I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1265: horrible


This time, the bullet felt more threatening to him.

Because... the previous death threat, the bullet wiped his scalp, and only a little bit, it headshot him, that is, because of that time, it left a scar on his head, so far So far, I can’t grow hair...


This time is different.

This sense of crisis made him fall into disrepair.

Almost at the same time, he wanted to lower his head and avoid this bullet.

Some masters can perceive danger as soon as the enemy shoots. This is due to their sensitivity to the surrounding environment.

Therefore, in many cases, their perception can allow them to escape multiple times.


He wanted to dodge this bullet, but the speed of this anti-material sniper rifle is faster, and has even surpassed the speed of sound several times, so you don't even have a chance to react.


Just in the next moment.

Like a bullet shooting a watermelon, this person's brain suddenly exploded, and the blood and brain pulp seemed to fly horizontally, which directly sprayed the faces of the two people around.


The bullet was too strong in impact, so this caused the bullet to fly forward again, and finally did not know where it landed.

However, the other two people who were sprayed with blood and brains, went with deep fear and inconceivability in their eyes...

For a time, the two of them were also dumbfounded.


They looked at their opponents in disbelief, and their teammates just now vowed to them that the enemy could not catch them, and it was unlikely to shoot them. As for the use of large-destructive weapons, it would be even more so. It's impossible...

But the current scene is making them unclear.

Because, the corpse of this person at the moment has proved everything.


Where did this bullet come from? Could it be that... came from the Chinese ship ahead? But how is this possible?

Their ship is at least three thousand five hundred meters away from the ship behind them. This is a very long distance, three thousand five hundred meters. Unless they use a sniper rifle like an artifact, they may have a chance to explode the enemy. Head, but that requires absolute control of the sniper rifle.

It's just that, who would be idle and all right, using this large-caliber sniper rifle in combat? After all, this kind of artifact-like sniper rifle can not be carried by anyone. It is very heavy and troublesome to carry. This kind of sniper rifle will only be used when it is a powerful weapon such as a sniper plane. .

But I never dreamed that someone would attack them.

"It's tac50..."

In an instant, someone noticed something, which surprised them all.

"What? It's tac50, how is it possible?" The other person's expression changed drastically, which was very shocking.

They are all snipers and naturally know the parameters of some guns. For example, the tac50, the maximum effective shooting distance is only two kilometers. Within the range of these two kilometers, the accuracy can be basically achieved, but...here It's about 3,500 meters away from the other party...

Such a long distance is so that you can't even see it...

The opponent can actually snipe them and head them heads, how is this possible?

It was not just them that shocked, but also Chen Shanming and the great white sharks around Yu Sheng.

Chen Shanming already knew the rest of his life very well, and he knew that this kid could not be treated with common sense, but the current scene still deeply shocked Chen Shanming's eyeballs.

As for the great white sharks and octopus on the side, they looked at everything in front of them unclearly.

They have military binoculars, and it is very simple to see a distance of three to five kilometers. After all, this is the sea area, with a vast field of view, without any obstructions.

He has been paying attention to the actions of the three figures in the distance.

Especially when Yusheng’s bullets hit the opponent’s head, a cloud of blood appeared on the opponent’s head, which was like a watermelon. Both of them were shocked for a moment.

The great white shark who saw this scene was like a clay sculpture, dumbfounded.

Such a shot.

The elegance of this shot...

Suddenly, the great white shark was a little shocked. This shot, as if it had left a mark in his mind, lingered for a long time.


At this moment, the great white shark could no longer help but exclaim.

The roar in this life also shocked the octopus.

Because the great white shark is so excited.

"Good marksmanship, good sharp marksmanship." The great white shark couldn't help but exclaimed: "For the rest of my life, hurry up, and leave the remaining two people to me. I want them to know, the iron-blooded master of China."


There was no nonsense for the rest of my life, and a good bullet again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yu Sheng's eyes stared at the front for almost an instant, and the rest of my life was to instantly lock another figure in front of him.

When the octopus saw the rest of his life that had begun to aim, he was inexplicably horrified, and exclaimed: "At a distance of more than 3,000 meters, this kid can actually use tac50 to kill the enemy. This kind of shooting is really horrible. Unseen, unheard of."

The great white shark did not listen to the octopus, but continued to stare at the front. He wanted to see if the rest of his life could keep these people here forever.


The next moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger again, and the bullet was like an erupting volcano, leaving a cloud of white mist on the muzzle, and then...

Just roar away.

And in the distance, the two people who have been watching for the rest of their lives are all in horror. They are showing a deep color of fear. At this moment, they are really scared. They know that as long as they If they do not enter this sea area, then they will never be able to be truly safe.

As long as they reach this sea area, if they still shoot them for the rest of their lives, then it is a provocation.

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Such provocation is absolutely forbidden.

Immediately, the two people no longer have any hesitation. At this time, they are only about 100 meters away from that sea area. As long as they have passed this hundred meters, they can reach each other's sea area and they are safe.

Thinking of this, they didn't even think about it, and immediately fell down. They all knew that it was the safest to get down at this moment, because they could use the body of the ship to resist these bullets.

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