When Yu Sheng heard the words, he nodded slightly. He also felt that this boat was a bit weird. It was obviously a wooden boat, but it could be extremely fast, and it could also travel far...

This is a bit unreasonable. Obviously, this is not an ordinary wooden boat.

Yu Sheng nodded, but did not speak, and the two followed them towards the cabin in front of them.

As he walked, Yu Sheng looked around at the surrounding environment. On this boat, it looked like there were no people. With the dim lights, the boat was a little overcast.

Yu Sheng followed the two into the cabin, and when the two entered the cabin, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

Because, he heard a burst of cheers, and with these bursts of cheers, Yu Sheng's brows were furrowed. After a while, many people were exposed to Yu Sheng's gaze.

However, with the arrival of Yu Sheng, the whole scene, also at this moment, became quiet. At this time, the people on the boat were all looking at Yu Sheng and the Dragon King.

They just stared straight at them, without speaking or making any voices. Yu Sheng glanced at these people and frowned. As for the Dragon King, they were slightly jealous.

Because he can feel the powerful aura in these people, it is obvious that these people are not simple.

The Dragon King looked at the people present with a solemn expression, carefully guarded, and for the rest of his life he made a rough estimate. There are at least 20 or 30 people on this ship, which seems to be very many.

Yu Sheng glanced at everyone present. Yu Sheng's heart sank. On this ship, he felt a strong pressure. He suddenly felt that if he wanted to leave this ship, it would be a big deal. The problem, all these people are not simple.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart. Yu Sheng stared at everything in front of him, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he began to think.

At this time, all the people present were staring at Yu Sheng in such a straightforward manner, and no one spoke.

"You two, wait a minute." At this time, one of them slowly said.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Yu Sheng and the Dragon King both nodded slightly, and then the two waited patiently here.

After waiting for about two minutes, at this time, from the ship, a voice came, and the voice was full of laughter.

"Hahahaha... welcome you two, come to my ghost ship as guests."

A fluent Chinese language was then spoken. At this time, the rest of his life and the Dragon King looked towards the source of the sound together. At this time, a figure appeared under the sight of the two.

The moment the two saw this figure, both of them condensed.

Seen for the rest of my life.

This person is wearing a leather jacket. This leather jacket is really suitable for this person. Moreover, this person's hair is also yellow or long.

From this point of view, he is a foreigner, but it’s not clear where he is. What surprised Yu Sheng the most is his Chinese. This man’s Chinese is very standard, such as Putonghua, even They are all top-notch.

For the rest of his life, Rao was a little surprised that such a person could even learn Chinese.

"Don't be surprised." At this time, Jones laughed. Jones said with a smile: "You can call me Jones, I am the captain of this ship. I like Chinese very much. I have been learning Chinese all the time."

"So I learned what I am now. Of course, I also like Russian, French and some other languages. Under my study, I can speak eight languages."

Jones' words left the rest of his life speechless.

Your grandma's legs, are you here to show off? At the same time, Zheng Yusheng was also a little bit painful. Unexpectedly, these years, being a badass, his mother can speak eight languages. If he doesn't have the ability, he can't even become a badass...

Rao didn't know what to say for the rest of his life.

The most weird thing is this person's name. This person's name is exactly the same as the person's name in the movie. Your uncle, isn't this person admiring this Jones? That's why it was named Jones?

In fact, Yu Sheng thought really well.

Yu Sheng looked at the person in front of him carefully. This person looked very strong, because this person had bare arms. Therefore, this person's arms looked a little hard, all of which were muscles.

It can be noticed for the rest of his life that this person is full of explosive power, and this explosive power is also very terrifying and terrifying.

Yu Sheng looked at the person in front of him with some fear, Yu Sheng's expression was extremely solemn.

"The two came to the ghost ship, that was the guests. As the owner of the ghost ship, we naturally want to entertain." Jones laughed at this moment.

"Serve the two of you with wine and food."


With Jones's order, everyone around www.wuxiaspot.com prepared some food and put them on the table next to it.

The Dragon King glanced at Jones. He took a deep breath and said with a voice that only two people could hear, "The rest of your life, be careful. This Jones is very strong and very strong. I may not be an opponent."

Yu Sheng was also surprised by what the Dragon King said. Yu Sheng knew the fighting power of the Dragon King. He didn't expect that even the Dragon King was not an opponent of this guy in front of him. How strong is this guy?

This makes Yu Sheng also extremely jealous.


"If there is something wrong, immediately try to break through. Although the chance of leaving is very small, you can still try it." The Dragon King whispered.

Yu Sheng nodded.

At this time, the Dragon King cast his gaze on the captain of the ghost ship, and the Dragon King said in a deep voice: "Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, you guys invite us two on the boat, certainly not to make us come here to eat so jealous. If you have anything to do, just speak up, we will not eat."

The Dragon King didn't talk nonsense, he directly picked out his intentions. At this time, hypocrisy and snakes would only give the enemy more opportunities. Maybe they are stuck here, and it is difficult to figure it out.

So the Dragon King didn’t have any unnecessary nonsense, he directly picked out his intentions. He wanted to see what these people wanted to do...

But the Dragon King is also somewhat speculative.

However, what should be said is still to be said.

When Jones heard the words, he smiled and said: "I, Jones, are very hospitable. Naturally, I am very happy that you can come to me as guests. The reason why I invited you here is that I just want to have a relationship with the two of you. Friends only."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he burst into laughter.

make friends?

Others may believe it, but they will not believe it for the rest of their lives. These days, it is not profitable and early, my friend... Haha.

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