main road.

When Chen Shanming saw the scene in front of him, it was Chen Shanming who was sluggish on the spot. Chen Shanming didn't expect that Yu Sheng could run so fast. This kid is an animal, right?

Running so fast?

"Okay, don't say anything, go to the Sea King's troops, there is still something there." Chen Shanming said casually.

"But monitor, what are you going to do? It is said that this time, isn't it going to be selection or something?" Yu Sheng asked curiously.

"I'll look at you." Chen Shanming said casually.

"Look at me?" Yu Sheng opened his mouth when he heard the words, not knowing what to say for a while.

Obviously... this was Fan Tianlei who was afraid of doing things by himself, so he got Chen Shanming to look at him... For a while, this made Yu Sheng also slightly speechless.

As for it!

Make yourself seem like a lover of things.

"I'll go and check the ticket first, your kid is waiting here." Chen Shanming said casually.


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and waited patiently here.

When Chen Shanming came back, Chen Shanming's expression was a little unnatural. Yu Sheng also noticed something strange during the rest of his life. Yu Sheng asked, "Squad leader, what's the matter?"

"It is said that it is raining somewhere, so the flight was delayed."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he also stayed for one, saying: "Then how do we fix it?"

"Let's take the train." Chen Shanming said: "We can't delay our time. Let's leave here by high-speed rail. The high-speed rail is not slow. You can catch up."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he should say.

"Fortunately, it's not far from the high-speed rail station. I will buy two tickets first."

When the voice fell, the two of them left here, and when they appeared again, the two of them had already arrived on the high-speed rail!

At this time, they had already boarded the high-speed rail heading to the Sea King's troops.

Of course, if you take a plane, you will have to travel a few hours quickly, but if you take a high-speed train, it will take an hour to two hours at least.

"By the way, what kind of troop is this Sea King's troop?" Yu Sheng couldn't help asking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Shanming heard this and was silent for a while, then slowly said: "In fact, I too I don’t know what kind of unit this is, but I heard from the Chief of Staff that this unit is very powerful."

"What about the Jiaolong Commando?" Yu Sheng asked.

"There is no comparability." Chen Shanming shook his head and said: "The Jiaolong Commando can only be described as a special force at best, but it cannot be said to be an ace force. This sea king force can be said to be the ace of the trump cards."

"Their strength is very strong."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he nodded slightly, and even Chen Shanming said that the other party is strong, so the other party must not be as simple as it seems...


But at this moment, Yu Sheng's light fluttered, and a figure appeared in Yu Sheng's line of sight, which made Yu Sheng's complexion slightly condensed...

"Squad leader..."

But at this moment, Chen Shanming made a gesture...

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