
After seeing the situation in front of them, the octopus and the great white shark quickly spoke: "Dragon King, where are we going next?"

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Feeling the temperature here, it makes Octopus extremely uncomfortable, so I can't wait to ask.

The same is true for the great white shark. He carefully observed the surroundings. In these surroundings, there was a lot of magma, and some places were dark and dark, and he couldn't see the situation inside.


Yu Sheng suddenly frowned. He glanced at the situation here and thought a little bit. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

The same was true for the Dragon King. Looking at the situation in front of him, the Dragon King was thinking about something, but no one knew what he was thinking about.

"Go over there." Yu Sheng said suddenly.

With a word from Yu Sheng, the Dragon King was also slightly taken aback. At this time, the great white shark and the octopus also glanced at Yu Sheng together.

They saw that Yu Sheng actually pointed to another place, that place was dark, and in order to enter that place, they had to circle a small half circle of magma.

By the time they saw this scene, their expressions were unspeakably solemn.

The great white shark said: "Yu Sheng, now is not the time to make a joke. Are you telling the truth? Are you really going there?"

"Not bad." Yu Sheng nodded.

When the dragon king heard the words, he nodded slightly, and said, "Go over there and have a look."

Seeing that the Dragon King had said so, the two great white sharks could only nod their heads. After that, they all took a deep breath and walked over there cautiously.

There is magma below, and the places they step on are extremely narrow, and they are also afraid that this thing will suddenly fall. If the support suddenly falls, they might have to fall into the magma along with it. .

The temperature in this magma is very terrible. Even gold can melt for you. As long as it falls into it, it will die without life.

And others can't save you if they want to.

This is the horror of magma.

This is also the main reason why many people are afraid of volcanic eruptions.

Everyone quickly arrived at the place Yu Sheng said. After everyone came to the place Yu Sheng said, everyone present was slightly taken aback.

"There is a hole..."

At this time, the great white shark said in surprise.

"Dragon King has a hole here, I don't know what hole it is." The great white shark said.

When the dragon king heard the words, his brows were also frowned. He took a deep look at the hole, and for the rest of his life at this time, he opened his mouth and said, "This may be the way to get in."

For the rest of his life, the great white shark frowned and said, "But why is there a hole here, and it's still excavated in the crater. If the volcano erupts and magma enters it, wouldn't it all be destroyed? Besides, this Why does the heart of the ocean exist inside?"

What the great white shark said is not unreasonable.

It does mean this.

Dragon King said: "Maybe it's here."

"We'll know if we go in and take a look." Dragon King said lightly.

"But Dragon King, this is too risky. If there is an emergency, we will not be able to get out at that time." The great white shark said with a heavy mouth.

"No matter how difficult the task is, we have to complete it. This is an order." The Dragon King suddenly said.


Hearing what Dragon King said, the great white shark said immediately.

"go in."

After that, the four people stepped forward and walked toward it!

At the same time, out here!

Chen Shanming and Long Liyu went down the crater quickly. Both of them knew that the goal in this place was too big. It would not be a good thing to stay here.

So both of them walked towards the bottom of the volcano, and they came to a forest, hidden in this forest.

"Chen Shanming, do you think they will have no problems?" Long Liyu frowned and suddenly said.

"Probably not." Chen Shanming thought for a while.

"Not the best." Long Liyu nodded slightly and continued: "By the way, how many missions did your army perform in the past?"

"Not bad." Chen Shanming said casually.

Long Liyu sighed and said: "It's better for your army. We are drifting on the sea every day. We can't see a new person all year round. It's very boring."


"This time the Dragon King brought you two, it seems that he wants to cultivate you two."

Long Liyu's words surprised Chen Shanming, but Chen Shanming didn't say anything.


Does it count as cultivation?

His chief of staff knew the Dragon King, but he didn't know what the relationship between the two was.

But this may not be a good thing.

Will the Dragon King cultivate them?

However, Chen Shanming did not ask these words.

"Huh, that's not right..."

At this moment, Long Liyu suddenly realized something was wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Long Liyu's expression condensed, and immediately said: "Someone is here again..."

When Long Liyu said these words, Chen Shanming's expression was condensed, and the two of them looked in one direction together. At this time, they saw a few figures, and these figures were too. He quickly walked towards Huishan Pass, and when they saw this place, the expressions of both of them changed slightly.

"Not good, Dragon King..."


The Dragon King led Yu Sheng and his party into this cave.

In the hole, it was dark and you couldn't see anything. Fortunately, everyone carried the lighting tools. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

As they continued to deepen the entrance of the cave, the light inside gradually increased, so this caused the entire entrance of the cave to become brighter.

This also made Yu Sheng and the others a little relieved. It has to be said that in this dark environment, people feel a little afraid.

In case something unexpected happened, it would be a little troublesome. Fortunately, there was no unexpected situation along the way...

As everyone moved toward the entrance of the cave, they walked a distance of about three kilometers, and suddenly, a road in front of them appeared in front of them.

When they saw the situation in front of them, their pupils suddenly shrank.

"No way..."

The face of the great white shark changed drastically, and he hurriedly looked at the situation in front of him. For a while, this made the face of the great white shark extremely solemn...

"No way? How could it be?" Octopus also glanced at this front with a dignified expression.

This so-called roadlessness is not because there is a wall in front, but because...

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