I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1251: White shark

The great white shark stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face. At this moment, the great white shark was almost out of anger. The great white shark took a deep breath and firmly suppressed the anger in his heart. The great white shark gave Yu Sheng a stern look. Then he said loudly: "Now I order you to use a standard posture to swim to the destination immediately. If you can't swim, you leave here by yourself."

"Yes, instructor, promise to complete the task."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng did not hesitate anymore, turned around, swished out, and the rest of his life was swimming extremely fast...even if it was not slower than the speed of some people running on land. , Even faster, this is the result of deliberate suppression for the rest of his life.

Once let him let go of the game, God knows what kind of speed he will have. After all, he is now a soldier...

When Yu Sheng swims and leaves, the people around the great white shark are all looking at Yu Sheng in front of them, and their eyes are full of shock.

"This kid, so fast..."

"Such a speed is the world swimming champion. I'm afraid it's no different, right?"

"This kid... is really..."

At this moment, they don’t know how to use words to describe the rest of their lives. At the same time, it makes them a little bit dumbfounded. Looking at the great white shark, you know that the rest of your life will be angry enough with the great white shark, but they dare not. laugh out loud……

When Chen Shanming saw this, he couldn't help but scream in his heart. Of course, Chen Shanming didn't dare to laugh out loud, but he was swimming silently, chasing after the rest of his life fast, of course, he was impossible. He was catching up, so he could only follow Yu Sheng slowly.

As long as you maintain this speed, don't be followed by people behind.

So Chen Shanming is not in a hurry, not panic.

However, what makes Chen Shanming most happy is that at this moment he is well-rounded, and there is an indescribable sense of unobstructedness in his heart, which makes him feel indescribable...


It's so comfortable.

He had never been so comfortable before, especially when he saw great white sharks helpless for the rest of his life, which made him feel unspeakably happy.

Now he knew that being a teammate with Yu Sheng was really painful and happy.

What's painful is that when this kid is training, it's too **** shocking. What's happy is that when he is instructor, he seems to be on the hook for the rest of his life. These instructors have nothing to do with them.


At this time, Yu Sheng was swimming quickly. After swimming for half an hour, Yu Sheng had swam for about 8 nautical miles. At this moment, Yu Sheng felt that his understanding of the water was getting deeper and deeper.

Especially for the use of the blood of the centuries-old Kunpeng sacred beast, he is becoming more and more skilled.

However, what surprises Yu Sheng is that he has not broken through. This is a bit of surprise to Yu Sheng. He currently has a synthetic card that can be called multiple skills. If he calls all these skills together, even For the rest of my life, I don't know what kind of skills I would call them together.

The previous two can be called a thousand-year skill, so will the four of them be called a thousand-year skill? Or some other?

For a while, Yu Sheng slightly looked forward to it.


At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed a kind of fluctuation. This sudden fluctuation caused Yu Sheng's pupils to shrink suddenly...

Because he noticed that this path fluctuated greatly and greatly, Yu Sheng hurriedly stopped and looked around...

Yu Sheng saw that there was a huge monster rushing towards him. Even in the sea, Yu Sheng's eyes were abnormally bright, and he saw this scene clearly.

When Yu Sheng saw this behemoth, he quickly swam towards him. When Yu Sheng saw it clearly, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

"I got a big slot..."

Seeing this scene, I was taken aback for the rest of my life.


Yu Sheng's complexion became a little dignified, he didn't have the slightest panic, because he knew that the more panic at this time, the more likely to have major problems, so he was extremely calm.

For the rest of his life, a pair of eyes stared at the shark in front of him, his brain was running fast.

"How to do?"

Yu Sheng's complexion gradually became a little dignified, now the moment of life and death...

"I am your uncle."

When Yu Sheng looked at this behemoth again, Yu Sheng was shocked.

It turned out to be a great white shark?

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, Yu Sheng's complexion was a bit difficult to look.

The great white shark is also called the white shark. It is a large and fierce shark. Looking at the great white shark in front of you, it is at least 5 meters in length and weighs about 3,000 kilograms. I did not expect that I would encounter this. Fierce stuff...

Moreover, this gadget sometimes attacks human ships~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In short, this gadget is one of the most ferocious sharks that cannot be provoked. But... this is the high seas, how could you encounter such a thing?

Yu Sheng's complexion became a bit solemn.

"By the way, everyone generally lives at a depth of about 1200 meters. If I dive to a certain depth, this big guy will have no choice..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng didn't hesitate anymore. Yu Sheng dived quickly, and the speed of the dive was extremely fast. At this time, the great white shark seemed to be aware of the rest of his life, and immediately chased in the direction of Yu Sheng.

As everyone knows, this fish's eyes can't see anything. Myopia is very serious, so they basically rely on smelling.

The shark seemed to perceive the smell of Yu Sheng's body, and chased it madly towards Yu Sheng. The speed was even faster. After Yu Sheng noticed the white shark behind him, Yu Sheng's pupils shrank suddenly.

Although he is the emperor of soldiers now, he does not dare to mess around with such a big guy. After all, he is not a god...

If you get a bite by this guy, it must be a broken muscle and a deadly rhythm. Therefore, the face of the rest of his life is also extremely ugly.

"Got to speed up."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng didn't hesitate anymore, quickly speeded up, and swam down. Fortunately, this white shark was not as fast as Yu Sheng's, so he couldn't catch up with the rest of his life.

This is also thanks to the first form of the blood of the Kunpeng divine beast for hundreds of years, which has leapt thousands of miles.

For the rest of his life, he moved quickly.

Soon, Yu Sheng opened the distance, and when Yu Sheng came to a distance of about two kilometers, the white shark obviously stopped chasing.

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