I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1310: What to do if you have no money

Yu Sheng and the Dragon King entered the ship, Yu Sheng glanced at random, and various exposed beauties appeared in front of the two of them. For these, Yu Sheng had long been surprised.

He is a rich second generation, what kind of beauties have not been seen, and he doesn't have much idea about this.

"Got some ideas, get some money..."

Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and started thinking seriously!

If you want to make money, I am afraid there is only one way to go, and that is gambling!

Gambling is not a fun thing. This thing may ruin your family overnight. The so-called ten gambling and ten losses are not unreasonable. The people who make the most money are those who run casinos.

Yu Sheng thought for a while, and whispered: "Dragon King, on this boat, we have to get some money. We can't do anything without money. Do you have a dollar?"

Yu Sheng's words caused the Dragon King to shook his head slightly, and the Dragon King said, "No."

"Not one piece?" Yu Sheng was stunned, and then slightly speechless. Obviously he didn't expect that he didn't even have a dollar. This made Yu Sheng not know what to say. They were really pauper.

"Let's go in first."

At this time Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said.

"You want to gamble?" When the dragon king heard the words, his brows frowned, and he said: "Ten gambles and ten loses. Gambling harms others and yourself. Are you sure you want to go to this place to play?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said, "Try it, in case you have luck."

"But, are you rich?" Dragon King asked in a low voice.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled and said, "I'll talk about it when I get in."

After that, the two walked into the casino. The casino was not as smoky as expected. On the contrary, it looked neat and tidy. It was quite lively. There were players playing mahjong, cards, and Pai Gow. Yes, there are also craps, a variety of gameplay, can be said to be countless.

Yu Sheng glanced at these people, a pair of eyes swept across these people's faces, and Yu Sheng thought for a while.

In the end, Yu Sheng's eyes fell on a woman.

This woman was dressed in a big red skirt, dressed very beautifully, very expensive, which made people look bright, the woman was elegant, and she was not an ordinary person at first glance.

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Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and then he smiled and walked to the woman's side. The Dragon King noticed it, and he was slightly shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect Yu Sheng to walk towards this woman.

The Dragon King muttered in his heart: "This kid, don't you want to pick up girls?"

Thinking of this, Rao Shilongwang's complexion became weird. If this kid eats soft rice, this is not bad, but this kid is obviously a rich second-generation, why should he eat soft rice...

The Dragon King stared directly at the scene in front of him. He wanted to see what the rest of his life wanted to do.

At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at this beauty. This beauty was obviously aware of Yu Sheng. The woman squinted and smiled: "Little brother, why are you looking at me like this."

"Sister is very beautiful." Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Can't help but look at it more."


Although he said that the other person looks very good-looking, who would refuse others to praise her for being beautiful, Haitang smiled slightly and said, "Your mouth is very sweet."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said, "It's not that my mouth is sweet, but that I like to tell the truth."


Haitang smiled, and had a slight affection for Yu Sheng in front of him. At this time, Haitang looked at Yu Sheng and said with a smile: "I see you have been staring at the bargaining chip on my table."

"Do you want it?" Haitang said.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Sister, can you lend me a 10 yuan bargaining chip?"

Yu Sheng's words shocked Haitang. Obviously, he didn't expect Yu Sheng to come here to borrow a 10 yuan bargaining chip from him. This made Haitang a little astonished. For a while, he didn't understand what Yu Sheng wanted to do.

Haitang smiled and said, "Then give it to you."

Then Haitang picked up a bargaining chip, which was almost the smallest denomination bargaining chip. Haitang threw the bargaining chip to Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng grabbed it casually and grabbed the chips in his hand. Yu Sheng smiled and said: "In one minute, I will pay you back."


When Haitang noticed this scene, her eyes narrowed, and he stared at Yu Sheng in front of him. This made Haitang also interested in it, and Haitang looked at Yu Sheng in surprise.

This is indeed very interesting.

It was the first time he saw such a boy.

After seeing the scene in front of him, the Dragon King on the side was also a little dumbfounded. The Dragon King couldn't help but glanced at Yu Sheng, which made the Dragon King also feel a little unbelievable.

"After asking just two sentences, they gave me ten dollars as a bargaining chip? Is this fake?"

Rao is the Dragon King, and I don’t know what to say for a while. This is really a bit, nonsense...

The Dragon King hesitated and couldn't help but look at a beauty on the side. This beauty is pretty good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But compared with Haitang, she still lacks something. At this time, the Dragon King hesitated. He walked up to the beauty, smiled and said, "My sister is very beautiful."


The next moment, the woman’s voice resounded, which made the Dragon King’s face stiff, and the Dragon King did not dare to continue talking to this woman. However, when the Dragon King just turned around, the woman’s muttering sounded loudly: "One When I get older, I still learn from other people to pick up girls without looking at my own virtues."


When the Dragon King heard these words, the face of the Dragon King became a little unnatural, your uncle, unexpectedly, it would become like this.

Yu Sheng on the side also noticed the strangeness of the Dragon King, which made Yu Sheng also a little speechless.

He is looking for people based on some analysis, but not just blindly looking. There are many beauties here. These beauties are top-notch, but not everyone can pick them up.

If chaos comes, it will only be counterproductive.

For the rest of his life, too, the Dragon King thought of going to tease his sister.

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly without speaking.

The rest of my life at this time said: "System, I remember that when I refreshed the mall before, I refreshed the gambling technique. Give me the gambling technique immediately."

"Didi, according to system testing, there are multiple levels of gambling. May I ask what level of gambling the host can exchange for."

"Where is the God of Gambler?" Yu Sheng asked immediately with a heart move.

"Didi, it needs to consume 500 military merits from the host."

"five hundred?"

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he was shocked, and immediately said: "So high?"

The system faintly explained: "Five hundred is not high anymore. If the host wants to achieve a higher level of gambling, it needs more military merit."

"Is there any higher?"

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