I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1259: Ghost Legion

Yu Sheng saw that this huge hull looked as if the wood had been decayed, with a smell of decay, as if it might fall apart at any time, that's fine.

Even this ship is not made by modern technology, it looks more like ancient wood made, because there are **** sails on it, which looks like rags. At the bow of the ship, there is a faint light, and I don’t know if it is an oil lamp or an electric light, but...

If it is an oil lamp, it should be easily blown out.

The most shocking thing for the rest of my life is this ship. This ship is really weird. It seems to have existed for a long, long time. This ship has been decayed. According to reason, such a ship should not be able to Master...

However, what makes Yu Sheng a little curious is that now that they are all modernized, why would anyone build such a ship? What's more, such a ship cannot withstand the invasion of the sea. Even modern ships, if they encounter a shipwreck, are also unstoppable...

What's more, this kind of ship?

So, this made Yu Sheng very curious, and some did not understand, what kind of situation is this ship...

For the rest of his life, staring at the ship in front of him, the sea has gradually fogged up, so the ship shuttles on the sea, which seems to add a sense of mystery.

At this time, Yu Sheng saw that the ship was gradually moving in one direction, and gradually merged with the surrounding fog. Yu Sheng thought that he had encountered a mirage.

After all, it is not impossible to encounter a mirage on this sea.

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly, and then, stepping forward, walked towards his house, and soon returned to the house for the rest of his life. This house can accommodate two people, and it happened to be Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming.

Yu Sheng went back to the house and took a shower. He was sitting on the boat, his mind was full of the boat just now. I don't know why, he always felt that the boat was a little weird, and it seemed to be a real existence.

At this time, Yu Sheng saw Chen Shanming lying on the bed and did not sleep. Yu Sheng simply sat up and sat on the bed. He looked at Chen Shanming and said: "Squad leader, have you ever seen a wooden boat? The wooden boat looks It’s very old, and it’s a bit bad on the top. What’s even more strange is that this wooden boat still uses sails. It travels on the sea. Moreover, there is this light on the wooden boat. The light is faint. The boat looks more like a yellow spring. The same boat on board."

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The words of Yu Sheng made Chen Shanming stay one of them. Then, the book in Chen Shanming's hand fell on his body. Chen Shanming reacted suddenly, got up and sat on the side of the bed. He looked at Yu Sheng suddenly, somewhat shocked. He opened his mouth and said: "What did you say? Have you encountered this kind of ship?"

When Chen Shanming asked this sentence, Chen Shanming's eyes were full of shock and inconceivability. For a while, Chen Shanming's face also became a little difficult to look at.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded.

Indeed, he had just seen this kind of ship, so he was very curious for the rest of his life.

The most important thing is that this ship gives people a gloomy feeling, just like it is a ghost ship, which makes Yu Sheng now think about it, there is a kind of weird.


Chen Shanming couldn't help but took a breath, and Chen Shanming gave Yu Sheng a shocked look, with unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

"Squad leader, do you know this kind of ship?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

Chen Shanming said with a gloomy face: "If you expect it to be good... this kind of ship is probably... the ship of the Ghost Legion..."


When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was slightly taken aback, and Yu Sheng blurted out: "The Ghost Legion?"

Yu Sheng was not very unfamiliar with this name, because he had heard of it before, and even more so, he had killed a person before, as if he belonged to the Ghost Legion, but...that person could not be regarded as the Ghost Legion.

For the rest of his life, he did not expect that this ship would turn out to be the ship of the Ghost Legion.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but said: "They use this kind of ship? If they encounter some armed ships in the sea, wouldn't their ship sink after a few shots?"

"If you underestimate the Ghost Legion, this end will be very miserable." Chen Shanming looked at Yu Sheng and said in a condensed voice.

When Yu Sheng heard this, his expression was also serious. He noticed Chen Shanming's jealousy. Obviously... this ghost army is not as simple as it seems.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that such a thing would happen...

"Where did you see this ship?" Chen Shanming asked immediately.

"It's on our aircraft carrier." Yu Sheng said: "Just when you left, I saw a ship. No matter how you look at it, this ship is a bit gloomy. An extremely uncomfortable feeling, I didn't expect that the thing would turn out to be the Ghost Legion, which is really surprising."


Chen Shanming heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his expression changed drastically, and immediately said: "You mean you saw it on an aircraft carrier?"

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded.


Chen Shanming couldn't help but took a breath. Chen Shanming was a little shocked. Chen Shanming said heavily: "These guys, I didn't expect to appear here. No, you have to inform the Dragon King and them. You must pay attention to the Ghost Legion. ."

Obviously, Chen Shanming was extremely afraid of this so-called ghost army.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene, he was slightly confused, and some did not understand why Chen Shanming was so afraid of the Ghost Legion, not to mention...

They have an aircraft carrier...The existence of a giant like an aircraft carrier is the overlord of the sea. With such an overlord, will they still be afraid that the Ghost Legion will not succeed?

Besides, the ship of the Ghost Legion can be blown and sunk with just a few shots.

The rest of my life didn’t understand, Chen Shanming, what was this fear...

"Don't underestimate the famous legion." Chen Shanming said with a heavy face: "The ghost legion has existed for a long, long time. However, in such a long time, there have been people who have surrounded and suppressed the ghost legion, but... "

"The Ghost Legion is very weird, and there are ghosts. Later, all the ships that besieged the Ghost Legion sank into the sea..."

"They are a very powerful army, very weird."

"Didn't you find that you can see the other party in your field of vision, so the radar on our aircraft carrier should be able to detect it... But now, there is no movement on the ship, don't you notice that there is something wrong?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Sheng was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a touch of astonishment rose on Yu Sheng's face.

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