I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1509: The Wrathful Dragon God

The people around were talking a lot. They were all shocked by the scene in front of them. They didn't expect that for the rest of their lives, they would be so powerful.

After all, Li Changshan's strength, they still know very well.

With the battle between Yu Sheng and Li Changshan, it has reached a fever pitch. At this time, Yu Sheng has become more proficient in Tai Chi.

If Li Changshan knew that the rest of his life at this time was just using him to temper his Tai Chi, I am afraid that Li Changshan would also be furious.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng and Li Changshan bumped into each other, and the two separated instantly. At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly looked at Li Changshan, Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed, with some sharp gazes.

For the rest of his life, he stared straight at Li Changshan in front of him.

And Li Changshan, staring at the rest of his life in front of him with a blue face, Li Changshan’s eyes were mixed with a little bit of coldness, and he also expected that for so long, he had not solved the rest of his life in front of him. For a while, this made him I also feel that I can't come to Taiwan.

"What is your skill?" Li Changshan took a deep breath at this time and said in a deep voice.

He felt a sense of kung fu in Yu Sheng, so Li Changshan had this question.

"Tai Chi."

For the rest of his life he laughed.


After Li Changshan heard these two words, even Li Changshan was stunned on the spot, Li Changshan suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng, obviously...

He didn't expect that Yu Sheng would give him such an answer. For a while, even Li Changshan was a little dumbfounded.

Tai Chi?

Your uncle, can Tai Chi be used to play against? What international joke is this?


Tai Chi is not a game that the old man in the park often plays? How can it be used to fight? Besides, Tai Chi is so slow...

This meat is Li Changshan, and he was stunned in an instant. For a while, Li Changshan was even more furious. In Li Changshan's view, Yu Sheng was mocking him.

Can Tai Chi be used against it? This is totally insulting him.

"Come again."

Li Changshan roared and stepped forward suddenly to Yu Sheng. At this moment, Li Changshan was also a little furious, so...

When the punch hit Yu Sheng, it was almost accurate, and it was mixed with a little coldness and killing intent, and the sudden style of painting made Yu Sheng also frowned.

At this time Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"It's almost time to end."

When Yu Sheng thought of this place, under these many gazes, Yu Sheng not only did not retreat, on the contrary, he still slammed Li Changshan with a punch in the most positive posture.

"The blood of the thousand-year-old poor strange beast, the second form, the tiger and the leopard Leiyin."

The same punch was blasted out.


When Yu Sheng's fist blasted out, there was still the sound of dragons and tigers roaring. The roaring sound made everyone around them look drastically changed.

"This is Tiger Lei Yin..."

At this time, someone finally couldn't help but exclaimed. With this exclamation resounding, the next moment... Yu Sheng's fists and Li Changshan's fists collided fiercely.


The muffled sound of fists collided, and then resounded.

However, Li Changshan's face was slightly shocked. Then, his body suddenly shook, and his body flew out directly.

Looking at Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng is still standing in place, making an attack.


Li Changshan's body fell to the ground fiercely. At this moment, Li Changshan looked at Yu Sheng in surprise, his eyes full of shock.

"How can it be…"

Li Changshan stared at Yu Sheng unbelievably. Li Changshan never expected that Yu Sheng's body would suddenly burst into such a strong explosive force. This terrible explosive force shocked him.

You know, his explosive power is already very strong, and he didn't expect to be stronger for the rest of his life. This guy, where is the freak that ran out, how can he be so strong?

At first, Li Changshan thought it was just a simple matter to solve Yu Sheng, but now it seems that things are obviously not the same thing.

At this moment, Li Changshan took a deep breath.

He stared at Yu Sheng with scorching eyes, and it could be seen from this punch alone that Li Changshan had lost.

Moreover, the loss was very thorough.

Yu Sheng looked at Li Changshan, smiled and said, "I have accepted it."

Li Changshan took a deep breath. He didn't speak, and he walked into the team. At this time, Wulong Shen couldn't help but glanced at Yu Sheng with a little surprise. Wulong Shen didn't expect that Yu Sheng, this kid, would be so powerful. So strong, this Rao is the Martial Dragon God, can't help but look at Yu Sheng twice.

"This kid, it seems that his strength has improved again?"

Wulong Shen thought secretly, at that time, he knew Yu Sheng's strength, but didn't expect how long it would take? The progress of the rest of his life has reached this level?

It's really scary.

At this time, God of Wulong looked at his soldiers again, God of Wulong looked at the people present indifferently, and God of Wulong calmly said: "Now, who else is unconvinced? If you are unconvinced, you can come up. Contest against him."

As Wulong Shen said this sentence, for a while, everyone around him looked at each other. They all saw the battle between Yu Sheng and Li Changshan very clearly. In Yu Sheng, there were indeed two brushes. Li Changshan did. Not Yu Sheng's opponents, among them, they are basically not Yu Sheng's opponents.

Therefore, none of them stood up. It was not that they were afraid of the rest of their lives, but that it was completely unnecessary. Even if they stood up, the outcome would be no different from Li Changshan.

"No one has come forward?" At this time, Wulong God raised his brows, and UU Read www.uukanshu.com immediately yelled: "Look at what you look like, even one who has just joined the army for a few years. No recruits can beat it."

As soon as Wulongshen's words were spoken, Yu Sheng's expression became a little unnatural. Wulongshen, what did these words mean at this time? Isn't this drawing hatred for him? What is this going on.

However, after hearing this sentence, the soldiers under Wulongshen couldn't help being a little surprised. Only a few years after enlisting in the army, they could reach this level. What international joke is this?

However, still no one came forward, and Wulong Shen was even more annoyed: "I think all of you should be reinvented. One person singled out a group of you. This is the strength you have shown me?"

"I see you all, I will go back and study again."

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