I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1244: Is this kid still a man?

For the rest of my life, I saw that there were a lot of silk threads on the bottom of the sea. These threads were criss-crossed, making people unable to judge whether one was true and which one was false, and even the true and the false were fused together... In short, It's hard to guard against.

Yu Sheng did not unfasten the lock, and then his hands moved quickly. In this water, Yu Sheng didn't need to hold his breath at all. He could basically carry it in the water all the time as long as he wanted. This is the blood of a century-old Kunpeng sacred beast. What's terrible...

For the rest of his life, he dismantled the bomb in front of him...he dismantled it very carefully.

About five minutes later, Yu Sheng finally disassembled the first bomb. It was only at this time that Yu Sheng discovered that this mine is very different from the bomb...

Unexpectedly, it took five minutes to dismantle the bomb by myself?

If you follow this dismantling method...How long does it take to dismantle all the bombs here? In just one day, he couldn't dismantle all the bombs here...

Yu Sheng couldn't help but glanced at his own military merit. Yu Sheng saw that his military merit was still 3630 points. There were not many such numbers, but not very few.

If you can complete Fan Tianlei's entrustment, you can get a lot of military merit.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng no longer hesitated, and immediately said: "System, refresh the mall, refresh the intermediate mall ten times first."

As the voice of the rest of his life fell, at this time, the voice of the system came again.

"Didi, the host is refreshing the mall, consuming 1,000 military merits..."

"Didi, the host successfully refreshed the mall..."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng hurriedly set his sights on the system mall, and Yu Sheng quickly checked it... Yu Sheng frowned...

Because he found that there was nothing he wanted in the system mall. For a while, this made Yu Sheng's brows tightly closed...

In it, he saw some books about bombs, but these books are too one-sided. As far as he is concerned, they are not used at all. Even if all these knowledge points are stuffed into his mind, there is nothing. Meaning, this made Yu Sheng, greatly dissatisfied.

In other words, when I refreshed the mall this time, I didn't refresh anything. Yu Sheng suddenly realized that the more it came to the back, the probability of good things appearing was getting lower and lower, which kept the rest of my life from getting off the lock.

But think about it, if the probability of showing good things gets faster and faster, isn't your fighting power able to increase infinitely? So I want to come to the system for balance.

"Now there are 2,630 left, do you want to continue?"

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng became silent. This military merit was hard-won, so it was a little flustered for Yu Sheng to spend money. Therefore, Yu Sheng hesitated slightly.

"Continue..." Yu Sheng gritted his teeth, he won't get into the tiger's lair, and he is reluctant to let the child not catch the wolf.

"The system continues to refresh the Intermediate Mall ten times." Yu Sheng said immediately.

"Didi, the host is refreshing the mall, consuming 1,000 military merits..."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng once again looked at what he had refreshed in the mall. Then, an item appeared under Yu Sheng's sight.

"good stuff……"

After Yu Sheng saw such a thing, for a while, it made Yu Sheng look happy, and there was a little fiery look in Yu Sheng's eyes.

It looks like a hungry wolf seeing delicious food.

"Explosives Dismantling Handbook."

Yes, it was the explosives dismantling manual. Yu Sheng never thought that for thousands of years, his 2,000 points of military merit would have refreshed the existence of such a good thing. For a while, this made Yu Sheng's eyes flicker.

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"By the way, I don't know how much..."

Immediately, Yu Sheng quickly set his sights on the price column of the explosives removal manual, and when Yu Sheng saw the price, Yu Sheng was at a loss.

"Fuck, 1,000 military merits?"

When Yu Sheng saw that the price was a thousand military merits, Yu Sheng's expression became a little unnatural. He felt that this system was deliberately cheating him? Now he has 1630 military merit points left... Now you have a thousand military merit points. This is the rhythm of turning him into a pauper...

I thought I had tens of thousands of military merits, which was enough to spend, but in the end, Yu Sheng knew that his military merits were nothing...

Before, I was a poor man, but now I am also a poor man. It's almost impossible.

Yu Sheng's face became a little unnatural.

However, this thing has to be bought now.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and immediately said: "System, buy explosives demolition manual."

As Yu Sheng’s voice fell, the system’s voice echoed in Yu Sheng’s mind, which gave Yu Sheng a slight shock ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Didi, the host is buying an explosives dismantling manual, which consumes 1,000 military power points from the host, may I ask the host , Do you want to buy? "

"Buy." Yu Sheng said without hesitation.

"Didi, the host has successfully purchased the explosives demolition manual. Is the host fused?"

"Fusion." The rest of his life didn't talk nonsense, and gave the order of fusion without hesitation. In an instant...

There are many more things in Yu Sheng’s mind. All of these things are something about explosives. There are bombs and torpedoes. They are almost related to explosives. They are all here. I will see them for the rest of my life. After this scene, Yu Sheng, the eyes were bright, and for a while, Yu Sheng became a little excited...

"Good things, good things..."

When Yu Sheng saw these things, even Yu Sheng couldn't help but get a little excited. This thousand military merits are really worth it. In other words, he can dismantle almost any explosives, of course some. Explosives still require certain tools.

If you don’t have certain tools, you can’t dismantle these explosives yourself, but... it’s not a big problem to dismantle the bombs in front of you...

Yu Sheng felt a sense of familiarity flooding into his limbs. Yu Sheng hurriedly looked at the bombs in front of him. These bombs were of all kinds. When Yu Sheng saw these bombs, Yu Sheng recognized them all at once. bomb.

These bombs have many names, but he didn't care much about them for the rest of his life. What made him most concerned was that when he noticed these bombs...the way to dismantle these bombs appeared in his mind...

This scene made Yu Sheng a little surprised, as if he felt that if he wanted to dismantle the bomb, it would be very simple...

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