I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1229: Small contradiction

Thinking of this, the pickpocket said loudly, "Okay, I think you two are here to find fault. In that case, you can only wait for the police to come. When the police come, I see where you two are running, you two Inside, there must be a thief."

With that said, the pickpocket quickly stood up. At this time, the pickpocket's hand speed was also extremely fast, and he quickly touched Yu Sheng's body...

Now that we have reached this level, we can only use this method right now.


Who is the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng had been paying attention to the thief's every move, especially the moment the thief stood up, Yu Sheng's eyes began to change quietly!

It seems that every movement of the thief is gradually slowing down in Yu Sheng's eyes, Yu Sheng's eyes can even catch bullets, not to mention the actions of a thief.

Therefore, the moment the thief stood up, Yu Sheng’s movements were clearly seen by Yu Sheng. What Yu Sheng did not expect was that the thief actually wanted to stuff his wallet into his pocket. If he was really caught by the thief If it succeeds, it will be a little troublesome.

Wherever he went, he couldn't argue.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng grabbed the thief's arm. The sudden situation made the thief be bewildered on the spot. The thief looked at the scene in front of him with a bewildered expression, and the thief's eyes were full of horror. And incredible.


The thief never dreamed that his arm would be caught by Yu Sheng. The sudden situation made even the thief dumbfounded for an instant.

At this time, he was holding the wallet in his hand, whether it was holding it, or plugging it. For a while, he didn't know what to do with it.

"Oh? I don't know what's the matter with the wallet in your hand?" Yu Sheng said sharply.


As soon as this remark was made, the thief's expression changed drastically!

The thief's face became a little difficult to look, and the girl beside the thief, after seeing the scene in front of her, even exclaimed, "This wallet is mine..."

The girl hurriedly took the wallet from the thief, the girl quickly looked through it and found that there was nothing missing, she was a little relieved.

Yu Sheng asked, "Madam, your stuff is not missing, right?"

"No, no." The girl said gratefully. "Thank you so much. I have everything in my wallet and nothing is missing. Thank you. If it weren't for you, my wallet would have been lost. Many of the documents in it are for me. In terms of it, it’s too important."

At this time, everyone around him suddenly realized.

"Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be a thief."

"Yeah, the current thief is really too cunning. It's really hateful to want to blame it on others."

"If you want me to say, you should chop off the hands of these thieves, let them know the fate of stealing." Some people began to speak cruelly.

"Thieves now are indeed very hateful."

The people present are all pointing and pointing.

The thief at this time also looked furious, but he didn't expect that he would be arrested at this time.

You know, he is a frequent visitor here. He often moves around the railway station or even on the train. He feels that the train is more suitable for him to commit crimes because on the train, many people are lazy and undefended. , But at this train station...

Many people are more defensive. Obviously, they all know that there are a lot of stealing in some railway stations.

Unexpectedly, he would actually be planted in the hands of the two people in front of him. For a while, the thief was also a little furious. The thief stared at Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming with an angry face, as the thief gritted his teeth.

"busy body."

When Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming heard this, they shrugged and said faintly, "This is to serve the people."

"Stop talking nonsense, now we are asking to send you to the police station. If you have anything, go to the police station to explain clearly." Yu Sheng said indifferently.

After all, they belong to the military area system, and they are two systems with the police. Of course, if you talk, you can definitely say something through some leaders, but...professional things naturally need professional people to handle it, of course. Now, Yu Sheng also knows that in this situation, it is estimated that he will be fine after being detained for a few days. This is no way...

Unless it is some major financial affairs, such as losses of more than 5,000, this situation is likely to be sentenced to three years in prison.

"Go to your mother..."

The thief was furious, and punching his fist hit Yu Sheng's head severely. The thief was also irritated by Yu Sheng. If it were not for Yu Sheng, things would not become what it is now, and he would not Will be so passive, so this makes the thief very angry.

When the thief punched towards Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng had already built a dike. Seeing the thief attacking him, Yu Sheng sighed inwardly and shook his head slightly.

In his opinion, the thief's fist is too immature, not challenging at all.

Yu Sheng's other hand grabbed the thief's fist casually, and then Yu Sheng grabbed the thief instantly, and the thief couldn't help wailing.


The thief screamed, and the intense pain caused him to pierce his heart. The thief said angrily, "Don't...let go, let me **** let go, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death."

Yu Sheng glanced at the thief indifferently. This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy at all. This kind of person is just idle and lazy, so that it will become what it is now.

If such a person is worthy of sympathy, there will be no one worthy of sympathy.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, several figures came over quickly. Both figures were all wearing police uniforms. After these two figures saw Yu Sheng overpowering the thief, they both became bothered. It frowned, and immediately yelled, "What's the matter? Do you know where it is, now please let him go immediately."

The two policemen frowned and stared at Yu Sheng.

Chen Shanming stood up at this time, Chen Shanming took out a certificate and said, "Hello, this is our certificate."

"We caught a thief, and we need two police officers to help investigate."

As Chen Shanming handed out his credentials, the two people looked through it, and after seeing the content above, a little surprise appeared in their eyes.

They didn't expect that the two in front of them would be a soldier, which was beyond their expectations.

(End of this chapter)


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