I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1295: The ghost army is coming


Over there, there was a huge sound resounding, this kind of vibration, heard for the rest of his life and the Dragon King, it was also shocking.

"What's the matter?" Yu Sheng moved his mind and suddenly looked in that direction.

When Yu Sheng and Dragon King looked in that direction, they all saw that the sea water over there was boiling, and there seemed to be a power gathering over there, which could erupt at any time.

Perceiving this scene for the rest of his life and the Dragon King, his expression is even more shocking.

"No... there is a problem with that place."

In an instant, everyone noticed something not quite right.

"It's the nameless island."

For a moment, Yu Sheng thought of something and exclaimed.

As soon as Yu Sheng said these words, the dragon king's expression also changed drastically.

"In that case, this nameless island was already swallowed by the sea when we came out. Because of the sea, it touched some of the forces inside and caused the power to erupt..."

"Right now, this volcano will probably erupt soon."

"What about Chen Shanming and the others?" Yu Sheng suddenly said.

When the dragon king heard this, his face was a little gloomy and not very pretty.

"I don't care about anything else now. The sea over there is boiling. If we rush over, I'm afraid it will turn into steamed prawns. Get out of here quickly. If the volcano erupts, the magma will be enough to kill us."

"As for Chen Shanming and them, I think they should be able to leave here."

The Dragon King still has confidence in his men. In this situation, his two soldiers will inevitably leave here. Although Chen Shanming is not his own soldier, it is enough to have Dragon and Liyu.

When Yu Sheng saw the situation in front of him, he also knew that it was impossible to go to the small island now. The volcano was shaking, and there was the possibility of eruption at any time. Now he must move here as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng no longer hesitated, and followed the Dragon King to swim in another direction. Their swimming speed was not very fast. In fact, to some extent, Yu Sheng was also taking care of the Dragon King. About an hour later, they too. Swim out a lot of distance.


They were still afraid of being injured by the volcano, so the two of them were still swimming there quickly.

After the two of them swimming for three hours, the Dragon King at this time also lost some strength, which made the Dragon King start to become a backstroke, because the backstroke can save more energy, and you can also recover yourself and consume it. Physical strength.

For the rest of his life, his expression remained the same. He had a lot of energy to follow the Dragon King backstroke, so the energy consumed was not very much.


As they walked in one direction, this gradually, the sky gradually darkened. At night, the sea was rough and no one knew whether there would be anything like a tornado, the sea. The risk index is too high.

This caused the two people's entire hearts to darken.

If it is Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng can go to the bottom of the sea to rest, because he can withstand the pressure of the bottom of the sea, but the dragon king fails, and the dragon king has not opened up, so naturally he can't be like him.

Yu Sheng looked at the darkening sky, Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Dragon King, tonight, I am afraid there will be rain, if it rains, we will also become very troublesome."

Yu Sheng's words caused the Dragon King to nod solemnly, and the Dragon King also noticed that something was wrong here. For a while, the Dragon King's complexion became a little dignified.

In their current situation, unless they encounter a boat to rescue them, otherwise, they can only swim towards the shore by themselves.

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But at this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flicked, and suddenly, Yu Sheng's pupils shrank suddenly.


The words of Yu Sheng suddenly changed the dragon king's expression, and the dragon king hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng and said, "Where is it?"

"Over there, it seems to be driving towards our side." Yu Sheng quickly pointed in one direction.


The Dragon King looked in the direction Yu Sheng pointed, because the sun gradually set, so there is a setting picture on the sea level, which looks very beautiful, but the sea surface reflects the light, making people’s eyes a little strange. Too adapted.


After the dragon king saw the dilapidated ship, this made the dragon king's look even more dramatic.

"This is……"

"The Ghost Legion."

In an instant, the Dragon King recognized the ghost legion in front of him, and the Dragon King stared at the ghost legion in front of him solemnly, which made the Dragon King unspeakably heavy.

"The Ghost Legion..."

When Yu Sheng heard these four words, Yu Sheng had become more cautious. At this time, Yu Sheng had indescribable fear.

Especially when he saw the ship clearly, Yu Sheng understood it in an instant, because he had seen this ship, he had seen it on the aircraft carrier before, but he did not expect to see it again here~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Ghost Legion!

This is a ghost-like army. They walked on the sea and left a reputation on the sea. Once, someone wanted to destroy the ghost army, but...the ghost army is just like ghosts, no one can do it. Find their specific location.

Perhaps someone wants to use satellites to monitor them, but...their ships have anti-satellite systems, so these satellites cannot monitor them at all.

Yu Sheng stared directly at this big ship. The big ship looked a bit old and had an ancient feeling, but the speed of this ship was extremely fast, even if compared to some warships, it was only fast. Not slow.

For the rest of my life, I am very curious about how this ship was built and why is it so fast? Obviously it looks so dilapidated, and, on the surface, it's all made of wood, why is it so powerful?

"Dragon King, what shall we do?"

The idea in Yu Sheng's heart was to dive directly into the bottom of the sea. Even if the Ghost Legion is more powerful, they are still human beings, and they definitely can't dive into tens of thousands of meters, right? As long as the rest of his life sneaks into this seabed, no matter how powerful the ghost army is, it is unlikely to reach the seabed and find him.

Unless, these guys are not people at all.

However, such terrible pressure is not something that creatures can bear. After all, the pressure on the ocean is really too great.

"It's a bit troublesome..."

The dragon king's whole heart sank, which made the dragon king very jealous, the dragon king stared at the front, his brain was running fast, if they can't escape today, I am afraid they will have to get on the ghost army ship.

Others may not know, but he knows very well.

Once on the thief ship, it is difficult to figure it out.

But what should we do now?

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