I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1250: Angry Great White Shark

The great white shark's face sank, and he hurriedly looked towards Yu Sheng. He found that this kid was actually sleeping as his mother. The appearance of this scene made the great white shark's face a little difficult to look at.

For a moment, the great white shark's chest was up and down.

This kid, this is provoking, provoking their authority...Do you really think they can't cure him?

For a while, the great white shark was also very angry.

"walk over."


With an order, they swiftly drove the boat and followed up. Soon, they came to Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming. When Chen Shanming noticed the great white sharks, Chen Shanming's expression was also slight. Some dignified, Chen Shanming said immediately.

"For the rest of my life, wake up, wake up."

Chen Shanming knew that the great white sharks must have nothing good when they came here, so he hurried to wake up Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng noticed that he opened his eyes in a daze. He did sleep for a while, about half an hour or so. Yu Sheng hurriedly looked around and found that the people behind had not caught up. This made Yu Sheng slightly surprised. Immediately, Yu Sheng set his gaze on the great white shark and others.

At this moment, the great white shark used a pair of sharp eyes to stare at the rest of his life in front of him. A pair of eyes seemed to have flames burning, which looked terrifying.


Yu Sheng was aware of the great white shark's anger, which made Yu Sheng look inexplicable. Did he offend him again? What an international joke.

Yu Sheng looked at Chen Shanming unconsciously, Chen Shanming also noticed Yu Sheng's gaze, and shook his head secretly.

"The rest of my life." The great white shark roared.


Yu Sheng said loudly, and offered a military salute.

Of course, in this ocean, it's impossible to stay still. After all, you still need to float on the surface. The rest of your life looked at the great white shark, but his expression was solemn.

"What are you doing..." the great white shark roared.

"Report instructor, I'm swimming."

Yu Sheng heard this and hurriedly said loudly.

After Chen Shanming heard Yu Sheng’s words, he couldn’t help but want to laugh. At this moment, he couldn’t help thinking that when Yu Sheng had just entered the Langya training camp, the rest of his life at that moment was a complete sting. At that time, in order to train for the rest of his life, he almost collapsed.

No matter how he played, the result of this kid was always beyond people's expectations. This kid was not an individual at all, which made Chen Shanming angry and laughing at the time.

Now, seeing the angry great white sharks and others running out for Yu Sheng, for a while, this made Chen Shanming's expression a little bit of joy.

This time, I finally saw other people training for the rest of their lives, that kind of helpless look...

You want to say that someone broke the rules, right? They didn’t foul, even though the rules were set by them, but...it’s decided, you have to abide by it. If even the instructor doesn’t abide by it, it’s a bit unreasonable. After all, no one is as thick-skinned as Lao Fan. , Is to deliberately want to spend the rest of his life, not playing cards according to reason at all.

Seeing what the great white sharks looked like right now made Chen Shanming also interested.


For the rest of my life, it was okay not to say this. When I said that, the great white shark became more angry, and said angrily: "Are you swimming or sleeping? Huh? This is how you enter the Sea King Special Forces?"

"Look at everyone present, how many backstrokes are there? You are the only one in the audience."

"Do you know it, just your sloppy appearance, when you arrive on the real battlefield, you will undoubtedly die. The enemy will not give up shooting you for some reason."

"Do you know what you did."

The great white shark was full of anger and yelled.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he was slightly speechless. After thinking about it, Yu Sheng said loudly: "Report to the instructor, I am not satisfied with the speed of the backstroke, and I saw that they have not come yet, so I am quickly recovering my strength..."

"On the real battlefield, you must keep your physical strength at all times, and you can't waste a single cent..."

Yu Sheng began to talk, and when Yu Sheng finished speaking, the jaws' complexion became even more ugly for a while.

"Do you dare to talk back?"

The great white shark roared.

"Report to the instructor, don't dare." Yu Sheng said loudly.

The great white shark stared at Yu Sheng stubbornly and was furious. At this moment, the great white shark felt that his lungs were about to be blown up by Yu Sheng. This kid was really annoying.

Listen, is this what people say? What are these **** words? For a while, the great white shark was so angry...

The great white shark said angrily: "From now on, I ask you to arrive at the destination within an hour. If you can't arrive, you will get out of me immediately, and you understand."

"Report to the instructor, promise to complete the task." Yu Sheng heard this, his expression condensed, and immediately said loudly.

"What are you doing cold, don't swim quickly..." the great white shark roared.


Afterwards, there was no nonsense for the rest of my life, and I continued to swim upwards, but this time, the speed of the upward swimming was even faster. In just a blink of an eye, the rest of my life disappeared before the eyes of the great white shark, until the great white shark saw the rest of my life. When it looked like this, the great white shark was dumbfounded.



"I also slot..."

"This kid..."

The people around the great white shark were all staring dumbfounded for the rest of their lives. For a while, all of them were a little dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the great white shark would have been reprimanded for a while, but the result? This kid is good, as if he didn't hear him, he was still swimming up there?

In this scene, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Look at who these people are...

As for the great white shark, its chest rises and falls, and its anger is burning. At this moment, the great white shark has an impulse to blow up. The current great white shark really wants to kill the rest of his life.

This kid ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is so annoying.

Ask him to hurry up, this kid is a little happier, but...this kid's swimming posture is actually a **** backstroke...this is deliberately **** me off.

"The rest of my life..."

At this moment, the great white shark couldn't help it anymore, and roared. Yu Sheng, who had swimed ten meters away, was also taken aback by this sound. Yu Sheng hurriedly looked back at the great white shark and said loudly, "Here."

"Who made you swim upside down?" The great white shark couldn't help it anymore and asked loudly.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately looked at the great white shark and asked: "Reporting the instructor, I did the backstroke myself."

"What about your swimming standards? Ah... Is this your swimming standards?" the great white shark roared.

"Report instructor, you only said that you could swim to your destination within the specified time, but you didn't say what swimming method to use... This backstroke is a little less effort... So I just..." Yu Sheng said dumbfoundedly.


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