I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1508: fighting

Just when Wulong Shen thought of this, this person slowly walked to Yu Sheng, this person stared at Yu Sheng in front of him, his eyes flashed with a strange light.

This person said in a condensed voice: "My name is Li Changshan, please advise."

When Li Changshan's words fell, Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and Yu Sheng said calmly: "Yu Sheng."

Yu Sheng's words made Li Changshan smile coldly, Li Changshan took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and in a moment, Li Changshan shouted.

Li Changshan stepped to the front of Yu Sheng. Then, Li Changshan slammed into Yu Sheng with a punch. Li Changshan's punch was fast and accurate, and it was extremely sharp and fierce.

When Li Changshan's punch hit Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng also narrowed his eyes.

The next moment...

Suddenly, Yu Sheng stretched out his right hand. Just when Yu Sheng's right hand was about to touch Li Changshan's punch, Yu Sheng's right hand spun quickly.

Suddenly, Yu Sheng's right hand seemed to have a very special power, guiding Li Changshan, which made Li Changshan also slightly startled.

"what happened?"

Li Changshan perceives the suddenness of this scene, but Li Changshan is a little confused, because this sudden situation for the rest of his life is really weird, Li Changshan doesn't know what is going on? Why did it become like this...

His own punch seemed to be relieved of strength.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly grabbed his arm with his backhand. The sudden situation shocked Li Changshan. With a sweep of his legs, Li Changshan swept towards Yu Sheng, wanting to give the rest of his life. Retreat, but...

For the rest of his life at this time, he had been prepared for the rest of his life, raising his leg to block the blow.

Yu Sheng’s left hand was also slapped towards Li Changshan. When Yu Sheng was about to take a photo of Li Changshan, Li Changshan noticed it, and for a moment, stretched out the arm of his left hand and blocked it in front of his chest. This palm of Yu Sheng It was shot on Li Changshan's arm.


Li Changshan snorted, and then, Yu Sheng's whole body suddenly approached Li Changshan, and Yu Sheng stepped on Li Changshan's crotch. Then, Yu Sheng's shoulder slammed into Li Changshan's body, bang. The doctor, Li Changshan's body, flew upside down fiercely.

At this moment, Li Changshan suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng, and there was a little shock in Li Changshan's eyes.


Li Changshan took a few steps back, and then he took a look to stabilize his figure. At this moment, many people were screaming in exclamation.


"This kid is a bit powerful."

"Yeah... Li Changshan is not this kid's opponent?"

"What's the situation? Li Changshan was actually pushed back by the kid in front of him? What international joke is this?"

For a while, the people around saw the scene in front of them, which made them slightly surprised and shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that things would turn out to be like this.

It's them, it's very shocking.

However, this scene was seen by the God of Wulong. It was the God of Wulong, who was slightly surprised. God of Wulong took a deep look at Yu Sheng and thought a little.

God Wulong murmured: "It seems that Elder Hai taught all his Tai Chi to this kid? This kid is really fateful, and even Elder Hai can get in touch..."

Others may not know.

But Wulong Shen knew.

In the past, there were countless people who sought advice from Elder Hai, and they all wanted to have the relationship with Elder Shanghai, but Elder Hai never paid attention to these people.

But he didn't expect that Elder Hai actually gave these to Yu Sheng, and even Wulong Shen didn't think about it for a while, what the situation was.

Why did Ebi give this to the Wulong God? It really makes a difference.

"Come again..."

Li Changshan couldn't believe his eyes, and in an instant, Li Changshan flew in front of Yu Sheng again, punching his position extremely fast, and every punch was so dazzling.


Yu Sheng's whole body seemed to have eyes long, and when Li Changshan's punch came over, every one of these punches was actually received by Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng received every punch, and it was still so smooth, almost no punch was hit on Yu Sheng's body. However, if you look closely at this, Yu Sheng's movements are so slow.

At such a weird scene, the Wulong God who was watching became more and more surprised.

Wulong Shen thought secretly: "This kid, really only studied with Hai Lao for an hour? In just one hour, you can learn Tai Chi to this level? Are you kidding?"

Wulong Shen couldn't believe his eyes. There was martial arts saying that these days, he had known it for a long time, but if you want to learn well, it doesn't happen overnight.

In Huaxia.

In fact, many things require long-term persistence. For example, if you learn Chinese medicine well, it will be of great benefit to the human body. Compared with Western medicine, it is more than one grade better.

In addition, this martial arts also takes a long time to practice. The longer the age, the stronger this ability is generally speaking.

Unexpectedly, after only an hour of studying for the rest of my life, I can use it to learn and sell, which is really interesting.

Wulong Shen continued to watch the scene in front of him.

At this time, Li Changshan was also a little uncomfortable by Yu Sheng. I don’t know why. He just felt that Yu Sheng’s hand in front of him seemed to have a kind of suction. That kind of suction made his fists feel like The stone sinks into the sea, and can't use a single bit of strength at all, such a strange scene, this is Li Changshan's face is extremely ugly.

"Come again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Changshan screamed, Li Changshan once again attacked Yu Sheng, this Li Changshan is also a master of the soldier saint level, the combat effectiveness is extremely strong, he did not expect that he would not be able to lose his name. The legendary kid.

This made Li Changshan suffocated.

at the same time.

When the people around saw this scene in front of them, they also started to point their fingers.

At this time, someone couldn't help but said, "Who is this kid in front of him? This kid can fight Li Changshan to such an extent? Where did our chief find such a master?"

"Yeah... Judging from the traces on this kid, this kid is indeed a bit uncomfortable, but it's really..."

"This time, Changshan is probably going to suffer a bit."

"This kid is really a freak. In the face of Li Changshan, he could not panic, even counterattack, and even made Li Changshan helpless."

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