I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1291: Stone secret

This guy just touched this stone, and then, his arm was burned to ashes by this stone. Such a terrifying power was terrifying.

If this is an accident, the whole person will probably be burned to ashes. The most amazing thing is that when the sea water touches the stone, the stone turns out to be nothing, and it is really weird.

For a while, everyone present was watching the stone in front of you cautiously. Because of the weird power that the stone just radiated, no one at the scene dared to move, for fear of touching the stone and being burned. Become ashes.

"Boy, die..."

At this moment, there was another roar resounding, and then, a figure swiftly dived into the sea water and charged towards Yu Sheng.

Obviously, this person wants to kill the rest of his life.

It was a shame for him to beat him like that for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he once again rushed towards the rest of his life.

Yu Sheng noticed, frowned, he looked at the person, and it was the guy who had just been stabbed by himself, and Yu Sheng sneered.

If you want to win this guy on land, even the rest of your life will have to spend a lot of hands and feet, but this is in the water, in the water, this guy will definitely not be his opponent, because of the resistance in the water, Caused a great distress to this guy.


Yu Sheng snorted coldly, and when this person punched Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng glanced at this person indifferently. In Yu Sheng's eyes, this punch was too slow and too slow, almost like a snail.


The next moment, Yu Sheng raised his hand to block the middle-aged man's attack. Then, the dagger in Yu Sheng's hand pierced the middle-aged man's heart fiercely.


The blood flowed down the middle-aged man's chest, and was rushed by the water. Therefore, the surrounding area was blood-red, and even the middle-aged man was stunned on the spot.

The middle-aged man looked at his chest in disbelief. At this moment, his eyes gradually lost their color, but his eyes still contained disbelief.

"How can it be……"

"How could this be..."

The middle-aged man didn't expect that the speed of this guy for the rest of his life was even faster than before, and he directly pierced his heart with a dagger, piercing his heart.

With deep doubts, the man finally closed his eyes, and his body was also washed away along the water.

When the people around realized that behind this scene, they were a little surprised. When everyone looked at Yu Sheng, there was gradually a touch of jealousy and shock in their eyes.

"This kid..."

"What's the origin? What a great skill."

All the people present looked at Yu Sheng in front of them in amazement. They were all stunned by Yu Sheng's skill. They couldn't believe this skill.

A soldier king, just slaughtered like this, it seems too random, right?

Even the Dragon King was slightly surprised when he saw this scene before him. He took a deep look at Yu Sheng. This time he brought Yu Sheng to bring Yu Sheng’s insight. He didn’t expect this. The kid's ability was somewhat beyond his expectations, which made him a little unbelievable.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, he glanced at the stone in front of him, his brows furrowed, and he was thinking about how to get this stone down.

Immediately after...

At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at the trident not far away, and Yu Sheng stared straight at the trident in front of him. This trident looked like it was made of gold, and its value was very high.

Although some of the people present were enthusiastic about the value of the trident, those present did not get the trident.


The trident is a good thing, but it's not suitable for taking it away.

After all, this is the sea, and no one knows what happens to the sea, and...this trident looks very heavy. In terms of weight, I am afraid it will be very heavy. After all, gold is very heavy, and more than that...

If they wear such a trident, then they are likely to be exhausted alive, not to mention that this is still the sea. Carrying such a thing on their back, it is estimated that they can't even swim up. Therefore, there are some people present. I was more excited about the trident, but they did not go to get the trident.

This thing is really useless.

not to mention……

Some of them, they are very rich, and it doesn't make much sense to keep this trident in their hands.

At most, it's just a little bit more money.

Yu Sheng’s gaze fell on the trident, which had been washed by the sea, and it was still so bright. It seemed that the trident was made of special materials, and it looked very beautiful. Pretty.


The ones who wrinkled Yu Sheng's brows most ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were the people next to the trident. These few looked like stone men, as if they were protecting the trident, which made Yu Sheng slightly confused.

What does it mean to get so many people beside this trident?

Yu Sheng thought for a while: "Since you can't touch this stone with your hands, how can you get the stone down through these objects? Does the stone have such weird power?"

Yes, this is the main reason why Yu Sheng looks at the Trident.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then, under the eyes of everyone, Yu Sheng quickly swam to the side of the trident. As Yu Sheng swam to the side of the trident, the people around were obviously aware of Yu Sheng's intentions.

"The kid swims next to the trident. Does he want to get the trident?"

Doubts arose in everyone’s minds, but everyone didn’t care. The trident is of great value, but for them, it doesn’t have much effect. They are most enthusiastic about it. The rock in front of me just touched it, and my arm was gone, showing how much energy was contained in this rock.

As long as they can talk about this stone, they won't have a big problem.

Therefore, all the people present were staring at the stone in front of them, their eyes flickering.

But none of the people present came forward, and they were obviously thinking about how to hold this stone in their own hands...

At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at the trident, he took a deep breath, and then, his right hand fell on the body of the trident.


The next moment, Yu Sheng was slightly taken aback, because he found that the trident was very heavy, which made Yu Sheng slightly surprised, but then, Yu Sheng's hands fell on the trident.


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