If it is someone with a dark heart, he will definitely take the rest of his life with him. Once on the battlefield, he will try to expose a flaw for the rest of his life and kill the enemy directly. In this way, no one can find evidence. After all, people are He died in the enemy's snatch, how do you find this evidence?

Can't you catch the enemy for interrogation? This is obviously unrealistic.


Lei Yun snorted. For Yu Sheng, Lei Yun was uncomfortable. He was interested in Wu Zeqing, and Yu Sheng became Wu Zeqing's fiancé. How could this make him comfortable.

If he could really kill the rest of his life, he would definitely kill the rest of his life without hesitation.

"Well, there will be another person coming in a while, and the four of you will sit here for a while." At this time, the Wulong God spoke.


Hearing Wulong Shen made a decision, everyone present nodded slightly.

For the rest of his life, his eyes narrowed.

Time passed by a little bit. At this time, Leiyun, Leiyu and others were chatting, but Yu Sheng was obviously excluded, and Yu Sheng did not pay attention to these three people.

This Wulong God also noticed this scene, and the corner of Wulong God's mouth also raised a faint smile, but Wulong God did not say anything.

Of course, Wulong Shen had this idea, and it was not sudden.

Although this Leiyun and Yu Sheng didn't deal with each other, but...

Wulongshen still believes in their cooperation. China has extremely strict rules for people who betray their teammates and betray the country.

Once it appears, it is likely to be shot directly.

Moreover, from the very beginning, some ideas were instilled into them, so that they could unite and cooperate. Therefore, this led to them all having such a seed.

They will not attack their own people in this situation, which is also the confidence of Wulong Shen.


But when everyone was sitting quietly, a knock on the door resounded. With this knock on the door, everyone present looked at the door of the house, and for the rest of their lives, they stood up and turned towards the door. Walking past the door, when Yu Sheng opened the door, suddenly, a figure came into Yu Sheng's eyes.

At this time, the rest of his life was slightly shocked.

This is a woman.

This woman was wearing a military uniform and wearing a military cap, and the whole person seemed to have a sense of heroism, which was surprisingly surprising.

Yu Sheng took a close look at the woman, then stepped away and said, "Please come in."

This woman stepped in and walked in. After the woman walked into the house, at this time, Thunder Cloud and Lei Yu and others looked at this woman.

At this time, Raiden suddenly smiled and said, "The clouds are coming."

"Yun Duo, I didn't expect that the person working with us would be you, which really surprised me." Lei Yu also laughed.

"Yeah, just now we were still talking about you coming. Unexpectedly, you came." Lei Yun also said with a smile.

Yun Duo's beautiful eyes glanced at these people. At this time, Yun Duo smiled and said calmly: "I didn't think that I could do this task with you, but it was a bit unexpected."

At this time, the God of Wulong looked at Yunduo, and Yunduo paid a military salute to the God of Wulong. Yunduo said: "Yunduo reports."


Wulong Shen smiled and nodded, and said, "I knew that those stinky boys would definitely push you out in the end."

Yun Duo smiled when he heard the words, but Yun Duo didn't say anything.

At this time, God of Wulong took a deep look at the clouds, and God of Wulong calmly said: "I have already told them about the mission this time. Let them talk to you later."

"This mission is also a challenge for you, but it is also a danger at the same time." When Wu Long Shen said this, Wu Long Shen's expression was also unspeakably solemn.

Wulongshen continued: "This time, other forces are bound to win this alien technology."

"We want to do the same."

"This time the alien technology is very important to us. Once these things fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, they will cause huge trouble."

"So, this time, no matter what, we have to get things in our hands."

Along with the words of Wulong God, the clouds heard the words, and the willow brows clustered. Obviously, the clouds at this time were also quite solemn, and the clouds did not expect that this time things were unexpected for him. It is so important.

"Yes." Yunduo and others solemnly nodded to take the lead when they heard this.

"By the way, when you go out this time, pay attention to the Yin Division, God organizes such forces, and now major forces appear one after another, if they are expected to be good, they may also **** this alien technology." Wulong Shen once again Opened the mouth.

"Even they appeared?" After Yunduo heard this sentence, for a while, Yunduo was slightly surprised. Obviously, Yunduo had heard of this Yin Division and God's organization.

These organizations have left a reputation in the international community, and they are very powerful.

Anyone who was followed by them would be very troublesome. She didn't expect that these forces would be born one after another, and it really became more lively as they got older.

"Yeah." Wu Longshen nodded and said: "They have already appeared. When you go out, pay attention to these strange organizations and beware of them."


Yun Duo and Lei Yun nodded slightly and responded.

"Well, now you have a day off. Tomorrow morning, there will be a special plane to take you out of here." At this time, Wulong God said.

"Chief, are there only five of us who perform the task? Are the others not following?"

"Ha ha."

Wulongshen smiled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "This time I will personally lead the team, but I will not follow you together, so you have to rely on yourself for this matter."

The words of Wulong God made everyone nodded slightly, and everyone said nothing.

"Well, you all go to rest." Wulong Shen waved his hand: "The rest room has been arranged for you."


With an order, Yu Sheng, Lei Yun and others all left here one after another. After the group of people left the house, Lei Yun glanced at Yu Sheng and snorted coldly.

Obviously, Lei Yun was extremely dissatisfied with Yu Sheng.

At this time, the thunder and lightning and thunderstorms left here one after another, and when everyone left, the clouds at this time turned their eyes on Yu Sheng.

At this time, the rest of his life also noticed Yun Duo's gaze, and looked at Yun Duo.

"You are the rest of your life?"

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