"You have to leave this place quickly, this place is probably not going to last long."

Thinking of the Dragon King here, he also left here quickly. The changes here are really great. It was originally full of vitality, but now, it has become a little lifeless.

Obviously, all of this comes from the heart of the ocean, because the heart of the ocean was here before. Therefore, this leads to the surrounding area, which is supported by a force. This force naturally comes from the heart of the ocean.

Now that the Heart of the Sea has been taken away, without the support of this force, it has naturally led to tremendous changes here.

It's like the heart is taken away, and other places become exhausted in an instant.

Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time!

Yu Sheng took away the heart of the ocean, and quickly ran in one direction. When Yu Sheng came out along the spot, Yu Sheng was surprised to find that all the abyss under this earth was covered by water. Filled up, countless currents are flowing down the abyss one after another, and if you are not careful, you may fall into it yourself. If you fall into it and think about it, it is probably difficult.

For the rest of his life, avoiding this place cautiously, after a while...

For the rest of his life, he left this ghost place.


The place Yu Sheng encountered was not where he came before, because Yu Sheng himself discovered that the original entrance to the volcano was blocked, and more than that, it was even submerged by the sea.

Perceiving this scene for the rest of his life, his expression changed drastically.

For the rest of his life, he followed the current and swam quickly. Fortunately, he found a gap, otherwise he might be trapped in it, trapped here, but it would be troublesome.

Yu Sheng swam into the ocean. Yu Sheng glanced in the distance, which made Yu Sheng take a deep breath.

With the current situation of Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng can completely breathe freely in this water, because this is all thanks to the blood of a century-old Kunpeng divine beast.

This led to huge changes in the rest of his life.

Even if you swim in the water for a year, you won’t be suffocated for the rest of your life.

This is the power of Yu Sheng. It is estimated that he is also the only person in the world who can stay in the water for so long.

Yu Sheng frowned: "Where is the Dragon King?"

Under these conditions, the Dragon King is indeed powerful and very powerful, but...in this ocean, you are a human being, and you have to breathe, and they don’t have oxygen cylinders for breathing. Therefore, in this ocean, it’s fundamentally Can't hold on for long.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng frowned and thought seriously.

"No, you have to find the Dragon King."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng made a decisive decision, and immediately, Yu Sheng walked forward quickly, but at this moment... Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that a figure was swimming towards him quickly, and after Yu Sheng saw this clearly. After the figure, this made Yu Sheng, his expression overjoyed.

"Dragon King..."


But at this moment, the Dragon King swiftly gestured towards Yu Sheng, signalling Yu Sheng to dive upwards quickly.

As the Dragon King finished gesturing, Yu Sheng understood something in an instant. Looking at the Dragon King, his face flushed at this moment. Obviously, the Dragon King had also reached a limit.

"not good……"

Perceiving the scene of Yu Sheng, his expression changed slightly, Yu Sheng came to the Dragon King's side in an instant, and then, Yu Sheng pulled the Dragon King, and the Dragon King noticed it, and was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he didn't expect Yu Sheng to come and pull him.


In the next instant, the dragon king looked surprised.

Because Yu Sheng directly pulled him, rushing in one direction as fast as lightning, this speed was several times faster than his swimming speed.


The next moment, when they appeared again, they had already appeared on the sea level. At this time, the Dragon King was panting heavily, absorbing the surrounding oxygen frantically, and taking a few breaths fiercely. The Dragon King felt a lot more comfortable now.

"Dragon King, are you okay?" Yu Sheng asked hurriedly.

At this time, the Dragon King looked at Yu Sheng, shook his head, and said: "It's okay, fortunately I found the exit, otherwise, it is very likely to be drowned in it."

Thinking about the situation just now, Dragon King still has lingering fears so far. The scene just now was too dangerous. Fortunately, he held it for long enough, otherwise, he might have died of oxygen deficiency now.

As for the people who are still inside, it is estimated that they have almost reached the limit. Those who can't support it, it is estimated that they have become a dead person by now.

"Dragon King, what should we do next?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

When the dragon king heard the words, his expression was slightly condensed, and he quickly said, "Where is the heart of the ocean?"

"Here." Yu Sheng quickly took out the Heart of the Sea.

After seeing the Heart of the Sea, the Dragon King breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The Heart of the Sea is of great research significance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will bring it back and hand it over to the Special Operations Research Center. This thing is very important. ."

The words of the Dragon King made Yu Sheng nodded solemnly, and Yu Sheng said, "Yes."

"However, we are now trapped in the sea, surrounded by the sea. In this case, we can't swim away from here at all. After a long time, we may not be able to hold on." Yu Sheng said in a deep voice.

Although Yu Sheng can breathe freely in the sea, it does not mean that there is no danger. Of course, if Yu Sheng is allowed to swim in one direction by himself, he can also reach the shore. After all, he can Breathe freely in the water, and even rest in the water, but there is no fresh water in the water. After a long time, he will have problems, not to mention...

There is also a dragon king here.

Although the Dragon King said that the fighting power is much stronger than him, but... this is the sea after all. This sea is also very terrible for the Dragon King. The two of them are floating on the sea, and the Dragon King’s strength is always exhausted. The dragon king's strength is exhausted, which is when the dragon king can't hold on.

"It is indeed a bit dangerous."

The Dragon King frowned. For a while, the Dragon King's complexion became a little dignified. They originally had a communication system on their bodies, but because of this flood, their communication system was lost, even if it was not lost. It is estimated that it cannot be used after the water has entered.

In this situation, the two of them can be said to be in a trap.

Very troublesome.



Just as the two of them were discussing countermeasures, a burst of explosion sounded abruptly, and the sudden explosion made Yu Sheng and the Dragon King all look different.

"not good……"

For an instant, the two people looked in one direction together.

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