I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1309: Cruise ship

"Okay, I see." Yu Sheng said immediately.

"Of course, if you have money, you can also enjoy the feast on the boat. If you don't have money, you can only eat some leftovers."

"no problem."

Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

If a person really comes to the end of the mountains and rivers, the leftovers will be fragrant, and at least he can live, but...does he need to eat any leftovers here?

The answer is definitely not needed.

"Examine them to see if there are any weapons or the like. If not, give them a change of clothes and they can walk freely on the boat."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the rest of the people responded.


Afterwards, Yu Sheng and Dragon King were changed clothes. As the two of them changed their clothes, the Dragon King frowned. He glanced at Yu Sheng and immediately asked: "They are so kind to save us. It stands to reason. , Won’t let us walk freely, but why, let us walk freely?"

"If we cause any harm to other people, I'm afraid it will be bad? After all, they are on a safety mission."

Yu Sheng heard this and smiled and said: "Dragon King, you didn't hear what he just said. If you have money, you can enjoy the feast on the boat, but if you don't have money... we can't enjoy the feast here... also In other words, if we have money, we can play anywhere on this ship, but if we don’t have money... we may not be able to run around, and we have to say that these guys have also learned to play dumb riddles."

"They all say that they are rectal, but now it seems that not everyone is rectal."

As soon as these words were spoken, Dragon King nodded slightly.

Obviously believed Yu Sheng's ideas.

In fact, Yu Sheng’s statement is not too wrong. The captain, judging from Yu Sheng, feels that Yu Sheng is not simple, and he does not look like a dangerous person, plus Yu Sheng is still protecting a person. This person is called Yu Wei.

At the beginning of Yu Wei's name, he didn't remember who he was, but after thinking about it, he finally remembered the name. The name is not simple. He is a rich man.

In their eyes, only the poor say to the rich that they can act as bodyguards for this person, not to mention that they are very rich, but some small money is probably not a big problem.

This is why he left the two of them on the ship for the rest of his life.

Of course, he would not let the two of them leave the rest of his life, he would also monitor them for the rest of his life, and if anything really happened, he could stop them in time.

Coupled with this captain's carefree character, so the two of them were stocked and managed for the rest of his life.

If this is replaced by a Huaxia ship, it might have already circled you. Before reaching the land, it is estimated that it will be difficult to release you.

But fortunately, there is no such situation, which is a good thing for them.

"Dragon King now we don't know where the ship is heading. We will settle down here now. When we reach the land, we are thinking about going back." Yu Sheng said.

"Yeah." Dragon King nodded slightly.

Once they came, they had no choice but to send signals on this cruise ship. It was not that easy, because they had to communicate with outsiders through some special communication systems, as for mobile phones. In this kind of place, the mobile phone has no signal.

"Dragon King, why don't we go out and play?" Yu Sheng smiled.


When the dragon king heard this, his brow furrowed. Obviously, he was somewhat resistant to going out to play.

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "It's a pity that I didn't play when I came here. What's more... We can also learn through playing to understand what kind of ship this is, and we can also understand what this ship is. Where to go and find some key information."

When the dragon king heard the words, he nodded slightly.

The Dragon King didn't say anything.

"By the way, Dragon King, are you rich?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

"No." Dragon King shook his head and said: "Perform tasks and never bring money."

"No money?"

Yu Sheng frowned. Yu Sheng thought about it a little bit. He didn't have any money. This is a bit troublesome. Now that he doesn't have any money, what can he inquire if he goes out?

After thinking about it for the rest of his life, he said, "Don't even have a dollar?"

The dragon king frowned, shook his head, and said, "In this kind of place, RMB shouldn't be spent, right?"

Yu Sheng was shocked by the words of the Dragon King. He almost forgot this. If he has money, it is not US dollars. In such a place, it seems that it may not be able to be spent...

Afterwards, Yu Sheng said, "Let's go out first and then talk."


After that, Yu Sheng and the Dragon King left the room, and then the two walked towards the inside of the cruise ship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This cruise ship is very big, and...

There are many entertainment items in the cruise ship. I am afraid that only these rich people can enjoy these entertainment items.

Yu Sheng saw that there are fitness areas, movie areas, gambling areas, sun bathing, concert halls... and so on, it can be said to have everything.

With so many areas, it can be seen how luxurious this cruise ship is.

And the people who can come up to play are more or less rich people, these rich people, drunk and gold fans, enjoying this kind of beautiful things.

This is the life of the rich.

They earn a lot more money, and naturally they will learn some enjoyment.

And there are some large-scale performances here... It seems very lively, and all the people who come here are enjoying this kind of paradise life.

Of course, since it is a large cruise ship, there is naturally no shortage of some top beauties in this kind of place. These beauties are all exposed and look quite open.


Some people just want to hang a golden turtle son-in-law in such a place. If they can hang a golden turtle son-in-law, then life in the future can be said to have nothing to worry about.

Of course, these rich people and beautiful women have seen a lot more. If you want to attract them only by your appearance, I am afraid it is really not an ordinary difficulty. At the very least, you must have a certain knowledge and ability. It is the most important capital to conquer a rich man.

Do you think about the lack of beautiful women around the rich? No matter how beautiful this is, it always has a head. They are used to seeing all kinds of beauties, and they have long been blind...

What they lack is a good help.

Therefore, in order for these beauties to match, the piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy can be described as all-inclusive. Of course, this IQ is certainly not low.

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