I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1296: Captain Ghost

Looking at this ghost ship that is constantly approaching, the expression on the face of the rest of my life is extremely solemn. This ghost ship is rumored to be a ship that will not go on the road. In other words, the person wearing it will never go to the mainland. Let the rest of his life think of a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean.

He once remembered that there was such a ghost ship here, and there were even rumors. This movie was also adapted from real events. If it is true... wouldn't it mean...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion also became serious.

The Dragon King's brain is also running fast. At this moment, they want to run. Obviously, it is impossible. No matter how fast they are, they are unlikely to exceed the speed of others.


This ship is close to Yu Sheng and others.

Yu Sheng looked at the big ship. The big ship has experienced wind and rain on the surface, and I don’t know how long it has existed. In short, it looks a little shaky, and even what this ship uses is all The ship capsized... and the sails, which seemed even more weird.

You know, most of the current ships are powered ships, that is, fuel-consuming ships. Few people make this kind of sailboat. This kind of sailboat is not only slow, but also unable to withstand wind and rain.

With the addition of combat, it is easy to be sunk by the enemy, so many people will not make such a ship again.

The rest of my life stared straight at the huge ship in front of him. The sails on the ship were a bit shabby and even had quite a few holes. This wooden ship looked even more weird and very strange. The ship, and, in the evening, it still exudes the light of ghosts. Perhaps this is the main reason why it is called a ghost ship.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's heart was quiet. Now that the enemy has come before him and thinking about nothing else, for now, it's better to think through this difficult time.

As the big ship stopped not far away from them, at this time, on the big ship, a ladder fell down. Yu Sheng and the Dragon King glanced at the ladder. At this time, the Dragon King said solemnly: "Go up, it's blessings. It's still a curse, and it's not a curse."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly. If he was the only one, it would be a big deal to dive into the bottom of the sea, but there was nothing. He didn't believe it. This ghost ship can also drive to the bottom of the sea. Therefore, as long as he enters the sea, the enemy will have nothing to do with him. , However, he can do it, but it doesn't mean that Dragon King can do it too.

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And he is very interested in the so-called Ghost Legion, and he is also very curious about what kind of ship the Ghost Legion is, and who is the captain of the Ghost Legion.

Yu Sheng didn't talk nonsense, and took the lead to climb the ladder. Yu Sheng and the two of them knew that this was the ladder that the ghost ship deliberately put down. Obviously, people had noticed the two of them. If they were doing things at this time, it was completely unnecessary.

After the two got on the ladder, the ladder slowly shrank. Soon, the two got on the boat. After they got on the boat, the two looked around in surprise.

This ship exudes a spooky light. It turns out that there is a light. This light looks gloomy, so the whole ship is exuding a spooky light, so it looks from a distance. When I came here, it looked like a ghost ship.


After the two of them got on the ghost ship, there were two people waiting by the side. After Yu Sheng saw these two people, this shocked the rest of his life.

One of them has long hair, the hair covers his face, and this hair is tied with a lot of small braids. This person’s face is painted with three black dots on each side. This looks a little weird, and this Human teeth are a little black, and they look like worm-eaten teeth.

It looks very weird.

Moreover, this person's dress is not as capable as imagined. On the contrary, this person's dress is extremely casual. This dress looks like the clothes worn by pirates. It looks a bit tattered and quite. It’s weird, and the other person is not much different from this person in dress, but this person’s hair is white, looking a bit like an old man in hell.

Such weird two people made Yu Sheng frowned.


In an instant, Yu Sheng felt the breath of the two people, which made Yu Sheng also a little relieved. To be honest... Yu Sheng felt a little nervous in his heart.

After all, he has a system, so Yu Sheng believed in some weird things, but now he feels the breath of life in these guys, which makes Yu Sheng also relieved a lot, at least for now, this ghost The people on the boat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all people.

If it’s a human, it’s easy to solve it. If it’s a human, it can be killed, and it will die. If it is said that the ghost ship is all ghosts... then it will be a big trouble, even he dare not say it, you can leave Here, after all, the ghost thing is a bit nonsense in how you look at it. You are not afraid of physical attacks. How do you attack this?

Doesn't know how to spell?

Fortunately, to some extent, science is credible.

"Please follow us." One of them spoke slightly with a somewhat negative voice.

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng frowned, and said faintly: "Thank you to lead the way."

The two people turned their heads and walked in one direction. At this time, the Dragon King said in a low voice: "Be careful for the rest of your life. They are very strong. At least they must be soldiers. Realm."


As soon as this remark came out, the rest of his life changed his expression: "So strong?"

For the rest of his life, he couldn't help but take a breath. As far as his current realm was concerned, he was no more than the realm of the King of Soldiers, and there was a big gap from the realm of Soldier Saint.

Unexpectedly, the group of guys in front of me were so strong, they turned out to be soldiers. What is the origin of this ghost ship? How could there be so many masters?

But for the rest of his life, there was no fear. Now that he has arrived, he will be at ease.

"Yeah." The Dragon King nodded slightly. He took a deep breath and said: "Countless countries have searched for ghost ships, but they have never found them. They must have their own methods."

"Furthermore, their ship seems to be crumbling, but in fact there is nothing bad about it. Moreover, the speed of the transmission of this ship is extremely fast. Such a ship must contain something." Dragon King said in a deep voice.

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