I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1281: 1 magical act

In front of this, there is still a passage, and under this passage is a cliff. There are only a few stones below. These stones are like a forest path, suspended in the middle of the cliff.

This is also the main reason why the people present were shocked after seeing the scene before them. They were all shocked by the scene before them.

"This... is incredible."

After the people present saw the scene in front of them, they all couldn't help taking a breath, and said in shock.

"How is this possible? The stone is floating in the air? There is no sign of falling, how could this... be like this?" After the octopus saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help taking a breath. Claw fish shocked and said.

"It's incredible." The great white shark also widened his eyes, looking at the path in front of him.

"Dragon King, is there something wrong with this path? Or is it a fake at all, it's all an illusion?" Octopus couldn't help asking again.

Yu Sheng also looked at this place in front of him, which made Yu Sheng's complexion unspeakably solemn, and Yu Sheng muttered to himself.

"It's indeed a bit magic..."

It was the rest of my life, and it was the first time I saw such a situation. This kind of situation made the rest of my life feel a little weird.

The stone is suspended in the air. How is this done? So far, they have never seen such a situation...

Of course, if it is some small items, using the principle of magnets, the same **** is detailed, and the opposite **** repels, it can be done, but similar to this, using gravity, few people can do it.

If you can really use the interaction force to achieve this level, it can be used to make spacecraft...

"Dragon King, what shall we do now?" The great white shark couldn't help but glance at the Dragon King at this time and said.

In this situation, they dare not try, because in this case, people must not be stepped on the stone. After all, the stone is suspended above it. If it is stepped on, what if it falls? Below is a black cliff, no one knows how deep this cliff is, but...

If this person stepped on the air and fell from here, he would almost certainly die, without any possibility of surviving.

The Dragon King frowned, looking straight at everything in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

The same was true for the rest of his life, looking straight at the situation in front of him.

Yu Sheng frowned and hesitated. Yu Sheng glanced around. In these surroundings, he saw a small stone. He picked it up and threw it away.

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After the rest of his life was lost, the great white shark's face changed slightly: "Stop..."

But at this time Yu Sheng had already thrown away the little rock, and the great white shark had no time to stop it in the future. For a while, this made the great white shark's face a little ugly.

"The rest of your life, what are you doing..."

The great white shark was a little angry.

In the eyes of the great white shark, Yu Sheng's approach was too impulsive. If it were to say that because of the loss of a stone, it suddenly caused some movement, then it would be bad.

This is also what the great white sharks worry about.

Therefore, seeing Yu Sheng throwing things here made the great white shark slightly angry.

Fortunately, it didn't cause any turbulence, and if it caused any turmoil, it would be bad.

"Fell down."

Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, as if he had noticed something.

Seeing Yu Sheng didn't answer his words, this made the face of the great white shark even more ugly.

This kid is ignoring him.

For the rest of my life at this time, I looked at these stones again. The distance between these stones is not very far, there is a distance of about one meter, and you can pass by with a step.

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he moved forward.

The action for the rest of his life also shocked the great white shark. The great white shark hurriedly said: "What are you going to do?"

Every move for the rest of his life really drags their hearts. This kid's mind is just like a straight one. It's just too straight. It's just a tendon.

I told you not to mess around.

In case something happens, all of them present will be finished.

"Boy, do you want to try?"

At this time, the Dragon King suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng and slowly said.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said in a condensed voice.

"But it may be dangerous." Dragon King said calmly.

"I feel... this situation is amazing, as if a certain force was used." Yu Sheng said, "This shouldn't fall."

The words of the rest of his life caused the Dragon King to nod slightly, but the Dragon King did not continue to say anything.

At this time, the great white shark and the octopus were confused. For a while, they did not understand what the Dragon King and Yu Sheng were talking about? Did not understand the meaning of their words.

"Try it, be careful." Dragon King said.


Following the Dragon King’s order ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the first rock under his feet, and when the great white shark and the octopus saw this in front of them After the situation, all of them suddenly realized and understood.

They know what they are going to do for the rest of their lives.

"Dragon King...this...this is too dangerous. This thing floating in the air does not mean that people can also float in the air?" The great white shark hurriedly said: "If you go up like this for the rest of your life, you may fall off. The cliff, once you fall off the cliff, I am afraid it will be in trouble..."

The Dragon King shook his head slightly, and said faintly: "Look."

Seeing the dull appearance of the dragon king, this made the face of the great white shark a little unnatural. What is this special thing...

What if something goes wrong?

But since the Dragon King has made a decision, even the great white shark can only obey it.

At this moment, the three of them were all staring at Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then, taking a step forward, he stepped on the floating rock.

As the rest of their lives stepped on, the great white shark and the octopus all held their breath, watching the scene in front of them nervously. The nervous appearance seemed to be for fear of falling from here for the rest of their lives.

Falling from such a high place is almost dead.


The next scene stunned the great white shark and the octopus, and they all looked at the scene in front of them with a little shock.

"How can this be?"

At this moment, Octopus couldn't help it anymore, exclaiming, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, looking at the situation in front of him in disbelief...for a moment, this made him all Somewhat dumbfounded.

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