I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1290: Scramble

"not good……"

For the rest of his life, his expression changed drastically.

But at this moment, the rest of his life was like that arrow from the string, and his body shape instantly went out.

Yu Sheng's speed was extremely fast, but just as Yu Sheng left the place, there was a figure holding a knife and stabbing Yu Sheng where he was originally.

The Dragon King saw Yu Sheng avoiding, which made the Dragon King breathe a sigh of relief.

Yu Sheng also turned around in a hurry. At this time, what caught his eyes was a figure. This figure was dressed a little weird. It was leather clothes. However, there was a bit of coldness in this person's eyes. However, this look When facing this stone, the person's eyes were filled with fire.

For the rest of his life at this time, he stared at the figure in front of him with murderous intent. Fortunately, he flashed fast just now, otherwise, the dagger would pierce his body.

For the rest of his life, he stared at the figure in front of him coldly, and he could detect it for the rest of his life. This guy, at least in the realm of a soldier emperor, is not a simple soldier emperor, it is very likely a senior soldier. Emperor.

Staring at this person for the rest of his life.

"In the water, dare to attack him, this is purely not knowing how to write dead words."

Although I don’t know if there are strange people in this world, I feel that for the rest of my life, those who can stay in this water for a long time are probably only themselves. As for those who reformed people, maybe they can stay for a long time, but, Those people can no longer be called "people".

Holding the dagger in his hand, Yu Sheng rushed towards this person like lightning.

The Dragon King noticed that his expression changed drastically: "The rest of my life..."

Immediately afterwards, the Dragon King drank a sip of water. At this time, it was too late for the Dragon King to stop it, so the Dragon King could only keep approaching for the rest of his life.

I hope I can save the rest of my life.

At this time, the middle-aged man saw that Yu Sheng had rushed towards him again, which made the middle-aged man's mouth pick up, revealing a little playful smile.

In the eyes of the middle-aged man, Yu Sheng's approach is purely looking for death. Can Yu Sheng be his opponent? Obviously it is unlikely.

Immediately, the man stretched out the dagger in his hand and stabbed it fiercely.

Obviously, this man wanted to directly stabbed to death for the rest of his life.

However, Yu Sheng is not an ordinary special soldier. Over the years, Yu Sheng has experienced countless fights. Therefore, he himself has developed an instinct. In addition, it is in the water, and the rest of his life is like a fish in water.

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When the man stabbed over, Yu Sheng dodged faster, and then Yu Sheng's dagger pierced the man fiercely.

The man noticed that his face changed drastically.


This man was also taken aback by Yu Sheng's reaction speed.

He didn't expect that Yu Sheng could dodge his attack so quickly, but he could still attack him at this time. Such an attack speed is really too fast.

How can this be?

If it is on the land, there is such a fast attack speed, it is nothing, it is very normal, after all, there is no resistance in the water to fight on the land.

In the water, the resistance in the water is very large, which can make your speed much slower.

This is why this man is so shocked.


The next moment.

Yu Sheng's dagger was inserted into this person's arm. This person suffered a pain, and the dagger in his hand was instantly loosened. At this time, Yu Sheng sneered, and when he pulled out the dagger, he kicked it hard. man.

The man noticed that he hurriedly used his left arm to block Yu Sheng’s foot, but when he touched Yu Sheng’s foot, a terrible force was transmitted from the sole of Yu Sheng’s foot, a sudden situation. The man's face also changed drastically...

"not good……"


The next moment, the man was kicked a long way out with this kick. At this time, the man felt as if his arm was broken, which was very uncomfortable.

The man looked at Yu Sheng with a little astonishment.

"This kid is really the king of soldiers?"

The man stared at Yu Sheng in surprise, and he was also shocked by Yu Sheng.

At this moment, the Dragon King was also aware of this scene. The Dragon King saw Yu Sheng kick the man so far, and the man’s arm was stabbed by Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng kicked the man out with such a kick. , This surprised the Dragon King.

He thought he knew Yu Sheng’s strength, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he still doesn’t know Yu Sheng very well. This Yu Sheng’s combat power looks like a junior soldier king. Logically speaking, an intermediate soldier can kill Yu Sheng. After encountering this senior soldier, Yu Sheng was even more unlikely to be an opponent. Unexpectedly, this man was caught off guard by Yu Sheng.

It really surprised the Dragon King~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Dragon King quickly lurked on the horizontal surface. He took a breath. There is still room here, but the water level continues to rise. If it continues to rise, sooner or later it will be affected. Flooded, so they must leave here before they are completely flooded, otherwise, they will all die here.

Yu Sheng glanced at the man, and then, Yu Sheng looked at the stone again, but saw that at this time, several figures had already come not far from the stone, and in the next instant, one of the figures was facing towards The stone was caught.


However, when the person grabbed the stone, suddenly the stone became red, and almost instantly, the arm of the person grabbing the stone was directly burnt black.

The man was horrified and hurriedly withdrew his arm, but when he withdrew his arm, he found that his arm had been broken.

Afterwards, his arm turned into some black ash, and then, it was washed away by the water.

The emergence of this kind of situation also made everyone present a little shocked.


Those who wanted to reach out to take the stone were all shocked, and Yu Sheng was shocked when he saw this scene before him.

"This stone has enough energy? Is this a **** stone?" Yu Sheng took a deep breath, Yu Sheng felt that this thing was likely to float over from outer space, Yu Sheng felt that this outer space definitely has aliens. The existence of human beings is just difficult to discover with their current technology.

If this stone is available, this stone is likely to bring some changes, because this stone is very valuable for research.

Yu Sheng stared at the stone in front of him with scorching eyes.

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