"What is it?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

"It's about a chip." Jaws said faintly: "This chip is a newly developed chip, and we need to get this chip."

"Yes." Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming answered.

"Okay, now we start looking for their whereabouts."

When the voice fell, the great white shark looked at a person next to him, and said in a condensed voice: "Octopus, you are here to drive the boat."


With an order, immediately everyone left here and headed into the distance.

These people are divided into several directions, and once they detect the enemy, they will immediately report.

Twenty minutes after everyone had searched, the enemy had not been found. For a while, everyone present was a little anxious. If there were at most half an hour or so, the enemy might leave this sea area and arrive at another one. The sea area, if it reaches the enemy's sea area, it is not easy to handle, and they are unlikely to set off there.

"Not found yet?"

When the great white shark heard the words, his face was a little ugly. He received the news from his own people. After waiting for a long time, he didn't find it. This made the great white shark a little heavy.

"Unexpectedly, their anti-satellite technology is so strong." The great white shark said solemnly: "If this continues, within half an hour, they may leave this sea area."

"Great white shark, how about we send more planes out. The planes fly at a high altitude and can see a long distance. Through the planes, we may be able to find the target we are looking for." Octopus said condensedly.

"It's not easy to fly out too much." The great white shark shook his head and said.

At this time, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming looked at each other.

For the rest of his life, he hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Instructor, can you tell me the information of these people, the direction they are driving away, where to start from, and where to go."

For the rest of his life, the great white shark frowned, and said faintly: "We know where to start, and we probably know the direction, but we are not very clear where we are going, but even if we tell you this, You also have no way of knowing where they are going."

"In the front, there are two national waters, these two waters, we can’t tell where they are going, but no matter where or where they go, we can’t go through this sea to attack, because this will cause A lot of trouble." The great white shark said solemnly.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he said: "Instructor, you might as well tell me, maybe I have a way to know."


The great white shark frowned upon hearing this, and I had to say that this guy did have two brushes, but the great white shark didn't think the rest of his life would know where the other party was going.

The great white shark said faintly: "They start from location x, and they are walking in the southeast direction, but they should walk in a semicircle..."

Afterwards, the great white shark quickly uttered the information he knew, and he had no extra thoughts for the rest of his life. He recorded all the information.

I spent the rest of my life in my brain and began to simulate the situation at this location.

Time is passing by a little bit.

For about five minutes, the light in Yu Sheng's eyes flickered more and more intense, but at this moment the great white shark and others became a little anxious.

Obviously, they still haven't found the whereabouts of these three people.

Therefore, the faces of several of them are a little unsightly.

On the other hand, for the rest of his life at this time, his brain was running fast, and the rest of his life was thinking about it quickly.

"Where will their final destination be?"

"What's their meaning?"

At this moment, Yu Sheng's advanced data calculation has reached a limit, and his brain is running extremely fast. Yu Sheng is thinking and analyzing quickly.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"I see."

At this moment, Yu Sheng seemed to understand something, and Yu Sheng looked happy.

"Instructor, let's go over there." Yu Sheng immediately spoke quickly.

The words of Yu Sheng gave the great white shark a moment. The great white shark looked at the direction Yu Sheng was pointing, and the great white shark frowned. He glanced at Yu Sheng and immediately said: "The enemy is getting closer and closer to the waters of other countries. Don't make trouble here."

The great white shark naturally didn't believe what the rest of his life said at this time. So many of us couldn't find the enemy's position. Could this kid be able to find it?

What a joke.

Yu Sheng hurriedly said: "Instructor, you believe me once, from here, you can definitely find the enemy, and this is the closest route."

For the rest of his life, he was very confident in his calculations, and nine out of ten, the enemy was likely to be in this place. As long as he followed this route, he would stay in the same place.

But what the rest of my life didn’t expect was that the great white sharks didn’t believe him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it’s right to think about it. They came to train and participate in the selection of the Sea King’s reserve team. If people can believe him, then There is a ghost.

If they were in Langya, he believed those people in Langya would choose to believe in him without hesitation. This is the so-called team and trust.

"For the rest of my life, this is on the sea, not on land." The great white shark said dissatisfied: "Sea and land are two different things. This retreat route is naturally different."

Obviously, the great white shark is warning the rest of his life not to mess around.

When Yu Sheng heard this, his face became a little unnatural. Chen Shanming couldn't help but said: "Instructor, I feel that you can choose to believe the rest of your life once. The rest of your life feels very accurate."

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

The great white shark glanced at Chen Shanming.

"The instructor or do we believe him once?" At this time, even the octopus couldn’t help but glance at Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming. I don’t know why. When the octopus saw Yu Sheng, it was in Yu Sheng In his body, he saw a kind of calmness, a kind of calmness.

This surprised him slightly. It seemed that the young man in front of him was really different. More than that, the young man in front of him, at a young age, had such strength and was considered a genius.

This is one reason why Octopus helps Yu Sheng to speak.

Upon seeing this, the great white shark was silent for a moment, and said, "Go here."


When everyone heard a word from the great white shark, everyone looked happy. Immediately, everyone set out in this direction...

Time is passing by a little bit.

In the blink of an eye, twenty minutes passed!

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