"The Eye of God relies on the perception of the battlefield. He can calculate our every next move and prepare in advance. He can observe the entire battlefield. Unexpectedly, his ability is miscalculated. If If the expectation is good, it must be that this Chinese kid has a way to circumvent this ability." Siam said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid so..."

"This kid has defeated the Eye of God, I am afraid he will become the first man in the art of war..."


All of the people present were all talking about it. They were all shocked by Yu Sheng, and even they gradually became afraid of Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng is a real master.

Even the God’s Eye, the proud man of heaven, was defeated by Yu Sheng. This was very shocking for them. For a long time, they thought that the rest of their lives was just to make up the number, and the rest of life did not even have the chance to enter the quarterfinals. , But never thought that this guy not only entered the quarter-finals, but even... in the quarter-finals, he directly won the championship, and even the Eye of God was defeated.


At this time, Mao Xiaogang, Lin Qingfeng and others stared straight at the scene in front of them. For a while, this made them all, very shocked.

But more is joy.

Mao Xiaogang and the others never expected that Yu Sheng actually won the eye of God. They never dreamed that there would be such a result.

"This kid, really terrifying, won the eye of God, how did this kid do it?" Lin Qingfeng said with excitement at this time.

"Yes, in the last battle, the calculation of the Eye of God seemed to be miscalculated. Unexpectedly, this kid Yu Sheng is so powerful that even the Eye of God is not his opponent." Mao Xiaogang was also a little excited. : "The rest of my life can be said to be the first person in the younger generation."

"Really a genius."

"That is, this is the apprentice I taught. Isn't he good?" Zhang Guoshan was also quite proud after hearing these words, as if he had won the first place himself.

When Mao Xiaogang heard this, Wei Wei was a little speechless. Didn't you just show people some Guigu art of war? Besides, you want to teach others, can you teach? People teach you that it's pretty much the same.

But Mao Xiaogang didn't say this.

"This kid Yu Sheng really gave us a long face... This time, Yu Sheng won the championship. Looking at the younger generation, there are only a handful of people who can compare to the rest of your life. It's kind of interesting." Sirius smiled.

"Yes... Yu Sheng, this kid, is completely famous this time. When the Yu Sheng grows up in the future, it will inevitably make those enemies frightened."

"But... the situation for the rest of my life is also quite dangerous, we have to protect him."

"You are right. The group of guys outside can't see that such a genius grows up. Once such a genius grows, it will be extremely unfavorable for them. Maybe they will do the rest of their lives. We have to send someone to do a good job. For the rest of my life."

For a time.

All of them are excited here.

For the rest of his life, he won the Eye of God and almost occupied the throne of the championship.

"not good……"

But at this moment, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. This sudden situation caused Sirius and others to exclaim, "The rest of their lives is in danger..."

This sound resounded, and Mao Xiaogang and Zhang Guoshan and others were all pulled over, and Mao Xiaogang and others looked at the big screen in unison.

The moment they saw the big screen, Mao Xiaogang and others were all shocked and inexplicable.

"It's the Red Devil... It's the Red Devil."

The sudden situation caused all the faces of the people present to change slightly.

"Almost forgot, the Red Devil was not killed by the Eye of God before, and there are still 200,000 soldiers and horses in the Red Devil's hands... Obviously, the Red Devil is taking advantage of the fisherman's profit..."

When the people present saw this scene in front of them, the expressions of Mao Xiaogang, Zhang Guoshan and others were extremely gloomy.

They almost forgot, there is another person on this battlefield.

Right now, Yu Sheng’s troops are obviously insufficient. The Red Devil has a total of 200,000 troops, while Yu Sheng seems to be only 50,000. With a gap of four times the number of troops, Yu Sheng cannot be the opponent of the Red Devil. what……

For a while, all the people present looked at the scene with ugly faces, and they were very nervous.


On the battlefield, after the Red Devil saw that Yu Sheng had only such a small amount of soldiers and horses, the Red Devil couldn’t help laughing anymore. The Red Devil stared at Yu Sheng from a distance, and also held the communication system with him. Dialogue for the rest of my life.

"Huaxia, I'm afraid you didn't expect it? On the battlefield, I'm not dead yet." The Red Devil's voice resounded from the communication system.

His voice is full of wild laughter.

The Red Devil has always been hiding here, waiting for the rest of his life and the Eye of God to lose. At first, the Red Devil thought that the Eye of God would win the war~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but this result was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect that the Eye of God didn't win, and he also lost. The loss was very thorough, and he lost to an unknown boy.

Such a result, even if he was slightly horrified, he did not expect that the matter would turn out to be such a result.

He even suspected that Yu Sheng was dead, otherwise, how did Yu Sheng do it?

Logically speaking, Yu Sheng should not be the opponent of God's Eye...

But for the rest of his life he won.


Even if Yu Sheng wins, Yu Sheng is a miserable victory, because Yu Sheng’s troops have been exhausted. When God’s Eye defeated him, he still had 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hand. These 200,000 soldiers and horses, at this time It can be said that it is crucial.

Unexpectedly, he really took advantage of the fisherman's profit, and even had a chance to win the championship. For a while, this is the Red Devil with indescribable excitement.

"Ha ha."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he chuckled. There was no panic in Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng spoke lightly, "What about."


After the Red Devil heard Yu Sheng's words, for a while, the Red Devil was shocked. Obviously, the Red Devil didn't expect Yu Sheng to say such a sentence?

Then what?

What is then?

What does it mean then?

But the Red Devil quickly reacted. The Red Devil stared at Yu Sheng coldly, and said solemnly: "Then, you will become my defeated man, and then I will aspire to the championship."

After listening to it for the rest of his life, he burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" The Red Devil heard Yu Sheng's laughter, which made the Red Devil a little angry, and the Red Devil yelled.

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