I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1236: Dragon King

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming entered the team one after another. Although they didn't know their position, they knew how to arrange the team.

At this time, the Dragon King beckoned to a person next to him, and the person who led them for the rest of their lives quickly approached.

Dragon King said: "They are the people Fan Tianlei called?"

"It should be." The man nodded slightly and said, "They come from the red blood cells of wolf teeth. Fan Tianlei seems to have a red blood cell under his hand."


Dragon King nodded slightly.

"Dragon King...Since it is a wolffang person, should we deliberately target it?" This person thought for a while and asked.

"Yeah." Dragon King nodded slightly, and said faintly: "They are allowed to enter the Sea King's troops so easily, so they can be targeted appropriately."


This person should say.

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, you go and call the great white shark over." Dragon King said.


Following an order, this person quickly left here. After this person left, a man in military uniform quickly appeared here. This person came to the Dragon King and said: "Dragon King, are you looking for me?"


The Dragon King nodded slightly, and said: "The wolffang people are here. You will preside over this training. I think you can eliminate them and don't let them enter the Sea King's troops."

"Yes." The great white shark heard the words and said immediately.

"Dragon King, Fan Tianlei once told us, why do we want his people to participate in the selection of the Sea King reserve team this time? We can completely shut them out?" The great white shark said with some curiosity.

The Dragon King heard this, snorted, and said lightly: "Fan Tianlei is not a good thing. His soldiers are all virtues, but..."

Having said this, the Dragon King snorted coldly, and said faintly: "I want to dig up his soldiers. I will see what his face is when then."

When talking about this, the great white shark was stunned, and said: "Dragon King, his people are all army troops. For the sea, I am afraid that it is not good? Dig them, isn't this a waste of our time?"

Dragon King said: "I just want to see how Fan Tianlei feels distressed."

"Okay, you go and lead them to train. Eliminate all those who are indiscriminately replenishing their numbers. Don't let them stay. Our Sea King troops don't want these indiscriminately refills." Dragon King waved his hand and said casually: "By the way , You pay more attention to these two guys in Langya."

"It's okay to put more burden on them, don't make these two guys too easy."


As the voice fell, the great white shark answered.

At the same time, the great white shark was also slightly curious, and for a while, he couldn't understand the relationship between the Dragon King and Fan Tianlei.

The great white shark once remembered that there seemed to be some small contradictions between the Dragon King and Fan Tianlei. It seemed that the Dragon King discovered a genius back then, and then...

In the end, Fan Tianlei was prying the corner of the wall and went directly into the wolf’s teeth. At that time, the Dragon King was in a rage and turned his face with Fan Tianlei. Even the Dragon King once dug Fan Tianlei’s people, but, well, Fan Tianlei’s people didn’t know that they were Fan Tianlei was brainwashed or how to drop, unexpectedly he did not enter their Sea King troops.

You know, their Neptune troops are extremely good special forces, and they are the overlords of the sea. These people actually look down on their Neptune troops, and for a while, this makes the Dragon King also slightly annoyed.

Simply, the Dragon King hit the bar with Fan Tianlei...

Over time, there have been some small contradictions between the two, but...what makes the great white sharks confused is that since there is a contradiction, it is an idea to embarrass the other party, but, the Dragon King disdains it. However, sometimes, the Dragon King will do other unbelievable things. This is really different from the Dragon King itself. It seems that they are all in a cloud and mist, and they don’t understand what the Dragon King is. mean.

Isn't there a contradiction between Dragon King and Fan Tianlei? Why do two people have a feeling of sympathy? This kind of illusion also bothered them. When they asked the Dragon King, they were directly reprimanded by the Dragon King, so everyone no longer dared to inquire into the Dragon King's private affairs.

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming stood in the crowd. At this time, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming all looked at the people around them solemnly, which made them a little bit jealous and solemn.

Because they perceive that all these people around are not easy.

Many of these people are in the realm of the king of soldiers, and there are even high-ranking soldiers, which surprised Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming.

When are there so many soldiers? Just like no money, you must know that the king of soldiers is a good player with ten.

Logically speaking, the king of soldiers is extremely rare, and each one is under key protection, but here, the king of soldiers seems to be free of money, which makes Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming a little solemn.

"Squad leader~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There seems to be a lot of soldiers here, where do they come from? How come there are so many soldiers?" Yu Sheng couldn't help asking.

"Where do I know." Chen Shanming said: "There are more than one million soldiers in China. It is also common sense that there are 8,000 soldiers."

The rest of his life thought about it briefly: "That's right, there are indeed a lot of Chinese soldiers, and it is reasonable to have such a few."

Yu Sheng looked around carefully, and the breath of these people was not simple.

But at this moment, the great white sharks stood in front of them. At this time, they were divided into six rows, with ten people in each row. It could be said that there were exactly sixty people.

The great white shark's eyes swept across everyone sharply. The great white shark looked at everyone present indifferently, his eyes were mixed with a little indifference and coldness.

As if it didn't contain the slightest emotion.

The voice of the great white shark also rippled at this time.

"From today, I will be your instructor. You can call me the Great White Shark, and the one behind me is the chief instructor. You can call him the Dragon King."


As these words were uttered, all the people present were solemn and solemn. They stared solemnly at the Dragon King and Great White Shark in front of them, revealing a little heavyness.

Because they all felt a kind of pressure on the Great White Shark and Dragon King.

That kind of pressure made them breathless, which made them a little surprised. What kind of strength these two people are actually makes them feel a sense of fear.

The great white shark glanced at the people present and calmly said: "From today, you must unconditionally obey my orders. Whatever I ask you to do, you will do what you want."

"have you understood?"

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