I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1266: Can this be hit?


The result surprised them.


When this bullet came here, it was almost an instant that this bullet broke the body of the ship, and then, a bullet hit this person's head.


This person's head, like the explosion of a watermelon, was instantly headshot.

If you look at the hull again, there is already an additional hole in the hull. This hole looks so obvious. Obviously, this is a bullet hole left by a bullet.

The last person saw this scene, with cold hands and feet, and cold all over, staring at this scene in shock, this person was also completely frightened.

At this moment, he felt that his body seemed to have been emptied, without any strength.

"How is it possible...Is this guy still a human? Why is it like this, how can it be like this..."

He was dull on the spot, muttering to himself.

He couldn't believe the scene before him.

The distance is so far, even if the opponent uses an anti-material sniper rifle, it is impossible to do this step, right? However, the other party just managed to do it.

This makes them all have unspeakable shock and incredible.

Three thousand five hundred meters, and the enemy **** broke their hull, sniped his teammate, and shot his head.

His teammates were with him, and he saw the scene of the shot headshot clearly, as if it was reappearing in slow motion. That kind of feeling, he was full of ghosts, and his hair was terrified.

You know, they are lying on the ship, and there is also the hull. According to reason, they can't be seen at all. How can this be possible to accurately sniper them? How can it be like this...

But the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

For the rest of his life, one person was killed again. The great white shark and the octopus also took a breath. If it was the first time, they could understand it, but this second time they still hit the target. , Is this still blind? Obviously, this time, it was not a sham at all, but a real shot.

The most terrifying thing is.

Yu Sheng even managed to penetrate the hull directly and kill the enemy with a single shot. How could this be possible?

Generally speaking, this is the simplest shooting method. You must first have a target before you can perform standardized shooting, right? After all, if you don't even have a target, you have to shoot in the middle.

But for the rest of his life, they have completely exceeded their cognition.

They didn't know where the enemy was, and directly smashed the ship's hull. That's fine. It could still get a precise headshot. They could see the scene of the flying flesh and blood just now. Obviously, the enemy was shot to death.

What surprised them most was the shooting skills for the rest of their lives.

It’s not unheard of to kill an enemy more than two kilometers away. It’s just that, in many cases, few people go beyond two kilometers to kill. What's more, for the rest of their lives, it’s not two kilometers, but three kilometers. Kill the enemy.

However, land and sea are very different, because shooting enemies on this sea will become more difficult.

In addition to overcoming wind, temperature and the force of the sea, we must also overcome the refraction of light. Many people know that the sun shining on the sea level will cause refraction. This refraction must be overcome because the refraction may affect A person's sight caused the bullet to be fired crookedly.


For the rest of his life, both shots were hit. With such a powerful sniper ability, they couldn't help but take a breath. The great white shark thought that he would never be able to do the rest of his life.

Although these people cannot be captured alive, it is enough to kill them before these people leave.

For the rest of his life at this time, there was no nonsense, and he continued to load his gun, aiming the muzzle in this other direction.

Obviously, the rest of his life wanted to carry out this third sniper.

Many people will ask, why didn't these three fight back?

In fact, it’s not that they don’t want to fight back, but a distance of more than 3,000 meters. Although they have sniper rifles in their hands, it is not these anti-material sniper rifles. Therefore, their bullets can't shoot that far, but even if they can shoot. After being so far away, who can do it and shoot the target accurately?

This is basically a dream.

This is also the main reason why they did not fight back.

In other words, within this distance, the rest of his life is safe, and there is no need to be afraid of these criminals sniping.

Yu Sheng pointed the gun at this moment, and the last person on the ship knew that now he was only 20 meters away from this sea area, but now...

He could not continue to carry it on this ship.

The rest of his life was terrible, he couldn't imagine, he couldn't even see them, and he could even do precise sniping, which is equivalent to having a perspective eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The enemy is really terrible.

So, without even thinking about it, he jumped directly into the sea.

He knew that if he jumped into the sea, there might be a glimmer of hope of survival, and if he didn't jump into the sea, he would almost certainly die.

Walking on the edge of life and death all year round, he jumped into the sea without even thinking about it.

Then, relying on the influence of the ship, he quickly swam forward.

"There are still 20 meters. As long as I swim another 20 meters, I can reach that sea area. I will be safe by then. They dare not shoot. They can't help me. They must reach it as soon as possible."

Thinking of him here, he took a deep breath, and then dived into the sea.

At this moment, the boat is already rushing far forward, because it is unmanned, so the boat is not regular, but...the speed of the boat must be higher than the speed of the person swimming. .

At first he wanted to rely on the ship as a shelter to avoid the attacks of the rest of his life, but in this situation, the rest of his life would not give him this kind of opportunity at all, nor would he give him the opportunity to stop the ship, so he could only Jump into the sea level and rely on the sea water to avoid the rest of your life.

As the ship left, he frowned for the rest of his life at this time, and he suddenly looked towards the sea.

If it is replaced by someone else, within this 20-meter range, other people really can’t kill this person, because jumping into the sea, the sea water will affect one’s sight, and the sea water is blue. , You can't even see it, how accurate you can shoot the enemy.

It can be said that it is almost impossible.


This person can also be said to be unlucky, because he met Yu Sheng...

A man who opened up.

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