I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1289: Behind the gate

With the people present, their voices continued to resound. Immediately, many people came to this gate one after another. They were very curious about what was behind the gate, so many people came to this gate one after another. In front of them, it was clear that they all wanted to push the gate up.

As everyone came to the front of the gate, for a while, the people present shouted: "Let's work hard together, push..."

With a roar, all the people present tried hard together.

With so many people working hard together, this strength is also quite terrifying.

As everyone worked hard together, for a time, the entire door trembling rumblingly.

Obviously, this door was pushed.

"The door moved, I'm working hard, pushing him open."

At this time, I don’t know who yelled, and with this yelling, immediately, the people present tried harder again, as expected...

With the force of the people present, the door was opened a little bit. However, as the door was opened a little bit, some water gradually flowed out of it, frowning for the rest of his life.

I don’t know why, he always feels, it seems a bit abnormal...


It is at this time.

Everyone pushed the door open instantly.


In the next moment, a huge water flow from behind this gate was like a flood, rushing towards Yu Sheng and the others. This huge water flow caused all the people present to look like a flood.

"not good……"

"Big water..."

"Quickly escape..."

For a while, the whole scene was extremely panic. Many people were washed by the flood and rushed directly to another place. This made the faces of all the people present a little unsightly.

"not good……"

When Yu Sheng saw this scene in front of him, he was also taken aback. Yu Sheng never expected that behind this gate, there was a flood.

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In an instant, Yu Sheng was washed into the sea water, but...

The rest of my life is different from others.

For the rest of his life, his familiarity with water is incomparable to anyone present.

Yu Sheng came directly to the Dragon King's side. At this time, the Dragon King was also in the water. The Dragon King looked at the big water and said in a deep voice, "We must leave this place as soon as possible. If this place is flooded, none of us will survive."

Yu Sheng heard the words and said in a condensed voice: "What about the Heart of the Sea? The Heart of the Sea is probably behind the gate."

"It's too late to get it." Long Wang said Ningly.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his brows were frowned. At this time, Yu Sheng wanted to enter behind this gate to find the heart of the ocean. After all, he can swim in the water for a long time, and he can also breathe in the water. This also originated from a century of Kunpeng. The reason for the blood of the beast, therefore, this caused him to swim in the water.

"Dragon King, I'll get it." Yu Sheng immediately said: "Dragon King, you leave here first, we will gather outside, I will get the heart of the sea."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng ran towards the back of the gate. The Dragon King saw this scene, and the expression of the Dragon King changed greatly: "Yu Sheng..."

The Dragon King obviously did not expect that Yu Sheng would leave at this time and ran towards the back of the gate. For a while, this made the Dragon King's face a little unsightly.

"No, this kid is too risky..."

The Dragon King wanted to hold the rest of his life, as if it was too late, so when the Dragon King's body moved at this time, he walked toward the back of the gate like lightning. At this time, not only the rest of his life, but some people also have this idea. They were all about to move, obviously, it was this time, and they did not let go of the idea of ​​the heart of the sea.

Therefore, these people also took this opportunity to sneak into this gate quickly.

After Yu Sheng passed through the water and entered the gate, Yu Sheng had a pair of eyes around him at this moment. At this moment, Yu Sheng finally saw the scene behind the gate.

After Yu Sheng saw the scene behind the gate, Yu Sheng was a bit stunned.

"This...Is it because the Dragon Palace failed here?"

Yu Sheng was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

I have to say that the scene here is so beautiful. It is the first time I have seen such a beautiful place for the rest of my life, and more than that...

For the rest of my life, I saw that there was a stone in front of me. This stone was white, like white jade, and very beautiful.

On top of this white jade, there was a small stone. When it was small, it was lying there quietly, motionless.

However, it seems that this stone has a magical power. It seems that all the surrounding scenery comes from this stone.

It seems that with the support of this stone, there is everything around here.

"That stone..."

"Is it the heart of the ocean?"

When Yu Sheng thought of this place, Yu Sheng, his pupils shrank, and then, Yu Sheng looked at the stone in front of him with some surprise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is that? "

Later, Yu Sheng saw that on both sides of the stone, there were four stone men. These four looked like stone men, but in fact they did not know what material they were made of. The most amazing thing is that this All the four stone men held a steel fork in their hands, but the steel fork was a little rusty.

More than that, in the middle of this position, there is also a golden steel fork, which looks a bit like a trident in the movie.

Yu Sheng saw this scene in front of him, and he couldn't help being a little stunned.

"I'll go...Isn't it Sea King?"

For an instant, these two words appeared in Yu Sheng's mind.


In the past, it was the trident who used this trident, which was exactly the same as making a movie. This is really nonsense.

"Get this stone first."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng decided to get the stone. Yu Sheng took a deep breath and swam quickly. After a while, he came to not far from the stone. As Yu Sheng approached the stone, I don’t know why. For the rest of my life, I have a very special feeling... as if something bad will happen at any time.

Yu Sheng frowned and said in thought, "Could it be that there is no danger in this stone?"

For the rest of their lives, there is a great chance that the stone in front of them should be the legendary heart of the sea, and it should be what they want to get this time.


At this moment, the Dragon King quickly swam over. At this moment, the Dragon King noticed something and suddenly shouted.

Along with this shout, Yu Sheng also changed his expression.

Because, for the rest of my life at this moment, it seems to be aware of something.

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