I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1237: Sea training


When the people present heard the words, their minds shrank, and they shouted immediately.

When the great white shark heard the words, he nodded slightly. The great white shark looked at the dragon king again and said, "Dragon King, do you want to come up and say something?"

"No need." Dragon King shook his head faintly, and said, "Let's start training next."

Hearing what Dragon King said, the great white shark replied: "Yes."

With an order, the great white shark immediately looked at the people present, and a pair of eyes began to become sharp, and said loudly: "Now, all of them, turn to the right."


With an order, everyone present turned around.

"Walk together." The great white shark continued.

Everyone didn't talk nonsense, they just walked forward step by step. When they reached the edge of the aircraft carrier, the voice of the great white shark came over and said loudly: "Stand at attention."

Everyone stopped.

The great white shark glanced indifferently at the people present, and the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a slightly playful smile, and then the great white shark sternly said: "Now, all of them, let me jump from here."


As soon as this statement was made, the pupils of the people present suddenly shrank, and they all looked at the great white shark in amazement, with deep shock and surprise in their eyes.


In many people's minds, it was a sentence that fell straight out.

"What are you kidding?" Someone couldn't help but took a breath and thought secretly.

They dare not speak, because they all know that the troops need organization and discipline. If they don't speak well at this time, they will be arrested, but this does not prevent them from being shocked.

"That's a **** joke, this kind of height, less to say, has to be about 40 meters, the overall height of this aircraft carrier has reached about 70 meters, except for the high part, this deck is the most distant from the sea level. At least forty meters, jump from here, isn’t this looking for death?"

"These forty meters are almost as high as a 14-story building?"

When some people thought of this, they all looked at the great white shark with dumbfounded expressions. Everyone couldn't believe that the great white shark would give such a ridiculous order.

Everyone knows.

Diving in this situation, this is the rhythm to let them die.

According to the current high-altitude diving.

Men’s take-off height is generally 23 to 28 meters, this is also to ensure that these divers are not injured, of course...

"On Laomi's side, there is a high-altitude stunt diving competition. The specially-made steel-frame jumping platform is 48 meters high and the platform is about 70 cm wide. Athletes can freely choose the action of the competition. The referee will score the game and the winner will be the winner. In Lao Mo Over there, there is a traditional cliff diving competition. The cliff is 60 meters high and the sea is below. The athlete’s jump action is similar to that of Laomi’s 48-meter high-altitude diving. Because the high-altitude diving is very dangerous and prone to injury accidents, it is in the world It’s not widespread."


"Often such challengers are not in the minority, of course there are also a large number of foreigners, and because of this, there are also not a few people who die in it."

"But these people are all people who have experienced special training, but even after special training, they may not be able to withstand such an impact."

To know.

"Under the gravitational force of the earth, there is a gravitational acceleration. The higher the altitude, the greater the speed when it reaches the water surface, the greater the force that impacts the water surface, and the greater the force on people or objects, so that the human body cannot bear it. Of course, it also depends on the contact area between you and the water surface. The larger the contact area, for example, if you pat it up horizontally, the force will be greater. If you plant it, the total force will be less."

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Of course, when diving, many people first let their feet land, and the body must remain absolutely tense and straight. If this is a little careless, the diving may break the skull and die on the spot.

As for those in TV series, the actors jump from the waterfall at every turn, then it’s pure nonsense. Even if you jump from the waterfall, the acceleration of gravity does not change. The higher the value, the greater the acceleration of gravity. Big, in the end, it is very likely to die on the horizontal surface.

To put it bluntly, those are not enough to fool people, whoever learns is stupid.

Unexpectedly, this great white shark actually asked them to jump off the 40-meter deck. Isn’t it killing them? If it’s 20 meters, they will jump off without hesitation. If it’s not even 20 meters, they will not be able to overcome it. If they were, they would not be the king of soldiers...

But forty meters was a bit too much, which made them hesitate and hesitated.

At this time, the great white shark frowned, and immediately looked at everyone present. The great white shark's eyes were mixed with deep sarcasm and sneer.

"Why? Don't you dare? Afraid?"

The great white shark sneered: "Is this what you call guts? Even a small 40-meter diving ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't bear it? Do you know what you are like at this moment?"

"At this moment, you are like trash, like a frightened bird, like a rookie. You are the king of soldiers one by one? The king of soldiers is just like you? Are you afraid of a mere 40 meters?"

"For people like you, on the battlefield, that is undoubtedly mortal, no one can save you, you are on the battlefield, you also harm your teammates."

"Even this kind of difficulty, you can't bear it, if it's hard for you, what else can you do?"

"If you want me to say, you might as well go home,'burn your kids, hug sweet potatoes', and don't be embarrassed here."

After Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming heard these words, the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely and burned the child. Can this child burn?

However, everyone present can hear that this is the great white shark taunting them and stimulating them, because these trainings are also the usual tricks of Spike.


At this time, a man with a blushing face and a thick neck suddenly roared loudly.

"Say." The great white shark glanced at the man casually, and said coldly.

"Report instructor, what I want to say is that the diving level of professional athletes is only 28 meters. Why do we die for 40 meters? If we jump down 40 meters, we will die. Can you afford this responsibility? And, you This approach is totally making us look for death, and we are not convinced."

This person's loud questioning made the great white shark sneer, and the great white shark said coldly: "You are right, I really can't afford this responsibility."


The next sentence made the people present creepy.

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