Yu Sheng and the Dragon King continued to stay on this sea for one day!

As a result, the two people persisted for two days. In these two days, there was nothing for the rest of their lives, because the rest of their lives could use other things to replenish the water and hunger they needed, but the Dragon King couldn't.

The water in the sea, the Dragon King cannot drink, and it is very likely to die. Therefore, in the two days, the Dragon King is also weak. According to Yu Sheng's thoughts, the Dragon King may only be able to hold on for one more day.

If one day later, you still cannot be saved, or in other words, cannot find a small island, then the Dragon King is likely to die of thirst here.

If you don’t eat, you can hold on for several days. If you don’t drink water, it only takes a few days and you may finish playing. So water is very important.

Yu Sheng looked at the Dragon King beside him and couldn't help but said, "Dragon King, are you okay?"

"It's okay." The Dragon King's face was a little pale, and he said solemnly.

At this time, the Dragon King was also persisting. Relatively speaking, the luck of the two of them was quite good, because they did not encounter relatively large waves, sharks, or other extreme weather. .

If you encounter it, maybe the Dragon King has already died. As for him, he can hide in the deep water within 10,000 meters. In this way, there will be not many things that can help him.

Yu Sheng murmured: "I have to find a place as soon as possible, or I have encountered a ship. If this continues, it won't last long..."

The face of the rest of their lives was extremely solemn. During this time, they didn’t know how many nautical miles they had swam, but they all knew that the distance they had traveled was nothing but a drop in the bucket, and had no meaning, because this sea area is too big. It's too big.

"But... how can I leave here? Can you meet a ship or a small island? Only luck..." Yu Sheng frowned and began to think.

It's not as easy as you imagined to encounter, unless the pie falls in the sky.


But while Yu Sheng was meditating, suddenly, a voice resounded. With this sound, Yu Sheng, who was in deep thought, was instantly stunned on the spot...

"This is……"

"The sound of the boat..."

Yu Sheng immediately looked into the distance. Gradually, a large cruise ship appeared under Yu Sheng's sight. Such a large cruise ship seemed quite domineering.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that at this critical moment, a cruise ship would be sent... for a while, for the rest of my life, he looked overjoyed...

"It's great, it's saved."

The rest of his life immediately said: "Dragon King, we are saved, there is a cruise ship over there just passing by here, we can go on the cruise ship."

For the rest of his life, the Dragon King's expression also condensed. The Dragon King's gaze fell on the cruise ship in the distance. After seeing this huge cruise ship, the Dragon King also looked happy.

"Go, let's go over."


Immediately, the two of them did not hesitate, and quickly swam towards the cruise ship. The swimming speed of the two was very fast. Fortunately, this place is not very far from the cruise ship, so the two of them swam to the cruise ship in a short time. side.

"Look at it, what is that..."

At this time someone exclaimed, said.

"This is..." After seeing the scene in front of them, the people present made them stare, and immediately said, "My God, this is a man... it's a man..."

"Hurry up, hurry up and save them."

"But what if they are bad guys?"

"What a joke, there are only two of them. We have so many people on this boat. Even if they are bad guys, can we still not deal with the two of them with so many people."

"makes sense."

"Hurry up and save them, I'll go to the captain."


After a while, Yu Sheng and the Dragon King were rescued on the deck. After the two were rescued, the two of them lay on the bed, panting heavily. The skin of the two of them had been soaked in the water for too long. There are some wrinkles and it looks very ugly.

Yu Sheng hurriedly said: "Water, water..."

Soon someone got a pot of water, and Yu Sheng quickly came to Dragon King's side. After receiving the water, the Dragon King took the water and drank it. After drinking the water, the Dragon King felt a lot of joy and physical strength. It was also gradually recovering, and at this time I drank a little for the rest of my life.

In fact, in the sea, the influence on him is not great, so his condition is much better than that of the Dragon King.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and relaxed a lot.

After a while, someone walked over. This person was wearing the captain's clothes, especially after seeing the two people Yu Sheng, this made him frowned.

The captain has long golden hair and white skin. Obviously, this captain is an old beauty. This person glanced at Yu Sheng and asked casually: "Who are you? Why do you live in the sea?"

Hearing the words for the rest of his life, his expression condensed.

They are now wearing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or camouflage.

Yu Sheng immediately opened his mouth and said: "We are from Huaxia. We fell into the sea because we encountered troubles at sea."

"Huaxia people?"

Hearing the words, the captain took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and he said coldly: "You should be special soldiers."

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of their lives remained silent. They were indeed wearing something conspicuous, and, as everyone knew, in China, ordinary people would not wear this kind of clothes.

The rest of my life calmly said: "We are not special forces of China. You can call us bodyguards. We used to serve, but we have retired long ago. Now, we take on the task of bodyguards. In the past, we will have some people to protect. Only this time there was some trouble at sea, which caused the ship to be washed away and drifted here. At present, only the two of us are drifting here."

"The rest of the people don't know their lives or deaths."


The captain was convinced, the captain said: "Whose bodyguard are you?"

"Yu Wei?"

"Yu Wei?"

The captain was puzzled.

"Yes." Yu Sheng said indifferently: "Yu Wei is our employer. We followed him a long time ago and took on the task of protection."

"Who is Yu Wei?" the captain said condensedly.

"It's the chairman of a group in China, you can check it, it's easy to find it."

After Yu Sheng said this sentence, this made the captain seem to believe Yu Sheng's words.

The captain paused and said: "Our ship is a cruise ship, and there are many rich people on it. Now that you are killed, we can save you, but I hope you stay on the ship safely, because many people are here. It's a big man you can't afford to offend, do you understand?"

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