I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1329: Sign in

As the cruise ship approached gradually, soon, the cruise ship came to this shore.

After the cruise ship came to the shore, Yu Sheng and the Dragon King quickly landed on the shore. The two of them looked at each other, and then, they rushed to the distance as fast as lightning.

This is because they don't want others to know where they are.

Yu Sheng and Dragon King quickly left here, and this Haitang also gradually followed.

Haitang's speed is not very slow.

In a short while, they came to a place. Yu Sheng frowned and looked around, and said in a condensed voice, "What the **** is this place?"

The Dragon King glanced at random and pondered for a moment before he slowly said: "I don't know where this is. I am afraid that we are going to return to Huaxia. It is really troublesome, but the problem is not big. Come pick us up."

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

Yu Sheng looked around, frowning, which made Yu Sheng feel indescribable.

Yu Sheng glanced at it seriously. These people looked very simple in their clothes. They were jeans and other things. As for the feet, they were wearing a pair of slippers. Some people were wearing slippers that looked like they were carried by a car belt. from.

As for these people, they are all black people.

These people are just like coming out of a pile of coal, but their teeth are still white.

"Couldn't it really come to the African black team?"

Yu Sheng murmured a few words in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more Yu Sheng felt that he might have really come to the African construction team...

It's so dark, no matter how it looks like a little black African.

It's just that this ship, why is it coming here.

For the rest of my life, I didn't know what was going on.


Last time, Yu Sheng had been to Africa.

Yu Sheng also knew that this side was full of dangers, and there were even some criminals threatening the surrounding people, which can be said to be very chaotic.

In particular, the area of ​​the Mediterranean in Africa is almost messy.

The rest of his life did not expect it to come here, which is not a good thing for them.

What's more, for the rest of his life, it is the Yin Division.

The Yin Division is a huge monster. Even the rest of his life does not know how deep the power behind him is. So far, what he knows is only the tip of the Yin Division's iceberg.

He had killed a lot of people with the genitals, the bull's head was killed by him, and Dr. James was also killed by him...even black and white impermanence.

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He even destroyed a small laboratory in Yinsi. He believed that the people in Yinsi would definitely want to kill them.

If the yin-in-law person knows that he is here, the yin-in-law person will definitely do something to him.

This is really troublesome.

For the rest of his life, he thought secretly.

"You two ran so fast..."

At this time, Haitang swiftly chased up. As Haitang chased up, Yu Sheng and Dragon King frowned, and they glanced at Haitang.

"How did you catch up?" Yu Sheng asked rhetorically.

I thought that after getting off the boat, Haitang would want to leave here, but I didn't expect Haitang to chase after him. This was puzzled for the rest of my life.

Yu Sheng didn't really want to go with Haitang. After all, they were two troops. Moreover, Yu Sheng still had some doubts about Haitang, thinking that he was not from the Elf Commando.

"Of course I'm looking for you." Haitang couldn't help but said, "You two guys are really fast. I didn't catch up. Fortunately, you stopped, otherwise you really can't catch up."

Haitang's expression revealed a little bit of resentment, as if she was a deep-bodied resentful woman.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his brows were furrowed, he took a deep look at Haitang, and faintly said, "What are you doing with us? You have your troops. You can contact your troops and let him pick you up."

Hearing this, Haitang spoke casually and said: "Contacting the troops is so easy. Moreover, if you are not careful, you may lose your life in such a broken place, so it is better to be safe with you."

"Do you know what place this is?" Yu Sheng frowned and asked.

"This is Africa." Haitang said, "Don't you see that these people are all small black people, except for some parts of the palms of their teeth that are white, and everything else is black."


When Yu Sheng heard this, he was speechless for a while, he also guessed at the beginning, and Yu Sheng also knew that this place was very dangerous and left aside, but... this virus is also very exaggerated.

For example, Ebola virus. Once this thing becomes ill, it will definitely die. Daluo gods cannot save it. It is not just Ebola. There are many viruses that have appeared this year. In fact, the reason for this is because the people here, A lot of things are eaten, here is relatively poor, and the food to eat is also messy, which is the main reason for the illness.

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are some other dangers potentially here.

Yu Sheng thought for a while and asked: "Then where are we?"

"Probably in Somalia." Haitang said casually.


When Yu Sheng heard the name, it made Yu Sheng's face black.


Yes, it is the so-called pirates. This area of ​​pirates is popular, but it is not a good place, and it is also very close to the most chaotic place. The rest of my life did not expect that I would be in this area.

If it is in this area, it is indeed very troublesome.

For the rest of his life, brows furrowed.

"Hey, how about the three of us, how about traveling together?" Haitang asked immediately.

Yu Sheng took a deep look at Haitang, and said faintly: "I don't recommend you stay with us."

"Why?" Haitang was taken aback.

"Very dangerous." Yu Sheng said indifferently: "I have an enemy, and the enemy is very powerful. I am not an opponent. If the enemy comes to the door, he will definitely die."

When Haitang heard the words, he smiled and said, "We don't know how many tasks we have done. We didn't spend one time in danger, so...what is this danger?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile: "Really?"

"Then if you run into someone with the Yinsi, the Yinsi person will kill me. I hope you can say this again."


As soon as these words came out, Haitang's expression changed slightly: "What... Yinsi?"

When the Dragon King on the side of Rao heard the name Yin Si, he revealed a little dignity. Obviously, even the Dragon King knew the horror of Yin Si.

This Yin Division is a very terrifying force. They appear like ghosts, and ordinary Yin Division people pursue their lives.

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