What makes Yu Sheng a little bit painful is that the good things in the mall are basically all exchanged by him. The rest are some ordinary gadgets, especially some books, and there are so many. These books, in the end What is the use? And these books are all cheap, 10 military merits, just buy them.

But immediately, Yu Sheng couldn't help but look at his panel. When he saw his panel, Yu Sheng couldn't help but curse.

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 22 years old"

"Military Rank: Major"

"Attributes: bones 20, comprehension 20, physique 20, strength 20, speed 20 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 630 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, blood of a century-old dragon elephant animal, blood of a century-old golden winged dragon, blood of a century-old western white tiger, blood of a century-old snarling dog, blood of a century-old cannibal willow gene, a gene of a century-old drug addict, blood of a century-old unicorn animal, a century-old six Eared macaque blood, century-old Kunpeng animal blood, century-old bodhi heart, Millennium Tyrannosaurus blood, Millennium plum blossom gene, Millennium chameleon blood, Millennium candle dragon animal blood, Millennium cactus gene, Millennium poor strange animal gene, Earth induction shooting technique, radar warning , Earth simulation field, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps magic, hacking skills, advanced data calculation, demining manual, shooting skills, training room, chess master, piano master, gunfighting, intermediate medicine, explosive demolition manual."

What made Yu Sheng a little bit painful was that his military merit was only 630 points.

What can you do with 630 points of military merit?

It seems that you can't do anything, right?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng sighed slightly.

"I have to figure out how to get some military merit..." Yu Sheng thought secretly.

"If I complete the task that Fan Tianlei explained, I don't know how much military merit he will have."

Just when the rest of his life thought of this, at this moment, everyone had come under the aircraft carrier, and everyone followed the ladder and got on the aircraft carrier.

When everyone returned to the aircraft carrier, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Surrounded by the white sharks before, it was too thrilling. Even the great white sharks were all taut, and it was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Generally speaking, it's good to meet a white shark. I didn't expect to meet such a group, especially the great white shark, which is a bit shocking.

"what happened?"

The Dragon King came to the front of the great white shark and asked in a condensed voice.

"It's a group of white sharks." The great white shark said: "Unexpectedly, this time we traveled, we encountered a group of white sharks."

"Huh?" When the Dragon King heard this, his brows wrinkled, and the Dragon King didn't expect that the great white sharks would encounter a group of human eating sharks, which made the Dragon King slightly surprised.

The Dragon King asked, "Is anyone injured?"

"No." The great white shark said.

The Dragon King nodded slightly, and said, "Let's do this for the time being, I don't need to train for now, and wait for tomorrow to get better."


With an order, everyone immediately began to rest.

It's already around four o'clock in the afternoon by itself. Logically speaking, after training, you can just come back for dinner, but when you meet a white shark, this is nothing to do.

Immediately, some people returned to the house and began to rest.

However, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming did not return to their dormitory. The two of them stood on the deck, looking at the sea level.

"For the rest of your life, are you okay?" Chen Shanming said.

"It's okay." Yu Sheng shook his head.

"Just fine." Chen Shanming breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment the weather has become cold, especially on the sea level, when the wind blows, there is even a double pair.

"Squad leader, how long are we going to stay here?" Yu Sheng asked.

"I don't know." Chen Shanming shook his head slightly and said: "The Chief of Staff asked us to come here for training and wait for news from the Chief of Staff."

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

"During this period of time, undercurrents on the mainland have been surging, and many ancient forces have emerged. I heard from the Chief of Staff that recently the'God' organization has appeared, and now they seem to be fighting for something."

"God?" After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it made Yu Sheng a shock.

"Not bad." Chen Shanming said condensedly: "God is a very old organization. It used to be active on the European continent. No one knows who the leader behind them is. This is a very mysterious organization, and they are God's people. , They are all very powerful, and the worst one has to be the king of soldiers."

"The worst is the soldier king?"

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, Yu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath.

"Yes." Chen Shanming nodded.

"In addition to this, there are organizations such as mp3, which have gradually emerged. I think the chief of staff has asked us to come here. I think they have ideas." Chen Shanming said.


Yu Sheng nodded solemnly, as Chen Shanming said, maybe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Tianlei asked them to come here with his own ideas.

The rest of his life didn't say anything.

"Okay, I'll go back and take a bath first. The seawater is too salty and it's easy for people to lose water. Don't stand here and rest early." Chen Shanming turned around and said.

"Yes." Yu Sheng responded.

Afterwards, Chen Shanming left here.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened and was gradually replaced by night. Yu Sheng stood on the deck and the wind was blowing, which made Yu Sheng a cool feeling, but when Yu Sheng's heart moved, the chill just disappeared. Now, this is the reason for the genes in the rest of my life.

This has led to increased cold resistance for the rest of my life, even in the condition of minus 50 degrees, wearing autumn clothes for the rest of my life, there is no problem.

This is the terrible thing about the Millennium Plum Blossom Gene.

For the rest of my life, I looked at this endless sea. In the dark, the sea was turbulent, but the huge aircraft carrier was still here.

The aircraft carrier is like a giant steel beast.


But at this moment.

A slight bright light appeared under Yu Sheng's sight, but the light was very weak, and the sudden situation changed Yu Sheng's complexion.

Yu Sheng hurriedly looked towards this bright light. Yu Sheng's eyes were also modified to see far, far away. So when Yu Sheng saw the ship clearly, Yu Sheng's brows were also frowned.

"what happened?"

"Why is there such a ship here?"

When Yu Sheng saw the hull, Yu Sheng was a little confused. I don't know why, but this ship gave people a creepy taste...

That kind of gloomy feeling made Yu Sheng feel a little jealous. .

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