I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1245: This is the explosives dismantling manual?


In the next moment, Yu Sheng’s hands fell on these bombs. As Yu Sheng’s hands were placed on the bombs, for a while, Yu Sheng had a lot of knowledge about bombs in his mind. All these bombs were experienced. What is inspected is not remanufactured.

If it is a new bomb made by someone, it is indeed a bit troublesome, but these have already been made, it saves a lot of trouble.

For the rest of his life, his hands seemed to have physical memories. The moment his hands touched the bomb, his hands moved quickly.

In just a few seconds, the rest of his life is to disassemble the bomb in front of him.

Chen Shanming, who was watching this scene, was stunned.

"Fuck, the bomb will also be demolished?"

Chen Shanming has seen Yu Sheng's ability to dismantle landmines. With that ability to dismantle landmines, Chen Shanming feels that few people can catch up with Yu Sheng, but...

Never thought that Yu Sheng's ability to dismantle bombs would be so strong? This is a bit awesome?

Although landmines and bombs are conceivable to some extent, there are still many differences in the end. Landmines are always landmines, and bombs are always bombs.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng could dismantle the bomb so fast. How did this kid do it?

However, the next scene made Chen Shanming even more dumbfounded.

He saw Yu Sheng constantly rushing towards the bomb in front of him. With the non-stop movement of Yu Sheng's hands, it was just a blink of an eye. Yu Sheng ran to about ten meters. At this speed of bomb disposal, Chen Shanming was always Dazzled, dumbfounded, this speed is too fast.

As if Yu Sheng came to a bomb, he knew how to remove it without even looking at it. For a while, Chen Shanming was shocked.

Chen Shanming didn't talk nonsense. He followed Yu Sheng closely. About fifteen minutes later, Yu Sheng and his group were after the bomb of several hundred meters.

The area of ​​the bomb is only a few hundred meters. Of course, there are a lot of bombs in this sea, and many of them are connected by silk threads. However, there are still some gaps between these bombs and bombs, so That kind of airtight situation is unlikely.


The most daunting thing is these silk threads!

Because no one knows which of these threads is real and which one is fake. In case they are touched, it is likely to cause a bomb explosion...

Once the bomb explodes, they must be over...

Therefore, it is these silk threads that are most daunting.


In front of Yu Sheng, these threads seemed to be nothing. Yu Sheng grabbed a few threads and cut them directly with a dagger, as if they were doing a very ordinary thing. Chen Shanming looked even more shivering. , Cold sweat...

This kid is really too courageous. You must know that this is a minefield. If one is not careful, the bomb explodes, and they both have to finish playing.

But what about this kid?

Just like a okay person, Chen Shanming looked a little dumbfounded.

In this scene, the performance is so strong that people who don't know think they are watching the performance.

When Yu Sheng appeared in the distance, at this time, someone finally discovered the existence of Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming. At this time, someone exclaimed: "Look, there are people 200 meters away?"

At this time, someone couldn't help exclaiming, and hurriedly pointed to a place 200 miles away.

Immediately, this voice attracted a lot of gazes all at once. When the people present saw the two figures for a moment, for a time, it caused their pupils to shrink suddenly. .

"Fuck... is there really someone?"

"This is a big joke, how did those two guys pass?"

"How is it possible? What is in front of us is a minefield. This minefield is densely terrorized, and there are many threads connected. Once these threads are touched, it is likely to cause an explosion. How did they pass?"

"Could it be that they flew over and failed?"

"Aren't they going around?"

"What are you kidding? Didn't you see so many people around us watching? Go around? You shit, go around and see?"

The people present were all talking about it. After they saw Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming, they were all shocked.

At this moment, even the great white shark couldn't help but look into the distance. He really saw the figure of Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming. When the great white shark saw the figure of these two people, it was a great white shark with eyeballs. Zi glared, with a strong shock and incredibleness.


"How did they get there?" The people around the great white shark couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Have you just noticed them? Why did they suddenly pass by?"

All the people present were dumbfounded.

"How can it be?"

The great white shark's eyes are also full of disbelief, and he said in a condensed voice: "This minefield was specially made by someone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I want to get through this minefield, I am afraid there is none. So easy, how did this kid get there?"

"Does this kid detour?"

Thinking of this, the great white shark felt unlikely. After all, there were many people around them. So many people looked at them. If they didn't even know their past for the rest of their lives, then they would have lived in vain.

But... the rest of your life passed by for the rest of your life, what is going on? What happened?

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All those present were puzzled.

"Go, go and have a look over there."

Immediately, the great white shark spoke.


Following an order, the people present rushed in one direction after another. When they came to this minefield, the people around all gave way.

The great white shark jumped directly from the boat, and the great white shark quickly looked towards the minefield. When the great white shark looked towards the minefield, at this moment, the great white shark suddenly realized.

The great white shark was even more sluggish on the spot.

"How can it be?"

The great white shark's mind was blank. He looked at the scene in front of him incredulously. The great white shark was surprised to find that there were a lot of lines that were suddenly cut off. These lines seemed to be cut at will. Some bombs sank directly into the sea. Obviously... these bombs were all dismantled by Yu Sheng.

In other words, Yu Sheng bluntly hit a road, as long as you follow this road, then this minefield will basically not pose any threat to them.

When the great white shark saw this scene before him, he was full of disbelief and incredible, because this scene was really nonsense...

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