I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1311: Gambling

After Yu Sheng heard these words, Yu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath, and Yu Sheng shockedly said: "Isn't the gambling skill of the God of Gambler the highest?"

"Learning is endless." The system said lightly.


For Yu Sheng, he couldn't help taking a breath. Yu Sheng didn't expect that the original gambling skills at the level of God of Gamblers were not the highest, which was beyond his expectation.

Yu Sheng gritted his teeth and said: "Exchange the God of Gambler Grade Gambling Technique."

"Didi, the host consumes 500 points of military merit to exchange for the God of Gambler-level gambling technique, may I ask if the host continues."

"Continue." Yu Sheng gritted his teeth.

"Didi, the host has successfully exchanged for gambling."


"Didi, the host succeeded in using gambling."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng realized that there was a lot of knowledge about gambling in his brain, because his brain development reached a very terrifying point, so this made Yu Sheng himself also reveal A little bit of joy.

These gambling skills are almost in a short while, and he is able to master it, which also comes from the extent to which his brain has been greatly developed.


Yu Sheng couldn't help but sighed. This gambling technique was refreshed when he refreshed the mall before. Not only reading gambling, but also some other skills, such as some knowledge in books, such as some cooking skills, such as Some others can be described as diverse.

Using the system, if you want to be a special soldier, you must learn the various poses of people, men and women, shemales, and various professions, because you can play these roles when you are uncertain, so learn in these aspects. Some knowledge is very necessary, so that when acting as an undercover agent, or doing other tasks, the enemy will not be so easily spotted.

Under the recommendation, the reading app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] has many book sources, complete books, and fast update!

For now, Yu Sheng has never been an undercover agent, because Fan Tianlei has never let him be.

"Open my panel..."

"Didi, the host panel is being generated."

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 22 years old"

"Military Rank: Major"

"Attributes: roots 21, comprehension 21, physique 21, strength 21, speed 21 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 130 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, blood of a century-old dragon elephant animal, blood of a century-old golden winged dragon, blood of a century-old western white tiger, blood of a century-old snarling dog, blood of a century-old cannibal willow gene, a gene of a century-old drug addict, blood of a century-old unicorn animal, a century-old six Eared macaque blood, centuries-old Kunpeng beast blood, centuries-old bodhi heart, millennium Tyrannosaurus blood, millennium plum blossom gene, millennium chameleon blood, millennium candle dragon beast blood, millennium cactus gene, millennium poor strange beast blood, Wannian chaotic beast blood. Earth. Induction shooting, radar warning, earth simulation field, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps artifact, hacking skills, advanced data calculation, demining manual, shooting skills, training room, chess master, piano master, gunfighting, Intermediate medical skills, manual for explosive demolition, **** of gamblers-level gambling skills."

A series of things appeared in front of Yu Sheng, which made Yu Sheng also very satisfied. Unconsciously, he possessed so many skills, and these skills occupied a very important position in him.

Without these skills, he would have already died on the battlefield. It is because of these skills that he has arrived now.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

Yu Sheng glanced at the table in front of him. The gameplay here is to roll the dice and guess the size, which is also the most straightforward and rude gameplay.

And this beauty is also playing dice.

At this time, the dealer has already rolled the dice. The dealer shook the dice and waited for everyone to place their bets. At this time, Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and murmured, "It's a good point."

In the next moment, Yu Sheng invested the ten dollars into three six points without hesitation.

Yu Sheng voted for this point, which made Haitang feel shocked. Haitang gave Yu Sheng a surprised look, and said casually: "You bet like this, I'm afraid the ten dollars will be lost soon."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled and said, "Gambling is gambling, there are wins and losses, and it's only ten yuan."

Hearing this, Haitang smiled slightly and didn't say much. In his opinion, Yu Sheng's gameplay was too radical, three sixs, all around, nowhere is it so easy, although the odds are high, but...open The number of such points is even rarer.

So Haitang doesn't think he can win the rest of his life.

"Buy out, please place your bets."

As the voice fell, everyone present also placed bets. None of the people present were betting on Yu Sheng, because in their opinion, Yu Sheng was fooling around. Besides, it was only ten yuan, and they had more than ten meals. Yuan, they can eat anything, more than ten dollars, ten dollars is like a dime in their eyes, and they don’t like it at all.


At this time, the dealer began to count points.

Then the three sixes appeared under everyone's sight. With the appearance of these three sixes, the expressions of all the people present changed slightly.

"Three six, leopard?"

The people present were all surprised at the scene before them. They never expected that there were actually three six ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Immediately, all the people present all looked towards the rest of their lives.

This shocked them very much.

This kid actually won the bet...

150 times the odds?

But at the same time, everyone is a little bit regretful. If this kid bets one million or even ten million, then this bet of more than one hundred times can be said to be a steady profit.

However, this kid only paid ten yuan, and in the end it was only 1,500 yuan in his hands.

What can I do if I get this little money? For them, this little money is not enough to eat a meal, and everyone can't help feeling a little regretful for the rest of their lives.

Haitang on the side looked at Yu Sheng with a little surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that Yu Sheng could actually guess it, which is interesting.

At the beginning, he didn't think Yu Sheng could guess it. He didn't expect this kid to guess it. It became more and more interesting. Haitang also looked at Yu Sheng in front of him with interest.

Yu Sheng smiled and said, "Sister, I will pay you back the ten dollars."

"Ha ha."

When Haitang heard the words, he smiled slightly, the first one tapped, and took the money. He looked at Yu Sheng with interest and said, "You can gamble?"

"Gambling?" Yu Sheng heard the words, smiled slightly, and said: "Gambling is not possible, but my luck is often better than ordinary people."

Hearing this, Haitang smiled slightly, and didn't say much. Luck is a vain thing. The most taboo thing about gambling is to rely on luck, luck, and it is impossible to always look after you.

Therefore, in his opinion, Yu Sheng's explanation is very pale.

At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at the top. At this time, the dice had been rolled again. As the dice was rolled, Yu Sheng smiled and said: "As the saying goes, it will be smashed, and it will fail again, and it will be exhausted. I will still bet three. Six."


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