I don't know why.

Now when he saw Yu Sheng, he wanted to beat him up for the rest of his life. It was really this stinky boy, he was too awkward to beat him up.

Actually... not just the great white shark, even Fan Tianlei at that time couldn't help but want to beat Yu Sheng, because how he looked at Yu Sheng was also unpleasant.

This kid is really annoying.

When Yu Sheng noticed the great white shark's gaze, Yu Sheng couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

At this time, the great white shark glanced at the people present, with a solemn expression, and calmly said: "I am looking for you today, there is a task to give you."

As soon as this statement came out, Yu Sheng and the others were all taken aback. Yu Sheng and the others all looked at the great white shark together, with some doubts.


I'm here to participate in the training of the Sea King's troops, but now I say that I have a task? For a while, this made them all a little astonished and surprised...

"Presumably you are very puzzled, what kind of task will it be?"

The great white shark glanced at the people present and calmly said: "What I can tell you is that this task is difficult, but it is also very simple."

"According to the news from our army, pirates were wiped out in other countries before, and now there is a team coming towards us. This team is not very large, only three people, but..."

"According to our exact news, these three people are all top masters."

When talking about this, the great white shark glanced at the people present and said faintly.

"If you underestimate them, then you may become their ghosts under the gun."

When everyone heard this, they didn't take it seriously. They were either the king of soldiers or the king of soldiers. They all had their own arrogance. Now that they heard the great white shark say this, they were naturally unconvinced.

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Are they worse than these people?

So they don't think these people can escape.

But the great white sharks didn’t explain much, because they were all from special forces. They were fighting on the battlefield. They never lacked. Although they are proud, they should also understand the cruelty of the battlefield. If they are not careful, they may lose their own. Head, this kind of thing is often seen.

So I don't feel anything.

"Our main task now is to find these people. If they can be arrested, it would be better to arrest them. Even if they cannot be arrested, they must be killed before they escape to the waters of other countries. Can it be done?" Da Bai Shark said loudly.

"Yes." The people present said in unison.

"very good."

The great white shark glanced at the people present. After yesterday's training, many people were eliminated. About 30 people were left. Even so, the number of people was the same.

According to the estimation of the Great White Shark, he will also choose to eliminate some of the tasks this time, because this task is also included in the selection of the Neptune troops, but...

He didn't plan to tell these guys.

"Now that everyone puts on their own equipment, you can also tell the people over there what kind of weapons they need." The great white shark said loudly.


"Now, change equipment immediately."

The great white shark gave an order and immediately said loudly.


The people present started to take action. The great white shark looked at these people who left here, and the eyes of the great white shark also showed a little coldness.

At this time, the rest of his life frowned, and Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Is the enemy really a pirate?"

"I don't know." Chen Shanming said, "However, since it is a pirate, then I think it's a good idea."

"Then who is the enemy?" Yu Sheng asked.

"Who knows this." Chen Shanming said: "They didn't say anything, but when we change the equipment, I think they will tell us some basic conditions. After all, it's fighting now."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

After just a while, all the people in the group changed their clothes and equipped them. At this time, the rest of their lives and Chen Shanming were all standing in front of the great white shark.

"Now everyone is going."

With an order, immediately the rest of the people started to take action. They were all in groups of four. There were about 30 people in groups, and they were divided into about nine groups. At the same time, there were people in these nine groups taking a steamer. Some people are flying airplanes...

"The rest of my life, Chen Shanming."

But when Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming were about to set off, the great white shark stopped the two of them. For a moment, both of them were slightly shocked.

Obviously I didn't expect it.

The great white shark will suddenly keep them.

"Instructor..." Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming paid a military salute.

The great white shark glanced at the two people and said calmly: "You go on a boat with us..."

"With you?"

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming looked at each other. They both had a little doubt. Obviously, they didn't expect that the great white shark would say such things and follow them...

What's happening here?

Isn’t it a group of four? Why did you follow them?

"There is not enough group of four people over there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You follow us." The great white shark said coldly.

"Yes, instructor."

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming immediately said loudly. After all, the great white shark is an officer, and they are unlikely to disobey the order of the great white shark. Of course, to say that this rank is no worse than the great white shark, but Yu Sheng did not want to use it. Military ranks come to overwhelm people.

After all, they are now training in the Sea King's troops, and this has to depend on others.

"Set off."

With an order, the great white shark led Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming on a boat. The boat was not very big, but not very small. It was more than enough to let go of four people.

Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming were blowing the sea breeze. At this time, Yu Sheng asked: "Instructor, where is the enemy now?"

After hearing the words, the great white shark glanced at Yu Sheng, his expression became a little dignified, and said in a deep voice: "There is something on the enemy's ship that disturbs the signal. Now we can't determine the exact location of the enemy, so we can only look for..."

"Can't determine the location?"

When Yu Sheng heard this sentence, for a while, this made Yu Sheng's expression condensed, and Yu Sheng's complexion became a little heavier. He did not expect that such a thing would still exist on this group of pirate ships.

This is somewhat unexpected for the rest of his life.

Can this group of pirates still have this extraordinary feature?

The great white shark saw Yu Sheng's doubts, and the great white shark calmly said: "These pirates are not ordinary pirates."

"Behind them, it seems that someone provided them with something, but we can't find the source of these things."

"And... in the hands of these three people, there are still some things, and we must get these things in our hands."


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