I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1465: Terrible calculation

Yu Sheng smiled softly and calmly said: "If I expected it well... you should be able to control the birds easily."

As soon as Yu Sheng's words were spoken, for a time, the expression of God's Eye changed slightly, and God's Eye looked towards Yu Sheng with dignity.

The Eye of God did not expect that someone would know his secret. You must know that his secret has been known to him only by himself, and no one else knows it.

When fighting in the past, he relied on these birds to obtain the information he wanted to know. In his body, he has a very special ability. This very special ability can make some birds Help yourself get the news you want to know.

Almost no one has this kind of ability. Once, he has studied his own ability, but he hasn't researched one, two or three.

Of course, this does not mean that he can talk to the birds, but that he has that psychological feeling. In this case, it is unclear and the way is unknown, even he himself does not know the specific situation.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng revealed the deepest secret in his heart.

God's eyes stared at Yu Sheng with solemn expression.

For the rest of his life, he smiled and said, "What? I didn't guess wrong, did I?"

The Eye of God took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice, "But even so, how can you fool my eyes."

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "As long as I lied to the eyes of these birds, then naturally I can lied to your eyes. I can do whatever it takes. In this way, you will inevitably lose out."

"On the battlefield, the victory or defeat is only a moment, as long as the difference in the strength of the troops is not too great, the victory or defeat is still unknown."

Yu Sheng's words made Eye of God couldn't help taking a breath. From Yu Sheng's words, Eye of God felt something terrifying.

Tricked the eyes of these birds? How can this be?

How did he deceive these birds' eyes? This is totally unreasonable. After all, so many birds are staring at Yu Sheng's group all the time. How did he do it?

God's eyes can't even dream about how to do it for the rest of his life.

However, the Eye of God did not know that the reason why Yu Sheng achieved this level was actually the combination of the second form of the blood of the Thousand-Year Candle Dragon and God's Warcraft.

Therefore, I deceived the eyes of God.

In particular, God’s Weapon Art, which pays more attention to details, seems to have taken every step to the extreme. Therefore, the Eye of God will be defeated so miserably.

The eyes of God stared at the rest of his life.

"Now, the battle is over." Yu Sheng took a deep breath and slowly said, "You have lost."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the Eye of God took a deep breath. Suddenly, there was a feeling of relief in the Eye of God. It seemed that he was no longer alone or lonely.

In fact, many times, people are in high positions, and over time, they will find that they have no friends and are very lonely, not even an opponent, that kind of loneliness, other people cannot understand.

The Eye of God calmly said: "You are right, I lost."

"However, I have to thank you for defeating me."

The sudden change in God's Eye was for the rest of his life, and was slightly surprised. For the rest of his life, he did not expect that God's Eye would say such a sentence? what is happening?

The rest of my life looked at the eyes of God in surprise and listened to what the words mean.

The Eye of God smiled and said: "For these years, I have been alone by myself. That kind of feeling is very lonely. You defeated me and let me find my goal again."

"One day, I will defeat you again."

When the eyes of God finished saying these words, Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

For the rest of his life, I probably understood the loneliness of God's Eye.

Experts are often lonely as snow.

"I'm waiting for you."

For the rest of his life he laughed.

At this time, the Eye of God took a deep breath and simply chose to admit defeat. The Eye of God was not killed by Yu Sheng, but chose to admit defeat.

Because the eyes of God also want to retain their last dignity.

As the Eye of God chose to admit defeat, for a while, everyone here was shocked to see this scene before them, and their eyes were full of incredible incredibleness.

"How can it be……"

Especially the people at the Children of God Academy, they all looked at the eyes of God in front of them incredible. They never dreamed that the eyes of God would lose, and they lost so thoroughly.

How can this be?

The eye of God...that is the eye of God, the eye of God, with this art of war, has absolute crushing strength. Throughout the younger generation, those who can compare with the eye of God can almost be said to be. No.

But I didn't even dream of...

The Eye of God actually lost.

And they lost so thoroughly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finally, the Eye of God chose to admit defeat?

None of the people present could believe their eyes.

Looking at Alpha and the others, after they saw the Eye of God admit defeat, for a while, they couldn't help but take a breath.

In that heart, there was even more turbulent waves, and they were finally a little scared.

"Lost... How could this guy lose..."

When the gods saw this, they were all dumbfounded and unbelievable. This was the eye of God, and how terrifying the eye of God was, they knew best.

Unexpectedly, the Eye of God lost to an unknown boy.

As far as they are concerned, they were unwilling and felt that they were careless, but later, they also saw the terrible place of the rest of their lives, but they did not expect that the Eye of God had more than 200,000 troops than the rest of their lives. Will lose this game, you know, this one is the Eye of God.

"This kid is really terrible. Even the Eye of God is not the opponent of this guy." At this time, Alpha couldn't help taking a breath.

"How on earth did this kid do it? How do I feel that in the last scene, the Eye of God seems to have failed the calculation?" Yin Xiangnan raised his brows and said in a deep voice.

When Yin Xiangnan said that, the black angel, day messenger and others all frowned. Obviously, they also seemed to have noticed something.

"That said, it is true." The black angel said solemnly: "This God's eye is very calculating. He can almost know every step of the rest of his life along the way, but... this time, God's I miscalculated and didn't figure out what I wanted to do next for the rest of my life."

"Could it be that the third eye of the Eye of God has failed?"

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