As the Dragon King and Yu Sheng killed the others on the cruise ship, the cruise ship began to get on track, so the cruise ship gradually sailed towards the shore.

After this incident, countless rich people in the car were also very angry. They never expected that things would happen like this. Someone had such courage to seize the cruise ship, and then began to control the entire ship. Cruise ships, and even... hijack them.

Such incidents have made countless people angry.

Therefore, the entire cruise ship seems to be a little quiet. Obviously, many people are suffocated. They all want to know who hijacked the entire cruise ship...

If they know who they are, they don't mind spending money to hunt down this group of people.

Therefore, this has caused the people on the ship to be a little gloomy.

"Didi, rewards are being settled..."

But at this moment, a rush of voice resounded in Yu Sheng's mind.

With this rush of voice resounding in Yu Sheng's mind, Yu Sheng opened his eyes suddenly, and Yu Sheng's eyes flashed with excitement and anger.


Yu Sheng was a little excited. Unexpectedly, the system task was completed at this time. Yu Sheng was a little excited and said, "System, what is the reward?"

Soon, the voice of the system came, saying: "Didi, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The host killed 20 criminals and rewarded the host with 200 points of military merit."

"Didi, the host has completed the task, and the task completion is acceptable. It will reward the host with 400 points of military merit."

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] really good, it is worth installing one, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"Didi, the host's own physical fitness is detected, the host's attribute value is increased, and the host's attribute value is increased by 1 point."


When Yu Sheng heard these words, it was a shock for the rest of his life, revealing deep joy and wonder...

For the rest of my life, I never expected that my physical attribute value would have improved a little...

The rest of my life knew how difficult it was to increase the physical attribute value by 1 point, especially when the body attribute value was increased by 1 point without fusing any genes and blood, it was simply too difficult.

Unexpectedly, my attribute value increased by 1 point this time. For the rest of my life, I couldn't help but get a little excited...

"System, open the properties panel."


The next moment, an attribute panel appeared in front of Yu Sheng, and after this attribute panel appeared in front of Yu Sheng, this shocked Yu Sheng.

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 22 years old"

"Military Rank: Major"

"Attributes: bones 22, comprehension 22, physique 22, strength 22, speed 22 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 730 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, blood of a century-old dragon elephant animal, blood of a century-old golden winged dragon, blood of a century-old western white tiger, blood of a century-old snarling dog, blood of a century-old cannibal willow gene, a gene of a century-old drug addict, blood of a century-old unicorn animal, a century-old six Eared macaque blood, centuries-old Kunpeng beast blood, centuries-old bodhi heart, millennium Tyrannosaurus blood, millennium plum blossom gene, millennium chameleon blood, millennium candle dragon beast blood, millennium cactus gene, millennium poor strange beast blood, Wannian chaotic beast blood. Earth. Induction shooting, radar warning, earth simulation field, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps artifact, hacking skills, advanced data calculation, demining manual, shooting skills, training room, chess master, piano master, gunfighting, Intermediate medical skills, manual for explosive demolition, **** of gamblers-level gambling skills."

Yu Sheng looked at the skills and attributes above, and sure enough, in the attribute value column, his attribute value increased by 1 point.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but grasped both of his own. For a moment, this made Yu Sheng realize that his own strength has indeed been greatly improved.

"In this way, to what extent has my physical fitness improved?"

For the rest of my life, my eyes flickered...

You must know that his own combat power was already close to that of the Bing Sage before, and his own strength can be regarded as the realm of the junior Bing Sovereign, if according to the realm, he has almost reached the realm of the intermediate Bing Sovereign...

However, the realm of his own Intermediate Soldier Sovereign made Yu Sheng a little surprised.

Then can one's own strength break through the Bingsheng?

For the rest of his life, he pondered. If his combat power can break through to the Supreme Soldier Saint, then he is also a super master at the Soldier Saint level.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but think about how powerful this soldier is. This made Yu Sheng secretly shook his head. The soldier at the level of the soldier is not comparable to anyone. Although he has improved a lot, it is compared with the master of the soldier at the level. It seems to be a lot worse.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

At this time, Yu Sheng came to this deck. When Yu Sheng came to the deck, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, because Yu Sheng saw the Yes, it was the land.

In other words, they are about to land...

The moment I saw the land, Yu Sheng also felt a lot more relaxed. Fortunately, they did not meet the Ghost Legion. This Jones is really terrible. If they meet again, Yu Sheng believes that they will never escape Jones. Pursuing and killing, it can be said that there is no doubt that it will die.

Seeing the land, Yu Sheng was relieved, Jones and the others, it is rumored that people who could not land, once landed, they would fester and die. Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also secretly curious.

I don't know what is going on with Jones and others.

As for this so-called curse, Yu Sheng would not believe it.

Now in the scientific world, these so-called ghosts and gods are naturally untrustworthy.

At this time, the Dragon King slowly came to Yu Sheng's side, and the Dragon King glanced ahead, which made the Dragon King's eyes flash. The Dragon King, who was still worried, breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"It's landed..."

Along the way, Rao is the Dragon King, who feels full of passion. It can be said that it is passionate...

The Dragon King didn't expect that he would meet people from the Ghost Legion, and they were still alive on the cruise ship Legion, which made him a little surprised.

Especially this Jones shocked the Dragon King.

At least they are super masters at the level of Emperor Bing, even he felt a kind of pressure, that kind of pressure made him a little breathless...

Seeing the land, this made the Dragon King breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing the land means that they are a lot safer, but...So far, I don’t know where this land is.

What they will face next is still a big trouble.

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