When Yu Sheng saw this, he quickly moved up a little bit. When Yu Sheng came to a distance of 1,600 meters, the white shark was still spinning in place. Obviously, Mei You continued to pursue Yu Sheng.

Only then did the rest of my life understand that the white shark’s living range is about 1,280 meters. At this time, the white shark’s diving is estimated to be more than 1,400 meters. The underwater pressure is so strong that even the white shark is somewhat unbearable. .

The white shark is swimming in the sky, and if it continues to go down, it will make him extremely uncomfortable, and the more it goes down, the greater the pressure it will bear.

This white shark is like a human being. Humans can't even dive in 100 meters of sea water. It can be seen how heavy the pressure is. Therefore, this leads to other creatures' endurance, which is naturally limited.

The white shark wandered over here. It could smell the scent for the rest of its life, but it was unwilling to continue diving. For a while, this made the white shark feel crazy...

White sharks seem to be extremely hungry, constantly moving on the water.

Time is passing by, but the White Shark still has no intention of leaving.

For the rest of his life, his brows were furrowed, and he noticed something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Is this guy going to squat down here?" Yu Sheng's complexion became a little dignified. Generally speaking, if white sharks really can't eat this food, they will naturally choose Give up, after all, no creature is a fool.

The silly roe deer is an exception.

What's more, the white shark is one of the very ferocious sharks. They hunt for food, it is very simple, and they can also be active in shallow water, hunting some seals and other things.

Therefore, this white shark basically does not starve to death, unless it is a special case.

Unexpectedly, this white shark has been wandering here all the time.

The rest of his life looked solemn.

"It seems that there is still some trouble..."

The rest of my life thought secretly.

"Why don't you continue to dive?"

The rest of my life thought secretly.

According to the olfactory area of ​​the white shark, it is about five thousand centimeters, which is within the range of fifty meters.

But seeing the white shark in front of you wandering here, logically speaking, you shouldn't be able to smell him?

For the rest of his life, he was puzzled.

Yu Sheng cautiously dived in one direction, but after a while, the white shark actually chased him up. Such a scene made the rest of his life surprised.

Yu Sheng once again walked a few hundred meters in the other direction, but... the white shark seemed to be able to see him, and even caught up again...

The discovery of this scene made Yu Sheng aware that something was wrong, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little dignified, and Yu Sheng hurriedly looked at the white shark.

"No, this guy, can you really see me? But their eyesight is very poor, how can they see me? More than that...this guy is still following me all the way?"

"what is happening?"

Yu Sheng was a bit dumbfounded at such a strange side. Yu Sheng glanced at the white shark in front of him with some shock, and Yu Sheng's complexion was extremely solemn.

"Dive down and try."

At this time, Yu Sheng frowned, and immediately dived down. As Yu Sheng dived, after a short while, Yu Sheng came to a position of 2,000 meters, which was far away from the white shark, Yu Sheng Looking at the white shark, although the two kilometers of sea water has no sunlight, but for the rest of my life, I can see this scene very clearly...

This is the power of his freshman skills.

When I saw it for the rest of my life, the white shark seemed to become a little irritable. In such a scene, the rest of my life was puzzled. Obviously, the white shark realized that he was leaving, so it gradually became irritable.

According to a normal person, no one can dive two kilometers, except for the rest of his life, with an exception. Diving to a distance of two kilometers can be said to be a metamorphosis in a metamorphosis. If this is known by outsiders , It is estimated that they will all be used for slicing.

For the rest of his life, the brain was running fast, thinking about this symptom.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't understand what was going on.

"By the way, my Kunpeng sacred beast blood, the third form."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's expression became a little heavier. So far, he has been in the water for so long, and he has not yet realized the third form, which made Yu Sheng slightly surprised.

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According to common sense, he should have realized it.

"System, why haven't I realized the third form of Kunpeng Divine Beast." Yu Sheng immediately asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Didi, suggest that the host fight the white shark."

As the system's voice fell, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and Yu Sheng exclaimed: "Fuck, System, are you kidding? Fighting with white sharks? Are you trying to kill you and me? "

For the rest of his life, although he has been promoted to the emperor of soldiers, he has super combat effectiveness, but facing a behemoth like the white shark ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even for the rest of his life, he dare not say that he is his opponent.

After all, this is a white shark. His bite force is amazing. Even this strength is amazing. If he has guns and ammunition in his hand, he is naturally not afraid.

He just put a cold gun in the distance. The White Shark is definitely not his opponent, even a group of them is not his opponent, because the White Shark can't get close to his body at all.

It’s really not possible. It’s a big deal to dive 10,000 meters. He doesn’t believe it. White sharks can dive and ask about meters. Besides, in this world, I haven’t heard of any technology that can dive 10,000 meters, water resources. It is very rich, but...this is just because it is too difficult to explore. After all, it is too difficult to dive 10,000 meters.

At this moment, the system actually made him fight the white shark? Not a gunfight...

For the rest of his life there was silence.

The system did not answer Yu Sheng's words, so it was so silent.

After a long time, Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Sheng looked at the white shark with a stern expression. Yu Sheng gritted his teeth and said: "It's done..."

Now, he just wants to upgrade the blood of the centuries-old Kunpeng sacred beast as soon as possible. As long as he is promoted, he can synthesize. He is looking forward to it. I don’t know what kind of skill will evolve after these centuries-old skills are collectively called. Will be super perverted.

Therefore, the rest of my life is a little bit excited.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng no longer hesitated, and quickly swam towards the white shark in the distance. Yu Sheng got closer and closer, gradually approaching the white shark.

However, on this sea level.

The great white shark and his people are all struggling to find Yu Sheng. At this time, someone couldn't help but say: "This kid Yu Sheng, the **** has disappeared again, what the **** is going on? This kid, what the **** is going on? Where is it?"

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