I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1267: Someone sniped


For the rest of his life, the pupils shrank, and for a while, the latitude and longitude began to interweave, almost in the blink of an eye, I saw a figure in the water.

Even in the water, he can see far away for the rest of his life, as long as there is light, he can see.

It is impossible for this person to dive too deep in this water. If it dives too deep, the pressure will be too high and he will not be able to withstand it. What's more, he has to change his breath, although some special forces can hold on for ten or even twenty minutes. It needs to be ventilated, but it is only under a certain stable pressure.

If it is too deep and the pressure increases, you may not be able to hold on for 20 minutes.

Therefore, Yu Sheng easily saw the figure under the seabed.

The moment Yu Sheng saw this figure, a sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, Yu Sheng snorted coldly, and set up the sniper rifle in his hand.

The huge sniper rifle makes people feel a little scalp numb.

The moment Yu Sheng set up the sniper rifle, Yu Sheng looked forward sharply, and he locked the person's head.


The next moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation!


The moment Yu Sheng shot, the great white shark and octopus on the side were shocked, and they couldn't help taking a look at Yu Sheng.

In their minds, a thought came up at the same time: "What did he shoot at this time?"

All of a sudden, the great white shark and the octopus were a little surprised.

Obviously...the target is not visible at all at this moment. After all, the opponent jumped into the sea, and he hasn't come up yet. If he does, he can find the target, but the opponent does not come up. The sea is blue and the color is azure blue. Covering the other party's figure, generally speaking, when the other party jumped into the ocean, they basically couldn't catch it.

If the other party is still hundreds of meters away from that sea area, they can still drive the ship over and capture it, but it's only about 20 meters, and it's basically impossible to go there.

However, unexpectedly, Yu Sheng actually shot. For a moment, they were all a little confused.

But it's just far away.

This figure seemed to be aware of something, and for a while, his whole body's hairs also stood up. At this moment, he felt a threat of death, and the feeling made him tremble all over.

"not good……"

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly and became a little frightened. He knew... the enemy should have aimed at him and shot at him.

However, he didn't figure out how, how did the enemy do it? Why is he in the sea, this guy can still aim at himself, how is this possible?


But at this moment, another gunshot resounded. The next moment, this bullet collided with the rest of the bullet, and the two bullets were instantly collapsed, and in the water, there were also splashes. The ripples, but these ripples look very faint.

Even, no one looked at it, this was the result of two bullets colliding with each other.

"not good……"

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, it made Yu Sheng's expression heavy. He did not expect that at this time, someone could snipe his bullet...

Such a scene, for the rest of my life, was a bit angry.


Yu Sheng gave a cold snort and set up the sniper rifle again. Yu Sheng changed the bullet very quickly. When Yu Sheng saw the opponent, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger again.


With the moment Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, Yu Sheng changed the bomb again and pulled the trigger again.

Almost in an instant, two bullets were blurted out.

Both bullets were shot at the pirate in the sea.

But just as the first bullet was about to hit the pirate, another bullet blocked the way of Yu Sheng's bullet, and directly flew the rest of the bullet in an instant.


This time the bullet gave Bengfei the first bullet of the rest of his life, but this second bullet was naturally still shot into the pirate's mind.

For a while, blood flowed down the pirate's brain, accompanied by his brain, because half of his head was directly smashed. This is the power of tac.

A strong smell of blood rippling over the sea.

After the pirate was killed, Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he killed this guy. I am afraid that this guy is only three to five meters away from this other sea area. You only need to give this guy a In two seconds of work, this guy probably has already crossed the high seas.

However, immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little dignified again, Yu Sheng immediately said: "There are enemies..."

Yu Sheng's words attracted great white sharks and octopus, which made both of them look serious. They also noticed something wrong just now. They didn't expect Yu Sheng to drive three thousand consecutively.

I don’t know why, in Yu Sheng, they all noticed a strange feeling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if something was going to happen, especially after hearing Yu Sheng said this. This made them all look solemn.

"What's the matter?" The great white shark said immediately.

"Someone sniped at my bullet, and sniped twice in a row. The other party is a master." Yu Sheng said immediately.


As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the great white shark and the octopus were all slightly changed, and the expressions of the two of them became a little dignified: "Who do you see?"

"The bullets from the gun just flew over from over there, and they are likely to be over there."

Said Yu Sheng pointed to the left.

When Yu Sheng pointed to the left, it made the great white shark and the octopus all look towards the side with doubts. They frowned because they didn't see anything there. For a while, this Make their faces become a little dignified.

"Are you sure you read it right?" The great white shark couldn't help but glance at Yu Sheng.

"I did not read it wrong, it did snipe my bullet." Yu Sheng said solemnly: "I can see it clearly."

The great white shark and the octopus glanced at each other. Both of them took a breath, and couldn't even see it. The enemy shot their bullets?

How terrible is such an enemy?

Suddenly, the great white sharks are all weighing unspeakably heavy.

You know, the great white shark is a top-notch soldier with extraordinary fighting power. Even he is so jealous. It can be seen how terrifying the enemy this time is.

"I'm afraid it's in trouble..."

The great white shark looked serious, and immediately said: "Drive the boat immediately, we run back, and send a message to our people by the way, let them come to the rescue immediately, we are very likely, we are in big trouble..."

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