I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1228: Something happened again

For the rest of his life, he closed his mouth instantly.

After they have been together for so long, they naturally understand what the other's gestures mean. Chen Shanming gestures towards him, which means that he already knows.

"Squad leader, how to rectify?" Yu Sheng asked.

"If you haven't been touched by us, then forget it, since we have been touched by us..." At this point, Chen Shanming said calmly, "Then you have to take care of it."

"Let's go." When the voice fell, Chen Shanming stood up first, Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then stood up.

As the two of them stood up, they walked towards this figure.

This is a man with short hair, wearing a hat, and wearing very ordinary clothes. At first glance, he is an ordinary person.

But the more so, the more likely it is to arouse their suspicion.

The gaze of Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming fell on this person only because there was a blade in his mouth...

If anyone sees this scene, they will inevitably exclaim.

With a blade in your mouth, is this impatient? You must know that the blade is easy to cut yourself if you are not careful, and this kind of blade is still so sharp...

It wasn't until this person cut the other party's purse that Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming realized that they had met a pickpocket... This made Chen Shanming and Yu Sheng both slightly surprised.

These pickpockets are really everywhere. What surprised them most is that these people dare to do something on the high-speed rail. You know, the high-speed rail is relatively sparsely populated, and there are many cameras here. If you want to do something here, That's easy to get caught.

It wasn't until the two of them saw this guy's technique that they suddenly realized.


Not bad, that's a master!

Both of them have met masters! This guy avoided the camera, so that the camera couldn’t see how he made the move, and the person who was stolen didn’t even notice it?  It was as if nothing had happened. Seeing in the eyes?   The two of them were also slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are still such good pickpockets in this world, but it's a pity...to the extreme!

If this guy does some other serious work, he will definitely achieve something.

"Hello, brother."

At this time Yu Sheng came to this person?   After this person noticed Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming?   was also surprised, but he quickly calmed down.

He looked at Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming?   smiled and said, "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming looked at each other?   They didn't expect that this kid was arrested, so he could be so calm at this time?   This was really beyond their expectations.

For the rest of my life he laughed?   said, "Of course something..."

Yu Sheng smiled again and said, "Brother?  You hid the blade in your mouth?  Aren’t you afraid of being cut in your mouth? If one accidentally cuts off the tongue, it won’t be cured if you want to cure it? I can only be dumb."


Yu Sheng said this?   Make this pickpocket look slightly changed?   But?   This change is only a fleeting moment?   This pickpocket did not expect that the other party actually saw his actions?   This makes him also slightly slightly Surprised, you know... his movements are already very gentle, it is not so easy for others to find out?  I was discovered by others...

How did they discover it?

He has been stealing for so many years, yet few people can see his skill?   I didn't expect to be discovered by them, which really surprised him.

However, he still looked at Yu Sheng calmly, trying to keep himself calm, what if the two guys in front of him were cheating with himself?

After hearing this, the man smiled and said, "Brother, your joke is really big." "

"The blade is hiding in your mouth, are you kidding? Who can hide the blade in your mouth? Besides, can this blade hide in your mouth? Wouldn't it be very troublesome if you cut yourself?"

"I think you two, you must be mistaken."

The pickpocket dare not admit it. If he does admit it, it will be very troublesome. After all, his affairs cannot withstand the investigation. If this is really checked, it will be one check.


When Yu Sheng heard the words, the corner of his mouth was picked up, revealing a playful smile, and he smiled and said, "Is there any mistake? You let us see if you know it?"

Hearing that, the pickpocket's face sank, and the pickpocket said coldly, "You two, are you here to find the fault? You don't look at what this is, look for the fault here, but you have to bear legal responsibility, something happened. Son, you two can't afford this responsibility."

"Hehe." Chen Shanming heard the words, smiled faintly, and said calmly, "The first time I saw the pickpocket, the pickpocket was so plausible..."

"Lady, take a look at your bag, is there something missing?" Chen Shanming said to a lady next to the pickpocket.


This pretty-looking lady was also taken aback when she heard the words. Obviously she didn't expect that Chen Shanming would say this, which made her a little surprised.

But she also reacted quickly. Chen Shanming said this, obviously telling him that his things were stolen...

The lady hurriedly checked her bag, but... after the girl just took out her bag, he saw that there was a hole in her bag...

After seeing this scene ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the girl's pretty face also changed slightly.

Immediately, the girl quickly checked her contents. Then, the girl found that her purse was missing. Perceiving this scene, the girl suddenly looked at the pickpocket, then looked at Chen Shanming again, and said, "I... My wallet is gone..."

The girl's voice fell. At this time, deep in the eyes of the pickpocket, there was also a panic passing by, but the pickpocket was still calm, and he was not in a hurry.

"You two stole it, didn't you? Okay, I said why did you come here to find me trouble. It seems that you two came here on purpose." The pickpocket said coldly.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his eyes narrowed, and he had to say that this pickpocket would really be raking in the back. Yu Sheng said plainly, "It doesn't matter, when the police arrive, everything will come to light."


The pickpocket panicked as soon as this sentence was spoken. If the astonishment really came, then this matter would be troublesome, and he would not be able to avoid it when something really happened.


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